Boyf riends- The good squip

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Jeremy's POV
"Ow!" The fuck? "Fuck! OWWW! SHIIIIIT. WHAT IS HAPPENING???? OWWWWWWW"  "Calibration in process. Excuse some mild discomfort."  "MILD?? AGH SHIT!"  "Calibration complete. Access procedure initiated"  "ok I'm fine-" "Discomfort level may increase"  "AHHHHHHHHH!! AGHHHHH" "Accessing neural memory Accessing muscle memory Access procedure complete Jeremy Heere, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor Your SQUIP"  "You look like- Michael?"  "Yes, I do. Your SQUIP takes the form of whoever you were thinking about when it activates."  "Hmmm, didnt know that. Also, thanks for activating on a weekend."  "No problem."  I need to call Michael and tell him that it worked! I grab my phone and call Michael. "Michael! You wont believe it, but, the squip just activated!"   "NO WAY!!! You need to come over right now!"  "Ill be there in 5!!" I hang up on Michael and look at my squip. "I know you can kinda see my thoughts and all, but, if it wasn't obvious, I kinda really like Michael so if you could help me get with him that would be greatly appreciated."  "Jeremy, my goal is to make you happy. Of course I will."  "Great!" I shoot the squip a big smile.
*Time skip brought to you by goldfish, the snack that smiles back.*
I was at Michael's door, ready to go in, when I looked up at my squip to ask if it was the right time, but before I can ask the the squip nods and gives me my cue to open the door. "Michael?"  "Jeremy!! Follow me!!" Michael takes my hand and brings me to his room. I think to my squip 'fuck, I'm blushing, what now?'  I quickly get a response. 'Don't hide it. Give Michael the hint.'  'Ok'   When we get to Michaels room, he opens the door to unveil that he has set up a pillow fort and snacks. "Sorry its not very exciting, it was last minute..."  "No Michael...This is awesome!!"  "You haven't even seen the best part yet!"
Michael's POV
The best part that Jeremy hasn't seen yet, is that I bought bought him a switch! I already have one of my own, but I always notice that Jeremy always wants to play on mine, so I saved up to get him one! "You wanna see the best part?"  "Absolutely!" I notice that I'm still holding Jeremy's hand, but don't let go. I lead him into the pillow fort, where there is a small rectangular box wrapped in rainbow wrapping. Did I use rainbow wrapping to try and hint to Jeremy I'm gay? Yeah. Anyway, I lead him in and he sees the box and asks "For me?"  "Yes, who else would it be for?"  "Your right, well, time to open it!"  He grabs the box and says "This is actually kinda heavy, hmmm..." he rips off the wrapping and when I see his face when I see how happy he is my heart just melts, he's just so adorable! "Michael, you didnt..." is he...crying? I dont have any time to say anything before Jeremy pulls me into a hug. I hug back, of course. I whisper to Jeremy "Your welcome, nerd" and laugh a little. Jeremy is definitely crying. "Why are you so nice to me?" Well I love you, for starters. "Because you are my best friend."
Jeremy's POV
Hearing Michael call me just his best friend, breaks my heart a little, so I ask the squip what to do. 'What do I do?'  'Stay in the hug for a little, then confess.'  'Confess?? This soon?'  'What do you mean "soon"? You've had a crush on him for 10 years!'   'Eh, your right'. After a few minutes in the hug I build up the confidence to confess. "Hey, um Michael?"   "Yeah?"    "You cant get mad at me for this, but, I really like you."   "Why would I get mad at you for that?"   "I dont think you understand, I like like you."   "O-oh-"  "So, uhm yeah I know you don't feel the same way but I hope we can still be friends?"   "Not to be weird, but I kinda do feel the same way?"  I can tell that my eyes go big. "Wait, really?"  "Yeah, really!"   'What do I say now??'  'Ask to kiss him, trust me. It will go well.'  'O-ok.'  I stare into Michael's eyes and say "Well, what would you do if I kissed you?" I realize what I just said and start blushing furiously. "You know, l-like, not like you have to do anyth-"   "Kiss back. Duh."  Then I feel everything fading away.... "JEREMY!!" My vision begins to fade... along with my hearing... 'Jeremy?'
Michael's POV
JEREMY JUST PASSED OUT FOR NO REASON IN THE PILLOW FORT. WHAT DO I DO??? UHMMMM....ILL CALL 911!! "911, What's your emergency?"  "MY BOYFRIEND JUST PASSED OUT ON THE FLOOR AND-" did I just call Jeremy my boyfriend? Also, am I crying? "Sir, please calm down. We will send paramedics to your location immediately."
*time skip baybeeeee*
"*knock knock knock knock*" I rush downstairs to open the door. "Where is your boyfriend?"  "Oh-uhm in my room..."   "Please lead us to him." I lead them to my room and then tell them "He's in there." And point to the pillow fort. The paramedics go inside and come out with Jeremy. Seeing him in that state makes me cry. "*sob* s-sorry for crying, i just-"   "We understand. You can visit him at the hospital tomorrow." 
Jeremy's POV
I wake up. I look around. 'Where am I? What happened?'   'First of all, you are in the hospital. Second of all, you kinda died for a little.'  'I did what?!' 'You died for a moment.'  'Where is Michael??'   'He should be here right about... now'. The door opens to reveal, none other than Michael.  "Jer! You're awake!"  "Oh-uhm yeah I guess so.."    "I was so worried! They told me that they had lost your pulse, but then it came back! So, you kinda died."   "Yeah, my squip told me."   "Oh-"  Doctor: "Michael, you and your boyfriend should be able to leave by tomorrow."  After the doctor leaves, I ask Michael "Did you tell them I was your boyfriend?"    "Oh- uhm, yeah, about that-"    "The answer is yes." I giggle. "Wait, really?"  Michael's eyes get big. And then he pulls me into a big hug. "I love you micha"   "Right back at you!" God, he's so adorable when he laughs.

A/N: Should I make a part 2???
1089 words

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