Chapter Twenty Four

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Recommended song- Heaven by Troye Sivan and Betty Who

Vancouver, British Columbia

March 10, 2020

Alfie's POV

He was running a few minutes behind. If he didn't dawdle he could still get to the school on time, although it was spring break he had work to do and a lot of the teachers would be there catching up. After Garrett had woken up it took them a while to fall back asleep. Alfie thought some sexual activity was just the ticket and Garrett hadn't put up any resistance. He wasn't expecting Garrett to anyway. So needless to say they slept through both alarms and Alfie scrambled to get ready while Garrett just watched him from the comfort of Alfie's cozy bed.

He kissed him before running off. Garrett was bringing him lunch so he didn't have to waste time making one.

"I love you. See you at lunch" and hurried out the door.

He did make it in time, barely, and waved to Benjamin as they passed in the hallway. Benjamin's fiance, Tyler had quickly become one of Garrett's best friends so now the four often hung out together.

The morning went quickly and just as he looked up at the time the bell rang. He met Garrett in the teachers lounge where they found a table with Benjamin and a few other teachers.

"Ooooh. Nice lunch. Thank you Garrett". He  gave him a quick kiss before digging into his ham and swiss sandwich.

He looked over at Garrett and thought he would have looked more tired and stressed after what had happened the night before at his sister's and the confusing dream that he had.

He, however, looked rested, cheerful, and  happy. Alfie knew he had made up his mind whether to meet with Cal or not. He would wait for Garrett to initiate the conversation. Alfie also knew that he would have asked some advice from either Noah or Liam, probably Noah, as Garrett often sought their opinions.

It was just another change that Garrett had made. Yes he panicked, yes he was a mess on the bathroom floor BUT that amazing man got right back up again. He was a fighter. He was strong. He was brave and he was the man that had completely stolen Alfie's heart.

Garrett's POV

He could tell that Alfie was staring at him. Garrett had been talking to Benjamin about an upcoming event at Indie Beats where they were both performing on Friday and Saturday night.

Garrett knew Alfie was probably worried about him and he hoped that his mood would calm his worries. He was fine. His eyes met Alfie's and Garrett held onto his hand. "Don't worry darlin', I'm good."

Alfie smiled. "What's your plans after this?"

"I have to meet Sharon at her office. She has the convention pass for me. It's going to be a busy weekend!" The convention was 9-4 on Friday and Saturday and his band played three sets from 9-2am on Friday and Saturday as we.

"Hey Benjamin, are we still going out for supper before the event on Saturday?"

"You bet. Alfie, ask your brothers to come too?"

Alfie laughed. "I already did and yup they're gonna be there. Liam said something about all you can eat chicken wings and beer so I guess he wants Casey's pub". The group laughed because Liam always picked Casey's pub.

"Well the bell is going to ring. I will see you after three. I love you." Alfie kissed Garrett and headed to his class. Garrett said goodbye to Benjamin and the others at the table and headed for home.

"Hey Garrett. How's your day?" Noah asked him on the phone.

"Pretty good Noah. Can I talk to you about something?" Noah smiled. He wondered if it was about Alfie.

"Go for it".

"Well, I had an accident when I was 10"

"Uh huh"

"Did I tell you about my back?"

"No G. You didn't." Noah sat forward.

Garrett told him about the accident, his long recovery in the hospital, his parents abandoning him, foster care and how Allison became his guardian when he was 13.

Noah really didn't know what to say. 

"Garrett..." That was all Noah could say before he choked up. Garrett heard his friend struggling with his emotions on the other end of the phone.

"It's ok Noah. The thing is..." He took a deep breath "Cal messaged Allison and wants to meet me to apologize."

Noah was surprised. "So what are you going to do?"

"I want to meet him but I'm nervous about calling him. Can I come over and sit with you while I call?"

"Of course buddy. What time are you thinking?"

"Probably a little before 2. I have to meet Sharon at her office and it's just a couple blocks from your place."

"Ok I will see you shortly. Liam will be here, will that be ok?"

"Yeah. Ok see ya soon."

It was 1:50 when he arrived at Noah and Liam's apartment. He knew he could have done this with Alfie by his side but this was a time that he really wanted his "big brothers" who would handle it better if the phone call went south. He didn't want Alfie to see him breakdown again. He didn't want him to always worry about him. Plus if it didn't go well Noah and Liam would come up with creative ways to do bodily harm to Cal which would definitely lighten the mood.

"Come on in G. Want a gingerale?" Liam asked knowing Garrett's love for the soda.

"Please" he sat in the middle of the couch, with Noah and Liam settling down on either side of him.

"Ok. Let's do this" Garrett began dialing and looked at Noah for his comforting smile.

"This is Garrett" he said. He didn't know how else to start the conversation.

"Hi Garrett. Thank you for calling me back. I'm kinda surprised but really glad" Cal sounded nervous. He could hear a baby fussing in the background. "Shhh shh it's ok Sam".

"You have a baby?" Garrett asked.

"Yeah. His name is Sam. He is so tired but can't settle down for a nap"

This surprised Garrett. He wasn't expecting that.

"Mom could you take Sam for a couple minutes. Garrett is on the phone" Garrett heard Cal say and he definitely wasn't expecting to hear that.

"How old is Sam" Garrett asked.

"He's 6 months old, he will be 7 months next week". Garrett could hear him smile as he talked about his son.

"So you wanted to meet?" Garrett asked.

"Yes. Can we. Please?" He sounded so vulnerable Garrett thought.

"Yeah. Afternoons work best for me. I work nights."

"Okay. I can be available whenever. Whatever works for you."

"Okay. How about tomorrow at 2? The Tim Hortons on Davie street?"

Ok. That's pretty close to where I live actually. Thank you so much. I will see you then".

The conversation only lasted a few minutes but he felt drained. He got hugged on either side of him and knew he made the right decision.

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