Chapter Seventeen

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(POV: Janus)

I wandered down the hall, a few feet behind from Elden. My head was so full of fog, I could hardly think clearly. I was dizzy, I was tired, and more than anything, I was screaming. I couldn't control my thoughts or body. I don't remember what Elden did to me, but I knew it happened after I taught Virgil his magic.

We kept going until we were in Elden's room. It had dark orange paint with dark thoughts moving all throughout the walls like a projection. Everything was messy and out of place, surely this place was neglected from his time enacting his plan.

"Stay here!" Elden commanded, sinking out for a short second.

From the moment he was gone, I shut my eyes and fought for control of myself. My hands grew shaky as I tightly gripped my pants. I tried to shove out his power from my head, but the more I pushed, the harder it shoved.

When I opened my eyes, the glow coming from them seemed even brighter. I made things worse. Why did I figure I could do this? My power isn't nearly as strong from teaching Virgil and the fact that it's draining me to have Elden not me in complete control of me. Usually, I wouldn't even be able to think for myself, but I don't know how long I can protect myself.

Elden came back, a blueprint in his hand describing in detail the remainder of his plan. He laid it out on the ground in front of me. I almost puked.

What Elden was describing was a full takeover. Controlling all of the sides to manipulate Thomas' thoughts and emotions to run him the exact way he wants to. I can't let that happen.

"Isn't it beautiful, Janus?" Elden cackled, patting my shoulder rather harshly.

"Y-Yes, Elden," I couldn't help but spit out. I hated this, the only thing I can control are my thoughts, the rest of me is wrapped around Elden's fingers. Unless, of course, I can't protect myself anymore and grow powerless to him. But I can't let that happen.

"Once and for all, Thomas will live life the way he should be. Defying his friends, lying to strangers, and most importantly, triumphing over all to get to the top of the world. Then and only then, and by these methods, will he be able to get everything Roman and Remus ever wanted for him. But quicker, and better!

"Think about it Janus, all of the sides under my-! Under our power. No more mistakes like Virgil! No more feelings from Patton! No more dreams from the twins! And no more intellect from Logan! Just manipulation and deception! As it always should be! " He growled, rolling up the blueprint.

Despite having little control over my body, I was shaking. My stomach was knotting, things were spinning, and I was dripping nerves. All of my friends, my family! He'd get rid of them forever. I know he said he'd keep me around, but I know a lie when I hear it.

And that was the biggest lie he's ever told.

"We must continue with this plan at once!"

Elden turned to face me and sighed. He stared into my eyes and clenched his fists. His eyes turned from light brown to pitch black as orange dust circled around us.

I could feel something tugging at my chest and my head, making me feel weak. I stumbled forward and onto the ground. Suddenly, the pain went away and I realized I had been holding my breath all along. I gasped for air as Elden spun around and trudged off into the deepest part of the Mind Space.

"You're free to go, Janus. The two of us will rule over Thomas. The others will be ours," he boomed, leaving me alone in the dark.

I held my hands over my face and shut my eyes tightly. I couldn't let Elden do this to me... or the rest of the sides. I had to find a way to stop him before it was too late.

Remus. I had to find him. We knew Elden better than anyone, so we could stop him together. We were strong enough, well, maybe. I didn't want to turn towards the Light Sides for help, but if it came to that, I suppose there was no other choice.

I rose to my feet, fighting for balance for a moment. I steadied myself and opened my eyes. I could do this.

Once I found the twins, I could take them to go find the others. Along the way, the two of us would come up with a way to stop Elden once and for all. If our plan required more than two sides with powers, we might need Virgil's help as well. If we needed any more than that, Roman, Patton, and Logan would make their way into the plan as well.

"I'm coming, Remus," I promised. "Just hold on a little bit longer. We'll end this. Together."

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