Boyf riends- Accepted Trans!Jeremy

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(After squipsident)
Tw: Abuse, t slur, self harm, mentions of suicide, f slur.
Jeremy's POV
"You will always be my Jennie!" It hurt me to be called a girl, be referred to with she/her pronouns, or have Mom call me her daughter, but being called my dead name- I can't handle that. I was already crying but this pushed me over the edge. "IVE SAID THIS A MILLION TIMES, MY NAME IS JEREMY!!" She yells something unintelligible before raising her ha-

I fall to the floor. She hit me. My mom- hit me. I place my hand over where she hit me. I try my best to not sob. "Y-you know what? Fuck you! You are never there for me and you can't even do the bare minimum of excepting me. I'm going to Michael's." I get myself up off the floor and storm off. I open the door and walk out and slam it behind me but not before my mom can yell "Yeah! Leave my god damn house and never come back you fucking tranny!"

I start to run away from my home- no, my hell. I get out my phone and dial Michael, now finally being able to express my emotions without fear. The phone rings a few times before Michael picks up.

"Hey Jen! What's u- holy shit Jen are you ok??"
"No I'm not ok and I'm coming to your place."
"I'm here for you through anything and you know you can tell me anything Jennie."
"I-I'll be there in five."

It hurt to hear Michael call me by my dead name, but he doesn't know yet. My mo- no, Sharon would always force me to dress feminine so people wouldn't think I was trans. She mentally abused me so bad I've resorted to self harm. I've even attempted suicide a few times. I hate that woman with my entire being and more.

I finally arrive at Michael's as I begin to rapidly knock at the door. I had had time to grab my emergency hidden backpack before I left so I had some stuff. I wait for someone to open the door and eventually someone does and I immediately fall into their arms, not even checking if it's Michael or not. I just need someone.

"Jennie? Jennie??? Tell me what's wrong please Jen-"
I identify the voice as Michael's and I feel safer.
I have to stop in between words to sob.
"That bitch did what!?! Oh Jen you can explain everything to me let me just take you to my room-"
Without warning, Michael picks me up bridal style and carries me to his room. Once we are in his room, he places me on his bed and sits down next to me.
"Ok now tell me what the fuck happened."
"Sh-Sharon h-h-hit me-"
"I g-got angry at her for calling me my de-"
"Your what?"
"M-m-my d-d-dead n-n-name....."
Michael looks at me confused for a second but then it clicks with him.
"Oh my god....oh my god I'm so sorry- I was calling you the wrong thing the whole time I'm so sorry- w-what should I call you?"
"Ok, Jeremy it is. I like it. Good choice!"
"I-y-you don't know how much that means to me, you are the only other person I have told and the only person who has ever called me that, my god Michael I don't deserve someone like you..."
I continue to sob while laying next to him.
"No Jen-sorry, Jeremy it's the other way around, I don't deserve you. You are such an amazing friend, girl or boy or whatever."
He goes and grabs one of my hands with both of his hands. I blush, but only slightly because I'm still really sad and angry, but I also have a huge crush on Michael.
"Th-thank you....I-I brought my emergency secret backpack that I have because I knew something like this was going to happen eventually. It's also where I would hide the things that make me feel, like me."
I motion towards the backpack on the floor.
"Oh, ok. I'm guessing Sharon kicked you out?"
"I'm sure my moms will let you stay. Speaking of my moms, do you want to tell them or...?"
"If they say my dead name, can you just say 'Actually, it's Jeremy.'?"
"Yeah! I can do that! Anything for my favorite person!"
I blush again.
"Am-am I really your favorite person?"
"Absolutely, Jeremy! God your new name is easy to say. It's like my body knew this was coming!"
I giggle a little through my sobs. I look up into Michael's eyes. Oh my god, his eyes, they are amazing... deep brown... pure beauty.

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