Chapter Thirteen

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(POV: Virgil)

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to feel. I was absolutely in shock. My eyes couldn't tear themselves away from what I was seeing in front of me. One second both Roman and Remus were standing there. And then the next?! A flash of light and...they were one! This doesn't make any sense. They agreed to never fuse again. Not after the effects it had on Thomas. Are they crazy?

But wait. Why the hell was Roman here in the first place? Was he...oh no. No, no, no, no, no! Did he come to save me? Surely not! But what if he did? And after I had given up on that thought. How could I have done this?! I gave up too soon. I didn't even fight back! I just...gave up! This is all my fault. Maybe Roman wouldn't have fused if I actually tried to get away!

At this point, my steady breathing had gotten away from me. I was gasping and sweating as if I just ran three laps around the mind palace. My knees gave way and I collapsed against Janus' legs.

Immediately, the snake was by my side. He held me tightly in his arms in a massive hug once I started sobbing fat tears into his shoulder.

"Everything is going to be alright, Virgil. Breathe," Janus said soothingly. "I'm here. It's alright."

I clutched his cloak tightly in my hands and shut my eyes.

I couldn't stay here any longer. Without Roman and I, Thomas would collapse. He was missing two parts of himself, and if anything happened to Patton or Logan... I didn't even want to think of what would happen. God knows how lost Thomas already is. I had to get out of here.

My mind was reeling as I felt more and more out of place here with the Dark Sides. Had all of this been another one of their tricks? Was Janus lying to me this whole time?

This isn't true. None of this is true. This has all got to be some awful dream that I'll wake up from any moment now. Any... moment... now.

I began choking on my tears and I let go of Janus. I pushed myself back and held my neck. I couldn't breathe. I was going to die.

"J-Janus," I choked out.

His eyes widened in fear and he rushed to my side. "Virgil, please breathe. What was it? What was it... Oh! Okay, breathe in for four, hold for seven, and out for eight. Can you do that?"

I nodded weakly and breathed in for three seconds before sobbing again.

"Come on. You can do this," Janus said, tucking back loose strands of my hair.

I looked into his eyes and felt my panic start to fade away. I shouldn't be trusting him. He's a liar. I couldn't help but be sucked into his different colored eyes. I was too far gone to be saved.

I closed my eyes again and breathed in and out along with the calming rhythm that I had been taught years ago. I began to feel safe and at home in Janus's arms.

Stop! This is all wrong! My mind yelled at me. You have to stop this!

It felt almost as if I was under some sort of spell cast by some strange source. My mind was quieted and my worries slipped away.

I was safe here. I belonged here. The Dark Sides wanted me to stay here. This was my home.

I smiled up at Janus who was smirking while his eyes glowed a bright, sunflower yellow. It was then that I realized what Elden had done.

My eyes narrowed as everything connected in my head.

"Something the matter, my dear Virgil?" The snake cooed.

"I-I..." I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want to raise his suspicion about what I was thinking or that I was on to him. I took a deep breath and relaxed further into him. "I feel a lot better. Thank you, Janus."

"Of course, my dear. I know how badly those attacks affect you. And I hate to see you in so much pain." He caressed my cheek, making my body shiver, but I did my best to hide it. "Is there anything else, my dear?"

"N-No. I-I'm okay. Really, I am," I confirmed.

"Would you like to go back to your room? Maybe have some rest?" Janus suggested as he sank his arm under my head and knees to pick me up.

"That kinda sounds nice." So with that, Janus carried me out of the darkness as we moved back towards the house.

I risked a look up at Janus' face, seeing his eyes still bright and alive.

An idea began to form in my head. Maybe once he brings me to my room, I can escape and find Roman. Or, follow Janus to see if my idea is even correct to begin with.

With that plan in mind, I kept quiet until Janus brought me to my room. He laid me peaceful down on my bed, pulling a blanket over me and making sure my head was comfortable on its pillow.

"Anything else I can get you, Virgil?" The snake hissed.

"No, I'm okay. You can leave now," I replied, turning over to make it appear as if I went to sleep.

I heard Janus hum before I could faintly see his hand come over and touch my cheek again. A burst of drowsiness encompassed me. My eyelids started to come together as I started to have trouble fighting it.

"Can't have you ruining anything, now can we?" I heard the snake mumble. "Go to sleep."

And that was the last thing I remember hearing.

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