Tree bros- The orchard

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TW: Suicide attempt, self harm mentions
Third person POV
Connor and Evan were driving around aimlessly together until Evan decided he wanted to go somewhere. "Hey Con, can we go somewhere where there is a lot of trees? Like, an orchard maybe?" "Hm?" Connor thought about this for a second. "Well, there is one place I know, it's an orchard me and my family used to have picnics in before, it all kind of fell apart." Evan felt bad about making Connor go somewhere he might not want to go, so he spoke up. "O-only if your ok with it!" Connor laughed. "Of course I'm ok with it, Evie!" Evan immediately felt his face get warm. He loved it when Connor called him nicknames. "O-ok well while we are driving there I can tell you some tree facts!" "Please do."

Connor didn't really care about the tree facts, he just wanted to listen to Evans voice. Soothing and soft, but also excited and curious at the same time. He loved it. Connor is in love with Evan, obviously. But he can't tell him as he knows that would ruin their friendship. Evan stopped talking but Connor didn't want that. "Please, keep talking, it's interesting." "O-ok!"

He continues to go on about trees, and Connor thinks it's adorable. He drives into the orchard and stops the car in the parking lot. "Hey, Ev, we're here." Evan snapped out of his tree fact spewing mode and got out of the car. "Con, this place is beautiful!" Evan really did mean that, but he also wanted to tell Connor how beautiful he looked, but he couldn't.

Evan also had feelings for Connor, but buried them deep inside. He knew that if he told him, he would leave. And that would push Evan over the edge. Losing his best and only friend and crush. He didn't want to think about what he knew he would do then, so he didn't.

"Con, do you think this place is pretty?" Evan looked over at Connor. "I do. It's beautiful." Connor takes out his phone and takes a picture of the orchard . The hills lined with trees. They started walking over to the entrance where Connor payed the entry fee and they went in. Connor could have snuck them in, but he had a feeling that Evan would not approve of that.

They walked down a gravel path lined with trees. Evan obviously had feelings for Connor, but Evan felt the need to bottle it up. That didn't last very long though. Evan did something he never thought he would do. He interlaced his fingers with Connors and immediately regretted it. "I-IM SORRY!" Evan says as he pulls his hand away "I-IM SO SO SO S-SORRY" Evan was nearing a panic attack. His breathing sped up, his heart pounded, random stutters were all that he was capable of saying in the moment. 

"Hey, ev, it's ok." Connor hated seeing Evan in any type of pain. He reached over and grabbed Evans hand as if to confirm is was ok with him. "Look, I-" Connor contemplates the decision he is about to make. "I-I'm not the best w-with words, but, I-I really like you? And I get I-if you don't feel the same way, but, I just needed to tell you." Evan couldn't do anything but stutter "I-I-wh-aH-o-oh-u-uhm" Evan makes a quick decision that he immediately regrets. He kisses him. The kiss only lasts about a second, but it was enough to make things awkward. Evan looked at Connor when he pulled away, tears welling in his eyes, he couldn't think of anything to do so he ran.

'RUN RUN RUN, RUN FAST. FIND THE NEAREST TREE. CLIMB IT. JUMP. END EVERYTHING. YOU RUINED THE LAST GOOD THING IN YOUR LIFE. GOOD JOB HANSEN. YOUR REWARD IS DYING.' Bad thoughts invaded his head as he ran towards the nearest tree, which also happened to be the tallest one. Evan reaches the tree and he climbs. Fast. He quickly reaches the top and he sits there getting his phone out to write a note. He finishes writing the note and prepares to jump. 'Goodbye everyone, even though no one will really care.' He thought as he sat on the branch. He lowered himself down so that he was only hanging on by his hands. He let go. Everything started to fall. He hits his head on a branch and is knocked out.

After about 4 minutes of processing what just happened, Connor started to run after him, realizing what he was about to do. But he was a few minutes too late, because when he reached the tree, Evan was already falling. Connor tried to position himself to catch evan. He sees Evan hit his head on a branch and starts to panic more than before. What if he's dead? 'Nonononononono!!' Connor starts to sob. Connor will rarely cry even a little so for him to sob means he really cares. Like, REALLY cares.

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