Chapter Eight

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(POV: Remus)

Roman chased after me while we both ran deeper into the darkness that I call home.

The nervous energy radiating off of my brother was making me giddy. Fear is good, especially now.

If Elden's plan is to truly work, we need all the Light Sides at their weakest. And so far, all was going according to plan.

Elden gave me a bit of his magic so it would be easier to convince Roman to trust me. It's working like a charm. He's so helpless now, although I don't know how much longer it'll last.

"How much farther, Re?" Roman asked, putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"Now you know how I feel living here," I joked. Moving closer to him, I placed my hand underneath his chin, our eyes locked together. "We're almost there, just trust me, okay?" I could see in his eyes; Elden's magic taking hold. But then, he shook his head.

"N-No," he muttered, inching away from me. "Y-You're lying to me! You're not taking me to Virgil! If anything, you're leading me away from him!"

"And what makes you so sure?! You don't know this place like I do! You haven't been trapped in here all your life! Left to rot and die, or be forgotten!" I was panting, beginning to shake with rage.

"Remus, I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize!"

"Damn right you didn't!" I said, opening my just enough for my mace to summon. "You have no clue what it's like to be me!"

My anger went through the roof, swinging my mace around in hopes to bash Roman's head in. He summoned his sword, playing defensively and blocking all my hits.

"Remus, calm down, please! I don't want to hurt you!" Roman begged.

"You already have! Emotional scars cut way deeper than physical ones!" My arms were getting tired as the repetitive motion of trying to break Roman's sword was staggering my strength. Eventually, I grew tired. My mace fled my hands and my knees gave out.

"Remus, I'm sorry you feel this way! I didn't know or understand. But you're right. You've been through so much since we banished you and Deceit. I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you...or care. But I do now!" His apology seemed sincere.

I gazed up at him, his hand in my face.

"I trust you to take me to Virgil."

I smirked, taking his hand. I was a little confused at first. He seemed to be back under Elden's magic. But I could tell I wasn't doing it.

That was when we both heard pounding footsteps coming towards us. Fearfully, we turned. I knew it was Elden, he must be manipulating Roman.

"Do pardon the interruption gentlemen," He spoke smoothly. His hand perched upon my shoulder, gazing into Roman's eyes. "I thought you might need my assistance, Remus. I could feel your anger from across the mind."

I could see Roman raise his sword a little bit. He was afraid of Elden. More fear. Good, his abilities are stronger with fear. Elden's plan is working flawlessly. I'm liking that. Elden seemed to notice Roman's tense attitude as well. He laughed it off, approaching him.

"Easy there, princey. You have nothing to worry about. I'm not here to hurt you."

"You're not?" He questioned, lowering his sword.

"Of course not. I know what you're after Roman. You're one true love. Virgil," He smirked, watching Roman give into his words.

"D-Do you know where he is?" Roman stuttered.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. But I can tell you for one hundred percent certainty, that he is safe."

Roman's shoulders sank with relief. A pound of pressure removed from his chest.

Elden was doing what he did best, and it was working. I knew Roman's will wasn't strong enough. "Why not join him, Roman?"

"What?!" he panicked.

"Don't you feel it, Princey? Don't you feel how strong the Dark Sides' power is making you? You survived your brother's attacks, you've survived getting corrupted, you've survived me! And that isn't just luck, my boy. It's a sign. Your true power is ready, only if you're willing to take it!"

"Do it, Roman," I said, peeking over Elden's shoulder. "We could be together again. After all these years. The brothers from the genesis, together at last. As the mind always meant for us to be!"

His eyes fluttered with confusion, unsure of the options laid out in front of him.

"I-I... I don't know. Give me some time, please," Roman stammered.

Elden looked back at me with amusement. Things were all going according to plan.

All we needed was a little more time and Roman would be ours. With him, we could be stronger. Strong enough to rule.

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