Chapter Two

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(POV: Roman)

Thomas shouted cut after the final scene was shot. I took an exhausted breath, revealed, and kind of sad that we had finished yet another video.

"Hiya, kiddo!" Patton chirped, skipping over to me. "Logan and I are gonna watch a movie later. Do you and Virgil want to join?"

"Sure, Pat. Let me ask..." I scanned the room looking for the anxious trait and saw him beginning to sink down back to the Mind Palace.

"Virgil!" I called out, trying to catch his attention.

He glanced over at me with worried eyes before vanishing.

Patton and Logan walked over to me.

"Do you know if Virgil is feeling well?" Logan asked. "He seemed distraught."

I sighed and stared at the spot where Virgil was. "I don't know, Logan. I don't know."

The three of us all sunk down back to our home and made our way to the living room. We sat down in our favorite spots in silence. There was a dark cloud above our heads and that cloud was Virgil.

Why is he suddenly avoiding us? Is it about something we did? Something that I did?

I groaned in frustration and stared up at the ceiling, wishing that the cloud would leave me alone for the night. I squinted my eyes, as if my thoughts alone could take it away. After a few seconds, I gave up. It was no use.

"I'm going to go check on V. You two can start your movie," I said, standing up.

Patton grinned and dragged Logan over to the selection of Disney movies to pick one out. As I trudged up the stairs, I could hear Patton laughing about something that Logan said.

I wish that Virgil was more open like they were. I only wanted to help him. For years I had mistreated him because of who he was. It was only recently when I had started to change.

I knocked on Virgil's door nervously. I didn't know if he would even respond. He almost never did unless it was Patton.

"W-What do you want?" A small voice said from behind the door.

I told him that I was here to see if he was okay.

There was quiet for a few moments before the anxious side spoke again in a wobbly voice, "I-I'm just tired from the video. You don't have to worry about me."

But I do, Virgil. I care about you like I care about Logan and Patton.

I couldn't say that. He might not care about what I had to say. It was rare when people did. I was used to it.

I brushed my hands against my pants to wipe away my sweaty palms.

"Alright," I said softly before turning around.

I could hear Virgil rustling around in his room as I went down the stairs.

Please be okay, I thought to myself. Please don't shut us out.

I wiped away my nervous look and replaced it with a smile. I couldn't worry everyone else. I was supposed to be creative, musical, and romantic. Not worried and gloomy.

"How did it go?" Logan asked when I sat down next to him and Patton.

I shrugged and draped a blanket around my shoulders. "He's just a little tired from filming."

"Makes sense. I mean, a lot did happen...with Deceit and all," Patton sighed. Those words rattled in my head as soon as they left Patton's lips. Perhaps that's why Virgil is so upset. Deceit is part of his past we all know not to question. And it had seemed Virgil had escaped his past for so long. Now, all that is gone because Deceit is back.

"Something wrong, kiddo?" Patton questioned, noticing I had been stuck in my own head for a little while.

"No. Well, I mean....I'm not sure. I'm just thinking about what you said. I don't know, it's stupid anyway," I brushed my thoughts aside. Surely Virgil wouldn't shut himself off for something like that. He'd talk to us about it if Deceit being back was troubling him, right?

"You seem really...spacey tonight Roman. Perhaps you should get some sleep. In fact, we all should." Logan instructed. I couldn't agree more. Going up the stairs to my room, I collapsed limply on my bed, letting a heavy sigh pass through my lungs. I shut my eyes and drifted off into sleep.

I was awoken the next morning by, what sounded like something harshly hitting the floor. I lifted my head from off my fluffy pillow. The sound seemed to stop as quickly as it started. There were scattered footsteps, sounding like they were coming from Virgil's room. What was he doing so early in the morning?

I got out of bed and crept over to the door. I turned the handle and peeled outside.

Virgil was closing his door and putting his hood over his head.

What is he doing? Is he going somewhere?

I didn't know what to do as Virgil tiptoed down the stairs and out the front door. I stood at the top of the stairs watching as he left the house.

I glanced at my clock and I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Virgil, it's 2:30 in the morning. You better not be doing something that you shouldn't," I hissed as I threw my jacket over my shoulder.

I dashed down the stairs and out the door after the anxious trait. My eyes flashed back and forth trying to catch a glimpse of him. There on the edge of our realm was Virgil. He passed through the barrier of our home and vanished.

I sprinted after him as fast as I could without shoes. I was in such a rush that I didn't even think to grab a pair before leaving. I watched him vanish, taking in heavy breaths. I dropped to my knees, trying to process whatever just happened. Why was Virgil crossing realms? Is this about Deceit? Is something wrong in the dark sides' area? Is he leaving us?

I'd go after him, but I can't. Only dark sides can cross without getting corrupted. I can't risk hurting Thomas. But...Virgil. What is he keeping from us?

Why would he go back to the place that he feared?

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