Chapter One

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(POV: Virgil)

As I appeared back in my room, I immediately went over and slammed my door shut. I can't believe what just happened. I can't believe he almost tricked me. I can't believe Janus is free. I should've known it was Janus. I thought Patton was acting odd. I should've seen the signs. How did this happen? How could I have been so stupid! What if things got worse!

Years ago, back when I had used to be one of the others, a barrier was made. A barrier that could keep me and the others from escaping out into the Mind Space. Forever trapped in the Mind Palace of the Dark Sides.

I was the only exception. Why I had been freed, I still didn't know. Somehow Patton, Logan, and Roman had found a reason to spare me.

Meanwhile, Janus, Remus, and Elden, Thomas's manipulative side, stayed trapped behind the barrier. That was until now.

It had been an average morning, talking with my friends, getting summoned by Thomas, helping him get through a few problems in his life. Everything was normal. Everyone was acting like themselves for the most part until... until Janus showed up.

Why did he show up? Why now? What is he up to? Why did he look directly at me when he revealed himself to Thomas?

My mind was striking questions in my head like bolts of lightning. The room around me was growing darker and darker. The endless void of possibilities was suffocating me. I had to get out. I had to step back. I had to breathe.

I sucked in a large breath of air, followed by exhausted pants as if I was a dog. My hands were rattling. I held them close to my chest, trying to calm myself down.

Janus can't be back. I've gone crazy, surely. This is all just a bad dream. A horrible, awful, sick, and twisted dream. However, I knew this was far from a dream. This was a reality.

I need to figure out how I can stop them. If only Janus is free right now, I can deal with it. But if Remus and Elden get out too, Thomas may be in great danger!

It's only a matter of time until Janus learns how to take the form of the other sides. I don't want to know how long that will take. I have to figure out a way now.

The only way for me to know if the barrier is broken is to go there myself. The others can't know. I would be risking their lives by getting them involved. I am just Thomas's anxiety, and he would be better off without me if something were to happen while I was at the barrier.

I need to leave tonight. I can't leave any later without putting everyone in even more danger. I have to get to the barrier before anyone else gets loose in the Mind Space.

The others could not be freed.

My mind was made up, I would leave to go to the barrier later this evening. I have to make sure everyone else is asleep before I go. I'm not letting the others get hurt by this. They don't deserve that, especially when this is all my fault anyway. How did I let this happen? How could I let this happen? It shouldn't even be possible for the barrier to be broken. Only the people that made it could take it away. My mind was reeling, back and forth with all my anxious thoughts. Everything was becoming too much. I clutched my head in my hands, biting my lip and trying not to cry. I can't worry the others. They'll get suspicious. I shrank down my wall, dragging my knees up to my chest. Breathe, Virgil. In and out.

After feeling calmer, I looked at my door. I can do this. I can do this.

There was a knock at my door. It startled me, making my heart thump like a war drum in my chest. I pulled myself off the wall, clearing my throat in all hopes that I didn't sound like I was just panicking.

"W-What do you want?" I asked through the door.

"Sorry to bother, Virge."

I could tell it was none other than Princey on the other side of my door.

"You've just been a little quiet since we stopped filming. We're just worried, that's all."

I shut my eyes, willing myself not to cry. They can't know. I can't worry them.

"I-I'm fine. Honest, Roman!" I called out.

My voice sounded shakier than I wish it would've, but the princely side did not seem to notice. I could hear him sigh, obviously debating on whether or not to push the conversation.

"I-I'm just tired from the video. You don't have to worry about me."

There was a subtle pause before I could hear his hands brush against his pants, followed by a quiet, "Alright." His footsteps retreated down the hall.

I took a slow breath out, glancing at the clock on my wall. It's getting pretty late. I guess I should do this before I psych myself out of this. I picked myself off the wooden floorboards of my room. Dusting myself off, I shut my eyes and sank into the floor. No turning back now.

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