Chapter Twenty Seven

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Recommended song - If you want to sing out, sing out by Cat Stevens/Yusuf
arch 11, 2020

Noah's POV

He sat with his brothers and Tyler in the cafe. Tension filled his body and as much as he had been taught by his father to be peaceful and kind, he wanted to hurt that creep that sat across from Garrett. The accident was just that, an accident. He knew it was unintentional and it might have been years ago but that didn't take away from the fact that Garrett had been seriously hurt and his scars would be with him forever.

Cal had done that and even if Garrett wanted to forgive him, Noah was still angry that it happened.

"Noah. Stop glaring." Liam whispered elbowing him.

"I can't help it. It makes me sick to know what he did to Garrett and he is sitting right there." Noah was livid. Liam glanced at Alfie for help.

"Noah, I know you are protective of him. We all are. But we are just here for support Garrett not to judge Cal."

"Yeah well I do judge him. He spat out the words.

Liam looked at his brother. He had never seen Noah so furious. Noah was generally even more gentle that Alfie, and that was saying something.

"Noah. Go outside and wait there." Liam said firmly but the look on Noah's face shook him.

"Like hell I will." Noah shook his head. "He makes one move and he will regret being born."

"Noah. He's not here to hurt him. He's here to apologize, so knock it off." Alfie was getting pissed off at his brothers attitude and he didn't want Garrett to hear any of Noah's opinions on this subject. Protective or not, it wasn't any of  Noah's business.

Noah watched Garrett and Cal without moving an inch. He felt like a tiger protecting his cub. He watched as Garrett signaled them over.

Noah caught the tail end of their conversation as they walked over to Garrett and Cal's booth.

"Cal. None of that is your fault. It is what it is. I have these people that are my family now and I am happy." Garrett introduced Noah, Liam, Tyler and Alfie to Cal. "Alfie is my boyfriend." He stated the obvious when Alfie leaned in for a kiss.

Cal laughed. "I assumed so." He said shaking their hands. Noah studied Cal during their exchange and despite Noah's anger at Cal he did feel it slip.

Noah had never thought of himself as a judgemental person. He thought he was a fair man. He had never held a grudge and talked things out instead of letting anger simmer. But, he was angry.

He was angry that Garrett had been beaten by his parents. He was angry that he was bullied at school when he was so young. He was angry that Cal pushed him and he caught on fire. Intentional or not he was angry. He was angry that his parents abandoned him. He was angry at what Garrett had to endure and fair or not Cal was in his line of fire. He didn't say a word though and kept his opinion to himself. His body language said enough.

Cal knew how lucky he was to have the life that he has. Loving parents, supportive brothers, great friends, awesome job he loves. He's been blessed and he knew it. Alfie excused them so they could continue with their conversation and they returned to the back table to wait until Garrett was done. The men noticed that Noah had calmed down considerably since he met Cal and he had gotten rid of the glare and scowl. Nobody commented on it.

Noah watched as Garrett said their goodbyes and his eyes followed him as he left the coffee shop. He excused himself and followed Cal out.

There was no plan to talk to him, he was just curious to see his reaction after leaving Garrett. He didn't know what to expect but if he wanted forgiveness then Noah wanted to know if he was being sincere with Garrett. He had been through enough in his lifetime and if he put his trust in someone and the person stomped all over it, Noah knew how crushed Garrett would be. He followed him subtely to his car and watched as he got in. What happened next shocked him.

Cal slumped over, his hands in his face and his body shook. He rested his head on the steering wheel and that's when Noah saw his face. Devastation and remorse was etched in his tear stained face.

Something moved Noah. All of his rage disappeared and was replaced with empathy. He knocked on the passenger side window and Cal looked up started.

He unlocked the door and Noah got in. They didn't say a word for several minutes. Noah just looked outside and waited for Cal to compose himself.

"Why are you here?" Cal quietly asked. He looked up at Noah with such vulnerability that it took Noah a moment to catch his breath.

"I don't know". He answered honestly.

"Do you hate me because of what I did to your friend" Cal almost whispered.

"I did. Yeah. I hated you so much. But not now."

Cal looked down at his hands in his lap, playing with the fingertips and not knowing what to say. He snuck a look at Noah who seemed to find something interesting outside to look at. Cal refocused back to his fingers.

"Cal?" Noah said looking over at him.


"What do you need?" Noah asked.

Cal didn't know what he meant. It was such a broad question.

"What do you mean?"

Noah simply repeated the question. Cal thought about it.

He needed help raising Sam. He needed support. He needed a better job, one that he could earn more than just "getting by". He needed hope. He needed someone that he could talk to, rely on, laugh with. He needed a friend. Simple as that.

"I need a friend." Cal quietly said. Noah was surprised by his simple answer.

"Hey Cal?" He smiled Cal who finally turned to look at him.


"Friends"  He held out his pinkie like he did when he was a kid. Cal laughed and wrapped his pinkie in his, thinking it was ridiculously funny.


"Yep" and for Noah it was as simple as that.

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