Tree bros- Double confession

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~Evans POV~
Dear Evan Hansen,
Today is going to be a scary day and here's why:
Today is the day I tell Connor Murphy I like him. How? Well, I'm going to go up to him and just say, "hey I know we've been friends for a while and all but I just think I need to tell you, I like you." Am I going to stutter? 100%. Is that going to stop me? No.
Sincerely, Me.

~Connors POV~
"Ugh, I have to tell him someday!" He muttered "Well, I guess there's never a better time than the present." Today I tell Evan Hansen I like him. Why today? I'm tired of waiting. And there is a big party today. That's where I'll tell him. Then I hear my door open. "Hey Connor! It's almost time for the party" Zoe yelled at him. "Yeah, yeah, I'll get ready.". I have to look good.

~Evans POV~
"Oh fern! It's almost time for the party! I better start getting ready!" Evan walked over to his closet and opened it up. "How about.....this suit!" He pulled out a black, very formal suit and put it on. "Yeah, this looks good!" He checks the time. "Oh, I better get going!"

~Connors POV~
I was at the party. Did I REALLY want to do this? I guess there is no turning back now. I hear the door open. I look to see and speak of the devil, it's Mr.Hansen. He is wearing a formal black suit. Not really appropriate for the occasion, but he still looked amazing. I could feel my face getting warm as I stared at him. Whenever I saw him, it felt like heaven on earth... OH SHIT HE SEES ME STARING

~Evans POV~
I open the door. I was going to do this. And it was going to be tonight. I look around for Connor, I see him. And he is, is he... staring at me? Oh shoot, I don't think he likes my outfit, or-or maybe it's my hair... and then we make eye contact. I feel my face get warm. I hide me face in my hands and am on the verge of tears.
~Connors POV~
Is- is Evan- crying? Oh nononono- I rush over to him and give him a hug "What's wrong Evan?" I whispered to him. "It's just that... I-I have s-something r-really important to t-tell you-" he says through his sobs. "I-I actually do too." I say, still whispering. "R-really?" He says, crying less. "Yeah...I just really needed to say, I really like you. Like, more than a friend." He starts crying again.

~Evans POV~
Did- did Connor just confess? I start crying from happiness. Connor releases the hug and says "E-Evan I'm so sorry I should probably just leave now-" I pull him back into a hug and I hear stupid Jared behind us say "Ha! Called it!". I look up to see Connor flip him off and saying "Shut the fuck up bathbomb eater.". I giggle. I say "but no, p-please don't go-" Connor responds by taking me to the back where there is no one else. "Connor Murphy- did- did you just confess to me?" I say surprisingly without stuttering. "Well yeah... I kinda did" I ask "Connor Murphy- can I- can I kiss you?" Connor responds with "oh yeah- um yEs it's cool like please I've been waiting?" I quickly press my lips against his- wrapping my arms around his neck- he is hesitant for a moment- but then kisses back. We stay like that until Connor decides to start making out. I go along with it- letting him take the lead.

                             ~Connors POV~
I couldn't believe it. I was actually making out with Evan Hansen, the boy of my dreams. I love him so much and I never want to let him go. Until I hear a cup hit the floor and a my sisters voice say "Oh. My. God!!! My brother is making out with tree boy?!?!?" I immediately pull away from Evan, who is redder than a tomato. I begin to feel my face get burning hot. "Zoe!?!?! What are you doing here???" I am a deep shade of crimson by now. "Lana! Come look! I saw them making out! I even got a pic!" I become furious. "YOU GOT WHAT??? GIVE ME YOUR GOD DAMN PHONE RIGHT NOW OR I WILL FUCKING-". I feel Evan grab onto my arm and now my face has  so much blood in it it feels like it might explode. And then I hear whimpering. Oh fuck. Evans crying again.

                               ~Evans POV~
Connor is yelling at Zoe. I don't like it so I grab Connors arm and begin crying, for the third time tonight. "Connie, just let her have the photo, and please stop yelling."

                             ~Connors POV~
Fuck. I made Evan cry. "Evan oh my god I'm so sorry..." I give him a hug and he hugs back. Zoe is still standing there with Alana just enjoying the show. I put my face in Evan's hair. He stops crying. "I'm so so sorry Evan...".

                                 ~Evans POV~
"I accept your apology." I snuggle into his chest. I love him. How could I not forgive him? He's just so... amazing, and wonderful, and beautiful... like- like a tree. My second favorite thing. He is my first favorite.

                                 ~Connors POV~
I love Evan. I love him so much. I want to marry him. Is that a little far? Eh, who cares. It's love.

929 words

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