Chapter Thirteen

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Recommended song - I'm so tired by Troy Sivan and Lauv

February 7, 2020

Alfie's POV

Brian looked over his can of beer and watched his best friend, clearly amuse. He watched Alfie for several minutes before he finally said something.

"Nervous?" He laughed.

"Hmm? No, why?" Alfie asked looking at the tall, lean man.

"Because you haven't stopped moving since you got here. Plus you're figeting with your fingers and you won't leave your hair alone. You are nervous." Brian said nodding at him.

"I'm really not nervous. I'm just excited. I can't wait to see him" Alfie said with a smile that lit up the room.

"You really like him" Brian said more of a statement than a question. He was happy for Alfie, and for Garrett too, whom he had gotten to know a little at different events.

"I really do. It's weird. I feel safe with him, like he could protect me from anything and yet I am so protective over him that my heart hurts to think of what he has had to go through in his life and I would do anything to keep him safe." I just feel, hmm what's the word?" Alfie thought about it for a minute. "I feel possessive." He was surprised that he used that word because he never felt that he had that personality in his character.
"Let me clarify that" he began slowly. "I don't feel possessive to control him, but I feel that I should protect him at all costs". He said with determination.

"Wow." Brian said surprised at how strong Alfie's feelings had developed.

The two had been best friends since elementary School and they valued each other's opinions so Brian's impression of Garrett meant a lot to him. So far all he had received was support from the people he cared about.

He buttoned up his favorite shirt, and fixed his hair one last time before asking Brian his opinion. "You look good Alfie" Brian said before Alfie had a chance to ask him how he looked.

"Alright. I will get going. Text me later" and he waved goodbye.

No sooner had he left than there was a knock on the door and Alfie hurried to get it.  He opened the door and was met with the most gorgeous sight.

Garrett looked amazing. He wore black dress pants, white button up shirt, red tie and black dress shoes. His beard was trimmed slightly, his hair lay loose and long, he just looked like the epitome of masculinity and Alfie was speechless for a moment. "You look so good" Alfie finally stammered out.



His eyes widened and he recognized the look in Alfie's eyes as he had seen it a few times before- lust. Alfie's eyes gave his every emotion away and when Alfie was turned on he couldn't hide it, his eyes betrayed him. Alfie's look was Garretts unraveling.

He walked swiftly over to Alfie and grabbed him by the waist before locking lips with the surprised man. Alfie took about two seconds to get up to speed before he too was wrapped around Garrett like a spider monkey and moaning in his mouth. Two seconds and he was putty in his hands.

He grabbed Alfie's legs that had wrapped around him, held onto him and walked forward, slightly pinning Alfie to the wall. This motion seemed to excite Alfie further and as he grasped Garrett's hair and pulled his head back he stared at him with the clear as day message of take me now.

Alfie's hands dove into Garrett's beard and began to kneed his silky hair like a cat.."Alfie, you are sexy as fuck." Garrett whispered seductively, "there is nothing that I want more than to throw you onto the couch and make you beg for you to come" he paused "but we have plans we should keep". Alfie immediately pouted and unwrapped his body from Garrett. He stood there, mouth open as he was completely unprepared for Garrett's dirty talk. He reached over and closed his mouth with his index finger lifting his chin causing Alfie to giggle.

Never in a million years did Garrett think he had that in him to say. He rarely swore and to speak to his little button so boldly and crassly was a side to Garrett he hadn't expected.

"We will finish this later baby." He winked at Alfie and received an enthusiastic nodding in return.



There was a change in Garrett, a confidence that gave him the most sensual aura. How he completely took him and pinned him against the wall left Alfie breathless. How be spoke so indecently to him made his cock twitch and how Garrett completely controlled the situation was such a turn on for Alfie. 

As strong of a personality that Alfie knows he has, to have Garrett demonstrate this confidence was so appealing to Alfie.

He managed to calm his overactive sex drive and keep his hands and lips to himself as they left his apartment. Garrett had planned the date and wouldn't give anything away. He suspected that Liam and Noah had a hand in helping plan it.

Whatever Garrett had planned he knew it would be thoughtful and with Alfie's happiness in mind. That made him smile, knowing that the feelings that they were sharing, although new, were authentic.

They sat beside each other on the skytrain, fingers interlocked and Garrett rubbing circles on Alfie's thumbs. Knees and shoulders pressed together and they both knew that touch was important to both of them and  they each sought it out.

"It's the next stop" Garrett told him. Alfie looked outside  and grinned like a little kid when he recognized where they were.

"How did you know?" Alfie asked in wonder. Garrett just smiled.

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