Chapter Twenty One

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March 8, 2020

Alfie's POV

In mid February, a change of atmosphere had hit the world. People were paying more attention to the news and were more on alert.

It wasn't until cases began popping up in Canada at the end of February,  that Alfie's  co-workers were becoming more alarmed. He urged friends and coworkers to have enough emergency supplies for three weeks. Most just smiled and he knew they wouldn't follow his well intentioned advice.

By the first week of March the  anticipation mounted each day. People had grown nervous and wary. People were definitely watching the infected cases rise dramatically around the world.

The end of February announced troubling news as he followed the World Health Organization website.

Total Countries With Confirmed Cases: 56

Total Cases Confirmed Globally: 84,090

Total Deaths Worldwide: 2,874

Deaths Outside of China: 87

A week later the news was even more grim. Confirmed global cases topped 100,000

At school there was an unease among his ESL students as they had moved from the affected areas- China, South Korea and  Japan and some had family members back home that had been tested positive.

Alfie was grieving the loss of his friend David and was worried about his friends. They had flown back from China last week and in quarantine but he was relieved they were finally home.

There wasn't more he could do however. He was prepared. He helped Garrett get his emergency kit ready, he didn't even have a first aid kit so it was literally starting from scratch.

The soup kitchen was prepared for when covid hit Vancouver. His emergency supplies were bought and organized weeks before. There wasn't more he could do except wait.

Garrett's POV

There were many things that he admired about Alfie and being organized was definitely a point in his favor. Garrett had picked up quite a few tips on how to manage time better, how to organize paperwork and keep a proper budget.

He had gotten his acceptance letter from UBC and would be starting his ten month social worker program in the fall. He couldn't believe this was really his life now.

A beautiful boyfriend who loved him, friends that supported him and genuinely cared for him.

Alfie was meeting Allison and her family for supper. He was so excited to introduce Alfie to them, he knew they would love him. Garrett put on his shoes, grabbed his keys and wallet and checked his hair one last time before heading over to Alfie's.

He couldn't wipe the smile off his face even if he tried and the closer be got to Alfie's apartment the more goofy he looked with the ridiculous smile he had.

He barely knocked on the door when it swung open and Alfie jumped in his arms.

"Bear!" Alfie exclaimed "I missed you sooooo much".

"I missed you too darlin" Garrett said, securing Alfie around him and walking into the living room. He sat down, Alfie ending up in his lap.

"How was your day?" He asked between quick kisses.

"It was good. Busy but good". Alfie smiled at him and nuzzled into his beard. Garrett never tired of that.

"When do we leave for your sisters?"

"Hmm. Twenty minutes."

"Oooh so we have some time for kisses then?" Alfie grinned.

Garrett didn't reply, he just pulled him in for a long, deep kiss. He could feel himself float away. Garrett knew all of Alfie's sweet spots and what got him going. He tried to avoid them or else they would be very late for dinner and it would just result in a lot of teasing from Adam and Allison.

Allison's POV

"Hun, can you grab that big bowl from the top shelf in the pantry please?" Allison called for her husband who was sitting quite comfortably in front of the hockey game on the TV. Each boy beside him and Josie content in her exeesaucer.

"Sure thing" Adam passed her the bowl. "What do you need help with?" He asked, hugging her from behind.

"I think I have everything else pretty much prepared. I can't wait to meet Alfie. The changes in Garrett have been awesome to see, I feel like I don't have to worry so much about him anymore. He's in a really good place and I know Alfie is a huge part of that." She turned around to face Adam.

"Love will do that" he replied, kissing her tenderly.

"Yeah. It did for me" she looked at her husband of ten years and smiled genuinely at him.

"You changed my life and I am so lucky to have you and the kids" she said wrapping her arms around him.

"I feel the same" he kissed her again.

"Did you tell him yet?" Adam asked cautiously.

"No" she paused. "I'm so scared to. He's in such a good place right now and I don't want him feeling down about this."

"It isn't an ideal situation and I hate that you have to be caught up in it but he is strong, he has us and Alfie and his friends. It's up to Garrett if he wants to meet him but he needs to have that choice. We will talk to him tonight. Both of us."

Allison was shocked when she received the phone call three days before from Cal Hodges. They hadn't spoken his name in over a decade and to speak to him after all that time was jarring.

She remembered his words.

"I just want to say how sorry I am. I need to apologize and I know it's selfish, but please ask him if we can meet." The now 28 year old Cal Hodges sounded nothing like the 13 year old that had accidentally caused the horrific burns to her brother and caused so much damage both physically and emotionally.

Would it open old wounds? She wondered. She knew that sadness and insecurities had plagued Garrett and he had never gotten over what had happened to him. The wounds were deep and raw and had never healed. Time had covered them but scratch the  surface it was there as raw as ever. Garrett had made a new happy life for himself and was on a positive track in his life and would this be a set back for him she worried.

"So tonight, we will sit down with Garrett after the kids have gone to bed and talk about it. Okay?" Adam said with reasurance.

"Tell me what?" Garrett asked.

They hadn't noticed him standing in the kitchen doorway.

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