Chapter Twenty Four

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(3rd POV)

Thomas sat on his couch, relaxing deeper into it whilst having a staring contest with the computer on his lap. His thumb tapped on the spacebar gently as he desperately tried to write a new script. He had all of the thoughts in his head, but it was a matter of putting the thoughts to paper that was the issue.

The host sighed, removing the computer from his lap and instead placing two fingers to his temples. The headache pounding his mind felt massive.

Why can't I just do this? What about this script was so hard for me? Why can't I just write? He kept thinking to himself.

He started to wonder if maybe it was because of the incident with all of his sides vanishing from him. It's not that things had been different, but after not feeling the effects of the main key parts of his personality for so long, it was a weird feeling to get used to again. It wasn't that he had changed either, he had just accepted a new side of himself.

Wait...change. That was it!

That's what he wanted to write and expand upon!


Meanwhile, in the forefront of Thomas' mind, all aspects of the man's personality were gathered together in the mind palace. They were watching through their host's eyes as he stared down at his computer, doing their best to help him come up with ideas for this script.

They were all throwing ideas back and forth, all trying to create something together rather than let Roman handle as they had done in the past. And even though the product would be stronger if they worked together, it was also proving to be more difficult.

"Oh, oh! What if we filmed it at a dog park? Think of all the cute puppies!" Patton gushed, holding his hands together and bouncing on his toes.

"Patton, no. That's absolutely ridiculous and a proper waste of time! Thomas would likely be highly less efficient at a dog park than he is in the comfort and privacy of his own home!" Logan countered, iced coffee in hand while sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Aww, Logie! You need a bit more fun in your life!" Patton encouraged, watching Logan roll his eyes with slight amusement. "Here's a start!" Patton pushed the tip of his finger onto Logan's nose, giving it a little boop while watching the logical side's face light up.

"I agree with both of the dads. But, I think instead of a park full of dogs OR Thomas' apartment, what if we head back into the mind palace? We could head back to the courtroom, or the theatre, or maybe even someplace new?" Roman now suggested sheepishly.

"All of you are taking the right approach," Janus hissed from the dining room table. "We haven't even chosen a topic to discuss! If we don't start there, this is never going to get done!"

"Mhm, I agree with the anaconda! When are we gonna film something about sex ed? The child gotta learn somehow!" Remus commented with a wide grin.

From across the couch, Virgil scoffed, grabbing the remote to the TV and chucking it at his head. Upon making contact with the side's skull, it snapped in half, hitting the floor only for Remus to turn it into a group of worms at the snap of his fingers.

"All of you have this wrong!" Virgil seethed, getting everyone's attention. "How do we choose topics for these episodes in the past? We choose them after going through similar situations! From there, we try to understand why that happened so we can educate our audience about it! Now, what is something we're all familiar with now?"

The other sides looked around, none of them having an answer to the anxious side's question. The emo sighed, running a hand through his purple hair. "Change."

It was true. Ever since the attack in the Dark Mind Palace and accepting Elden as a true part of Thomas' personality, all of them had time to realize themselves a little bit better than they ever had before. They all took the time to come to terms with Thomas to help him become the person they all knew he could be.

Virgil knew this idea of 'change' far too well. Over the time that Elden was slowly reforming, the anxious side had time to do the same thing for himself. Virgil was still getting the hang of his new abilities that Janus had introduced him to, he was kindly repaying that favor to the snake by pranking him every once and awhile. But that was definitely helping the two reconnect after everything that had happened whilst Elden was in command. And even though he used his powers for some selfish reasons, he also used them to the best of his ability to help his host discover more of himself.

Roman had also experienced this idea of change. After being a fusion with his crazed brother for so long, it actually had a positive effect on their relationship. They tried to fuse more often now as that seemed to help Thomas be more creative despite every other side saying otherwise.

And Patton too! He was starting to grow more accepting to the three former dark sides, taking the time to learn how they each can help Thomas be the person he knows he could be. Not only that, but after spending so much time alone with Logan, the two had become closer friends and started seeing eye-to-eye more often. Logan had even been learning how to bake a few new treats with the father figure.

On top of learning new baking skills, Logan had been teaching Janus and Virgil about their magic and how to better control it. It took a lot of effort at first, but they were all really getting somewhere, Logan just knew it. The logical side also had been working closely with Elden to help him become a more important trait to Thomas.

And then there was Janus. Even though he was closer with the light sides now more than ever, he still maintained the gardens back in the dark mind palace, as no matter what everyone else said, his home was still in the darker area. Virgil had tried to help him more around there too. Even going as far as to surprise Janus with a beautiful yellow rose he grew himself just for the snake.

Even Remus had begun to do a little changing for himself! On top of growing closer to his brother, he tried to do his best to take some time for Elden too. He was growing pretty close to the previous villain, being one of the main reasons he started to become a light side in the first place. Also the fact that they collected trash together, but they kept that a secret from the others.

Thomas. He had probably changed the most out of all of them. Accepting his manipulation as a part of him was a big struggle at first, but with time, grew easier. And with all of his other sides cheering the two on the whole way through, it took hardly anytime at all for Elden to fully transform into an official light side.

Finally, there was Elden. Throughout his times of working on rebuilding broken bonds, strengthening his friendships and learning to channel his once destructive nature into something better, Elden was...happy. It was something he never thought he wanted, but now that he had it, he never wanted to let go. He took the time to change up his room, along with his outfit to help it better fit his new outlook. And now, he was ready to show what he could do.


The six sides felt a tug in their stomachs, all together realizing that their host needed them. Each of them sunk down, arriving in Thomas' living room that they knew all too well. They all looked at each other before Logan spoke the first words, "How can we help you, Thomas?"

"Well, as I'm sure you guys know, I'm trying to write a script for a new episode. I want it to be about change and I thought, 'who would know more about my change than my own personality?'" Thomas expressed with a smile.

"I mean, we all have gone through a lot, haven't we?" Janus hissed with a small laugh.

"However, kiddo, I think there is one other person that knows change the most out of any of us." After Patton spoke they all collectively knew who they were talking about. Thomas looked at the empty spot next to Logan, moving his hand up. Everyone stood in awe as Elden slowly came up from the ground, glowing brightly in his new, all white outfit. With a happy smile, he looked over at his host.

"How can I help, Thomas?"

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