Chapter Twenty Eight

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March 11, 2020

Liam's POV

They watched Noah as he got up and left the coffee shop. They hoped it wasn't to follow Cal but they suspected that was where he was heading.  Liam rose and Alfie told him to sit down. "Just let them be" Alfie said. "Noah isn't going to hit him, you know that."

Liam nodded. "Who needs a ride?" He asked the group.

"Benjamin will be here in a few minutes. We're going to IKEA."

"Fun." Alfie said. "We could use a ride home." Liam nodded.

They waited a few more minutes then went outside to find Noah. They met at the door as they were leaving and Noah was going inside.

Liam looked at him and noticed the complete change in his brother from 15 minutes prior. Noah's face was relaxed, his jaw unclenched and a slight smile formed on his lips. Definitely different than how he had left the coffee shop just a short time before.

Liam furrowed his brows at him in a silent "what's up with you" manner and got a flustered Noah in response.

This is interesting, Liam thought.  He knew they would talk about it later so be wasn't going to bring it up now.

"Alright. Let's go"

Garrett's POV

Noah was in the front seat with Liam driving chatting about nothing in particular. Alfie and Garrett were sitting in the back, silently consumed with each other.

They both had things on their mind, most of which was sexual in nature and without any words they knew what the other wanted. Every so often they would look at each other and one would have to be blind not to see their sexually charged looks.

Alfie was playing with Garretts fingers as he always did. He kept rubbing his knee on Garrett's and he was finding it difficult to not look turned on in front of Alfie's brothers. When Alfie reached up to play with his beard he felt his pants tighten and groaned inwardly.

"Behave darlin'" he whispered.

"Make. Me" Alfie said slowly and Garrett inhaled sharply.

FINALLY they reached their apartment building and both pretty much jumped out as quick as they good and rushed a goodbye before hurriedly making it to Alfie's apartment.

Alfie fumbled with the keys until he finally managed to open it. He took off running down the hall, leaving a trail of clothes behind him. Garrett was right behind him and stripping as he went. He found Alfie posed provocatively on all fours on his bed.

"Fuck Alfie. You are gorgeous." He crawled up on the bed and pinned Alfie to the bed, with his arms above his head.

"You were teasing me in the car." Garrett said gruffly.

"Guilty." Alfie groaned.

"Do you want me to tease you?" Garrett asked him.

"Punish me however you want Bear"  Alfie said with a wink.

That did it. He pressed his lips against Alfie's eager mouth  and lust was oozing from their pores.

"I'm going to take you long. Hard. Fast. You ready?" Garrett said deliberately slow

"Bring it" Alfie replied bracing himself for the harsh but ooh so satisfying next few hours.

Garrett delivered on his promise. He did not hold back. There was minimal prep, mainly because Alfie was greedy and wanted it sooner rather than later. He slid into Alfie's sweet hole like his life was depending on it.

At one point Garrett was worried he was going a little overboard. "Do you want me to slow down?"

"Nooooo Bear. I love this. Oh God you feel so good." That was all the clarification Garrett needed before he had Alfie on his knees, he crossed his arms behind him and held them in place. He manuevered him so his body was upright, knees on the bed and he pummeled into Alfie with wild abandon.

There was no middle ground between Alfie and Garrett sexually. It was either balls to the wall, all for nothing sex or slow and tender lovemaking. That evening there was both with two showers and a few catnaps in between.

When they made love it was exquisite. Exploring each other with finger tips, lips and tongues. Neither could get enough of each other. Kisses both deep and soft. Their eyes meeting and not straying. It was slow and intense, passionate and fullfilling.

One of their favorite positions was Alfie on top, facing away and leaning back. They took turns giving and taking and Garretts lips rarely left Alfie's soft neck with his lips. When Alfie rode him it was soft and deliciously slow then Garrett would switch it up and he would pound him into next week.

Their emotions were raw, unfiltered and vulnerable. Neither had felt this intense honesty with anyone before and they did not hold back on their thoughts or actions. Although it was not Alfie's first experience with love, he knew that theirs was once in a lifetime love and he cherished it.

Garrett adored Alfie, he could not imagine loving anyone as much as he loved Alfie. He knew that he would never find another that came close to how much he loved, respected, treasured and was completely turned on by. He was his one and only and Garrett knew that Alfie felt the same.

When they finally awoke and wrestled with the tangled sheets to get out of bed, they were both sore but satisfied. Alfie made breakfast while Garrett made coffee. They made their plans for the day, Alfie was  going to work and Garrett was going to visit Allison, lunch with Tyler at the university and work later in the evening. Garrett would meet him after 3 and they would walk home together.

They both settled nicely into their morning routine. They looked at one another and both thought. I want this. Forever.

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