Chapter Thirty Six

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Noah singing "The morning has broken" to Sam. One of my favorite songs and I thought this fit so well to their characters.

Saturday March 14, 2020

Cal's POV

When he woke up it smelled different, not like his home or anything familiar. He laid there, so still, eyes closed, not quite awake enough to decide to open them or not. The sounds were unfamiliar too, and the bed didn't feel like his own. He opened his eyes and it took a moment to determine where he was.

Smiling he realized he was at the cabin and that Sam would be sleeping peacefully next to him in his playpen. It sat right next to the head of the bed so he merely had to lift his head and peer inside.

Sam wasn't there and for the briefest moments he panicked.  He got up and checked the empty top bunk, where Noah had slept and knew immediately that Sam was safe.

He pulled on a hoodie and went on his search to find Sam and Noah. Greeting Alfred Sr and Natalie warmly he looked around and Natalie pointed outside with a smile.

He found Noah sitting in the old rocking chair on the porch, Sam on his lap bundled in his blanket looking content with his bottle. It really was a beautiful sight, the calmness and peace of the moment. Sam's little hand sitting atop of Noah's. Then he heard Noah sing and felt something stir in him that Cal couldn't explain.

Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing
Praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the Word

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dew fall on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where His feet pass

Mine is the sunlight
Mine is the morning
Born of the One Light Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day

Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing
Praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the Word

He quietly opened the front door and walked to the bedroom. Allison looked up and noticed a teary Cal walk past her. She passed Josie to Adam and softly knocked on the door.

"Come in." Cal answered.

"Let's go for a walk Cal." She smiled at him
She knew he was upset and didn't want others to notice.

Cal nodded and followed her outside. They walked a few minutes before she stopped.

"What's going on Cal? Why are you upset?" She asked concerned. He didn't know how to explain it. He just shrugged his shoulders, unable to speak.

The tears flowed freely and she passed him the Kleenex pack she had in her pocket.

"Just try to explain it. It might make sense if you say it out loud."

"Everyone has been so nice to me. I don't understand why. I am an awful person that is so flawed and messed up and everyone has been so kind." Cal sobbed. She reached out and took him in her arms. She had held Garrett much the same so many times over the years.

"You apologized. Garrett forgave you. He sees something in you that you don't see yourself. We all see that and that is why you are here." She stopped to look at him. 

"Do you know why Alfie and Noah have taken such a shine to Sam?" Cal shook his head. "They both lost one of their parents when they were young." Cal's eyes widened. He didn't know that.

"Do you know why Alfred and Natalie are so kind and generous?" Again Cal shook his head.

"They have seen so much trauma in their life with the Red Cross. Being on the front line of wars and disasters would change a person, don't you think that sort of thing would change a person?" Cal nodded silently. "So when they see you they don't see the 13 year old boy but the father of a son that is reaching for help and they are reaching back."

Cal just stared at her. He never thought of these new friends having such sorrow In their lives. He know understood.

"Thank you Allison. This really helped me."

"I'm glad Cal. All of us are here for you. We are here for Sam. One more thing?" She said smiling at him.


"Forgive yourself. It's time. Ok?" Allison gave him a quick hug and they began walking back to the cabin."

"This has been such a nice weekend." She mused.

"It really has. I'm so glad that we came." He smiled back at her.

He saw Noah and Sam still on the porch. Noah was chatting with Sam and his son was looking enthralled with whatever it was Noah was talking about. Allison waved and went inside and Cal sat with Noah and Sam

"Everything ok?" Noah asked concerned.

"Yeah it is. Thank you for watching Sam. You are really amazing with him." Cal meant it. Noah was naturally good with Sam and it was really nice to see.

After Amy died he felt so alone. He was grateful to his parents, moreso now after this weekend. He didn't have any friends and felt lonely and inadequate as a father. He felt like his outlook had changed, especially after the heart to heart with Allison.

If these strangers could see something good and redeemable in Cal then he would do whatever he could to make his new life as positive and good as he possibly could.

"What are you thinking about?" Noah asked, with a concerned expression on his face.

Cal smiled at his new friend, the one who was becoming an important person in his and his son's life and answered simply.

"You." He said and watched Noah turn red and grin back at him.

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