Chapter Twelve: Aeon

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(From Ashes To New - Through It All)
-Kuai's POV- Eons have passed. I don't know how many anymore. I've lost track.
"Kuai...wake up." Bi-Han murmurs next to me. That scent of flowers hits me again. I open my purple eyes, seeing Bi-Han sit up in the field that we rested in. What happened?

Oh, right. The war, my blackened heart, Bi-Han begging for me to join them again. Looks like that vision we saw in the Hourglass really did come true. We should have seen it coming. Even though we are immortal and worshiped, we all decided to not alter anything anymore. The Hourglass is sealed away in the deepest part of the Temple of the Titans. Our personal temple that the three of us reside in.

We each have our own individual one, of course, where our people go and pray if they need help.
When Hanzo and Bi-Han sadly and reluctantly used their powers to take away mine, we didn't realize it would switch mine and my brother's powers. So Bi-Han is a Cryomancer again, while I have his dark powers.

Looks like we unintentionally fulfilled the prophecy. Time and time again, we have tried to reverse the affects, even with the Hourglass, but to no avail. Not much we can do about it now.
To make sure our citizens will not use the Hourglass, we decided that none of them should know of it's existence at all.
I focus back on Bi-Han, looking up at him. The moon is still out, but is dipping slowly towards the horizon once more. "Come along, my brother." It's sounds so weird to hear him speak normally again, not in that raspy whisper. I'm still not used to seeing him with blue eyes again.

I grab his hand, and he pulls me up. Even though the Lin Kuei do not exist anymore, Bi-Han still wears the familiar symbol. I don't wear any blue colors anymore, mainly grey, black, or (very rarely) white if I'm in a good mood. Along with our powers switching, our attitudes have as well.

Bi-Han is more caring and affectionate, quick to become upset if there is ever tension. I've become more quick to anger and aggressive, but can still show my softer side from time to time.
Since we have been Titans for so long, our powers have evolved as well. Bi-Han can heal any life form with just his touch, while I take life away. That is why I have to constantly wear gloves, but even that is sometimes not enough.

If I ever get stressed or upset enough, any life touching me dies even with my gloves on. So, I have to make sure I'm calm and not do harm on accident. The only people I cannot harm with my touch without gloves is Hanzo and Bi-Han, since they are also immortal.
Hanzo himself can still create fire from nothing, making his citizens eternally grateful, especially during the Winter.

My fall from grace happened years ago. My citizens, who I call Darklings, do not know about my fall. At least, they do not know the full detail. None of them question my rule in my empire. Earth realm has changed a lot over the centuries.
The continents have since all merged together into Pangea Ultima, a large supercontinent surrounded by the ocean on all sides.

To keep things even, all three of us had decided to split humanity into three empires. The people got to choose who to worship and would remain in that empire for the rest of their lives.
That's how it's been for centuries now, and we don't plan on changing it.
☀️-Empire of the Sun-☀️
Location: Towards the mountains in the East, facing the sun as it rises. Valley of the Sun.
Ruler: Hanzo Hasashi (The Sun Titan)
Structure: Golden and red temple on the highest mountain peak. Citizens worship the image of fire.
Deity: Image of the sun or Hanzo himself.

🌑-Empire of the Moon- 🌑
Location: Hidden in the Shadow Canyon.
Ruler: Kuai Liang (The Fallen Titan)
Structure: Dark purple and black temple hidden in the shadows. The Sun Titan's Fire is used as a source of light.
Deity: Image of the moon or Kuai.

❄️-Empire of Winter-❄️
Location: Towards the far North, where the North Pole used to be. Surrounded by high icy mountains.
Ruler: Bi-Han (The Ice Titan)
Structure: Light blue and white temple. Used to be the Lin Kuei temple, but that knowledge has been lost to time. Fire from the Sun Titan is used for warmth.
Deity: Image of a snowflake or Bi-Han.

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