Chapter Twenty-Seven: Guardian

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-Kuai's POV- I watch them both sleep with Zodith still cradled in my arms. She exhales smoke, but otherwise looks relaxed, her white spikes along her back flat against her body. She ends up waking up, her blue eyes reflecting the firelight.

Pressing her front talons against my breastplate, she lifts her head up to meet my gaze. I smile gently. "Hello," I whisper. She squeaks happily at the sound of my voice, wings extending out before resting on her back again. "Can't believe you snuck into my bag," I muse, resting one hand on her back, feeling her heartbeat.

"Here," I take my hand off of her and dig into my bag. I take out a strip of salmon jerky. "You must be hungry," I keep my voice low. She sniffs the dried meat and bites off a piece, eating it.
Zodith munches on it, then licks her fangs.
"Happy?" I tease.
Her ears perk up and she squeaks. "I'll take that as a yes."
Morning comes soon enough. I can tell by the birds chirping. While waiting for Bi-Han and Hanzo to wake up, I nudge Zodith awake.
"Wake up, my hatchling." I croon. Zodith blinks groggily, coughing out a puff of smoke.

I smile again, then look up. The fire had died out, the wood charred on the ground. The fog around us has lightened somewhat, but the trees still look over us like giants. Bi-Han wakes up first, rubbing his eyes. His blue cape is dirty from the ground as he gets up and walks over.

"Morning," Bi-Han croons, kissing my cheek sweetly as a sign of affection. "Good morning," I respond. My brother eats a handful of mixed nuts as a quick breakfast. "We should get going soon," I say, adjusting Zodith in my grasp.
His brows furrow. "Didn't you sleep at all?"
I shake my head. "Couldn't sleep, not out here."

"You should try to rest."
"While a Titan could be feet away from us?" I argue, biting back a yawn. "I don't think so."
"A fighter who is tired is like an assassin without a sharp blade. Your thoughts and actions will be muddled."
I sigh. "It's still fairly early," his voice is low and tender. "You can take a quick nap, lean on me."

"You will keep bringing this up until I relent, won't you?"
"I only want what is best for you," He counters.
"Okay. But watch over Zodith. A father does not lose his own child."
"Right," Bi-Han sits next to me. I end up resting my head on his lap, while Zodith gnaws on the charred wood.

The opals dangling from his cloak sway back and forth in the wind. "Rest well, I'll watch Zodith."
"Thank you, brother. I love you."
His eyes widen, probably in shock. He lets out a small laugh, gloved hand going through my hair gently. "And I love you dearly as well," He croons softly, pecking my forehead while I fall asleep.
-Bi-Han's POV- With Kuai asleep on my lap, I look over at Zodith, who walks over to Kuai's arm and nudges it. She looks up at me, the darker blue pupil of her eyes widening.
What had Kuai called her last night in Mandarin Chinese? Even after all of these years, my Mandarin isn't the best. I can only understand a few words.

"My daughter...." I whisper, looking down at her. "He called you my daughter."
Does Kuai view Zodith as his child? More than just a pet? A beast he can command? I understand why Zodith thinks he is her father, since she imprinted in him when she hatched. I get that.

But how will this affect Pangea Ultima as a whole? Will Kuai isolate himself and Zodith to raise her?
I don't know. People always assumed dragons were just fairy tale monsters or that if they existed, they all died off. But this? I see intelligence in Zodith's eyes. This will change everything.

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