Chapter Seventeen

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Recommended song - Talk me down by Troye Sivan

February 16, 2020

Alfie's POV

"How many people do you think will be there?" Garrett asked tying up his shoes.

"Well, board members for sure and then the regular volunteers, hard to say how many but hopefully a decent crowd". Alfie replied. He was glad that he had asked Garrett to come to the meeting and was pleased how enthusiastic Garrett had been when he was asked.

They were holding the meeting at the soup kitchen as tables and chairs were already set up, the dining hall was large enough to accommodate a large group and unlimited coffee was definitely a perk. His grandpa would probably pick up timbits, he smiled.

Alfie made sure that Garrett was close by his side and introduced him to everyone that they met with. Alfie was pleased that  Garrett was much more at ease with making small talk with people than just a short while ago.

Alfred Sr called everyone's attention and began the meeting. He didn't waste time and got to the point.

"When Corona hits Canada with a vengence, and make no mistake because it will, Vancouver will be greatly affected. The hardest hit will be our vulnerable. The homeless, the low income families, the off grid individuals who will not have resources that the rest of Vancouver can afford. We must work quickly to make a plan so when it hits we are prepared."

He had everyone's attention. Over the next hour he detailed what supplies would be needed, masks, gloves, disinfectant and hand sanitzers.

"These will be the first to go. We will need these for our front line workers, volunteers in the soup kitchen, shelter workers and outreach workers. All of our different agencies, whether it is government sponsored or charity will have to work together.

Housing is a huge concern. Most live on the streets with no sanitations except for park bathrooms and their close proximity in shelters or living on the street makes for a disastrous outbreak of Corona.

We must have a task force group responsible for that. At the end of the meeting those wanting to be on that task force will meet at the back table. Henry Crawly, raise your hand. There he is. Henry will be leading up the task force so just meet him there after the meeting.

Secondary is the soup kitchen. We should expect food shortages and possible closure. Hopefully it won't come to that but let's be overly prepared just in case. We will need a month supply and put away in reserve. Alfie  will head up that task force, so meet him after the meeting if you can help with that."

Garrett looked at Alfie and squeezed his hand in support. This would be a huge undertaking and Garrett was once again impressed with the caring man beside him. He would help Alfie with the task force, he thought determinedly.

Alfred Sr continued. "The last task force will be in charge of the masks, gloves and sanitizers. They will be responsible for the purchases, keeping stock and distribution of these items. I will head this up with Natalie so if anyone has experience with this come see me after the meeting."

After 20 minutes of questions they broke into the 3 groups that made up the task forces. Garrett watched Alfie's father make way to his son and was introduced to him. He gladly shook his hand.

Garrett was in awe of Alfred's father. It was no wonder that Alfie, Noah and Liam looked up to him. He was a great leader and clearly was in his element. He couldn't help but compare this articulate and devoted man to the man that raised him.

His own father was dishonest, usually stealing, scamming, or dealing drugs to make ends meet. He doubted he had ever worked an honest day in his life. He talked with his fists, even when he was just a toddler he was terrified of him.

His mother was no better. Lazy, mean and usually drunk. There were no hugs, kind words or any warmth in the home except from Allison.

Garrett was only ten years old when his entire world changed in the blink of an eye. He was in grade four and on a field trip with the grade four, five and six classes at Pitt Lake. He was so shy and trying to not draw any attention to himself. Unfortunately he wasn't seen at all when some of the older kids began goofing off in front of the fire. Just as the teacher told them to stop, one of the boys tripped and fell on Garrett who fell backwards. The teacher grabbed him before he fell but his jacket caught on fire. His zipper was stuck and it melted onto him. 

The pain was unimaginable. He went into shock and fell unconscious for two days. Garrett suffered significant burns on his back.

He spent months in the hospital. His patents never visited him. Nurses felt sorry for the 11 year old and doted on him, even giving him a birthday party and little gifts. It was his first birthday in years and he cherished that moment. It was the first time in his life that he received such kindness and he basked in it.

Allison was still stuck living in the hell that was their home. They refused to take her to the hospital and she cried herself to sleep worrying about him. When it was time for Garrett to be discharged they refused to get him.

They said he was a burden and wouldn't spend money on medical bills. Although hurt, he was relieved. He was placed in foster care. Allison is 6 years older than Garrett and had to wait two years before Allison turned 18 so that she could get guardianship of him.

He couldn't have asked for a better "mom" than her and was incredibly thankful for the sacrifices she made for him.

He looked around the room, at the faces of strangers all eager to help. They were doing this, not for money but because it was the right thing to do, as Alfie often said. Once again his world was opening and creating amazing opportunities for Garrett to truly become part of the world. He put his arm around Alfie and kissed the top of his head.

"Are you coming over after the meeting?" Alfie asked.

"That would be nice" Garrett smiled.

They walked to the apartment complex discussing what will need to be done in the next few days and weeks. They entered Alfie's apartment and relaxed on the couch. Alfie put his head on his chest and Garrett snuggled in close.

"Do you want to spend the night? Nothing has to happen, I'd just like to sleep in your arms"."

Alfie was so bold, Garrett thought. Although he was thinking he would love to spend the night he never would have the nerve to ask.

Garrett took his hand and led him to the bedroom. They undressed and slipped under the covers. Alfie nested in, his hand buried in his beard. Garrett looked down and chuckled.

They kissed for a long while but it didn't go past making out. They enjoyed each other's company, felt a strong bond, definitely felt the sexual current between them but both enjoyed the pace that they were at. They settled easily, comfortably and wrapped up in each other as they fell asleep, both thinking it was the best place on earth.

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