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"hey yoonhye are you oka-" jeno immediately froze and stopped talking

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"hey yoonhye are you oka-" jeno immediately froze and stopped talking. the rest of the group frozen beside him. they saw the colourful petals scattered by the floor near me.

eunjo was finally put down and eyes widened, tearing up when she saw the blood on my hands.

"i told you we shouldn't bother her" the tears streamed down eunjos face as she lightly hit hyunjin due to the frustration she felt.

"why didn't you listen to us?" haechan burst out angrily. the boys heads shot towards him.

"you knew?" renjun asked

"why didn't you tell us about it?" jeno added in

"because i wasn't supposed to know in the first place, none of us were. it's not my place to tell you either" he ran his fingers through his brown hair and stormed away.

"yoonhye-" i cut them off, frozen on my bed. staring at the petals in front of me

"get out" they froze, not used to me using an angry tone. i looked their direction, glaring them down

"i said get out" i screamed but unfortunately it caused me to cough more. i fell off my bed, on my hands and knees coughing up more blood and more petals into the pile already on the floor.

someone rushed to my side, rubbing my back.

"yoon it's okay, let it all out" jaemins voice was soft. it wouldve helped but he only made my coughing worse. he froze but continued in hope it would help.

eunjo turned around and noticed it, eyes widening for the umpteenth time and rushed over. grabbing jaemin by the wrist and dragging him away.

"we should let her rest. I'll make her some soup but the rest of you should go back to your dorms" eunjos voice was calm, almost terrifying due to the complete change from her bright and bubbly personality.

hyunjin gave her a quick kiss and dragged the boys out. seungmin snuck back in and stood with eunjo at the kitchen.

"well im assuming that the guy is jaemin" he breathed out. eunjo sighed nodding and kept preparing me food.

"I'll go help her clean up the petals" eunjo didn't answer him. i was laying down on the bed of petals. seungmin saw my tear stained cheeks and quickly wiped all the petals off my bed before carrying me over and tucking me in.

"can't believe that dickhead doesn't love my twin back" he scoffed making me chuckle slightly.

he began sweeping up the petals into a garbage bag. i felt bad so i tried to sit up and help him clean up.

"no you whore lay back down before i break your bones so you can't get up" he said in a joking matter, not genuinely meaning it but as an attempt to make me smile.

"fine suit yourself" i let out a breathy chuckle and rolled over onto my other side. eunjo walked in not too long after and made me sit up to sat the fluids.

when i was done, seungmin took the trash out and eunjo put my dish in the sink.

"im crashing on the couch, too lazy to go back up to my dorm" i nodded and told him where the extra blankets were. eunjo climbed into the bed beside me and pat my head before facing away.

what did i do in my past life to deserve friends like them?

what did i do in my past life to deserve friends like them?

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the next chapter will be a haechan pov ouu

flower petals ♧ na jaeminWhere stories live. Discover now