Chapter Thirty Two

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Recommended song- Here Comes the Sun by SYML

Friday March 13, 2020

Garrett's POV

"This was a fantastic idea darlin." Garrett said to his boyfriend, kissing him on his neck. He stood behind him, arms wrapped around and head resting on top of his head. Physically they were complete opposite, yet fit like 2 puzzle pieces. Garrett was so happy, all the people he loved were here and Cal came as well which he was glad for. He knew Cal needed this group of people to help him and Sam get on a positive track.

Sam was adorable and he loved watching Alfie with him. Never did he imagine he would have children but now his world was as big as his dreams and he let his mind wander to that possibility.

"What are you thinking about Bear?" Alfie could always tell when Garrett was deep in thought, even if he couldn't see him he would know.

"I'm thinking about you." He said simply.

"Anything else?" Alfie asked shifting his body slightly to look at him.

"Our children" Garrett said confidently.

Alfie wasn't surprised or thinking 'whoa buddy, slow down". He admitted to himself that he had those thoughts too.

"Good." Alfie said simply and squeezed in a little tighter.

Allison had texted 20 minutes before and she and the family would arrive pretty soon. He couldn't wait to see them. He had just seen them a few days before but he was excited for everyone to socialize together.

He wondered if Allison and Adam would be awkward around Cal. He hoped not. She hadn't said anything negative when he told her Cal would be there with Sam. He smiled, thinking his sister would probably go out of her way to be nice because of Garrett.

"Is Brian coming tomorrow?" He asked Alfie.

"Yeah. He couldn't switch shifts and has to work tonight but he will be here in the morning. I can't wait for you to get to know him better." Alfie replied.

"Me too." Garrett watched Alfie's parents in the kitchen. "Let's go help your parents." He said to Alfie taking his hand.

Alfred Sr's POV

Alfred looked around the cabin from the kitchen and smiled proudly. Alfie and Garrett were wrapped up in their own world, as usual. Liam was busy getting all of the beds ready and Cal was busy with Sam and getting the playpen set up and organizing Sam's bag so everything was handy. Noah was, well Alfred wasn't exactly sure what Noah was doing and why he had that goofy expression on his face. He was "helping" Cal even though Cal clearly had it well under control. He continued watching his son acting so out of character. He was hanging on Cal's every word with that silly expression. Cal looked oblivious to Noah's off behaviour, probably because he didn't know Noah well enough.

"Natalie, come here" he whispered to his wife. "Look at your son" he said to her.

"Which one?" She laughed.


"Why?" She wondered.

"Just watch."

They stood at the counter, pretending to organize the paper plates (which didn't need organizing whatsoever) while subtely watching their eldest son.

"Oh my God" she laughed. "He's flirting!"

"He is. Cal doesn't even realize it." Alfred chuckled.

"Is Noah gay? Does he even know he's flirting?" He wondered out loud. "I have never seen him like this, even when he was a teenager. He's practically giddy."

"Well this is an interesting turn of events isn't it?" Natalie smiled. Liam walked in the kitchen.

"What are you two up to?" Liam asked, knowing the look on his parents faces meant something.

"Look at your brother." They both said together.

Liam didn't even need to look to know what they were talking about.

"Yeah I know. I got the entire Noah show on the drive up." Liam laughed.

"Do you think Cal knows?" Natalie asked Liam.

"Not a clue." He said. "I advise you to pretend you didn't notice and not mention it to Noah. He was pissed at me for smirking at him and I didn't even say anything." Liam laughed quietly.

"Good to know. Hey ask everyone how many burgers everyone wants. We will start cooking the burgers when Garrett's family arrives." Natalie said to Liam. Garrett and Alfie walked in the kitchen.

"Hey guys. Do you need any help?" Garrett asked.

"Yeah that would be great. Can you get the condiments from the cooler and set them on the counter. The far end. On this end, Alfie you grab the cutlery and napkins. You know where it is."

There was a knock on the door and Liam went to answer.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to greet Allison and the kids. Jace and Mason ran to their Uncle Garrett and jumped up for their hug. Alfie was next in line for his hug and they made their way to the door to greet Allison, Adam and Josie.

They were warmly welcomed and shown their room. After setting their bags on the beds they made their way to the living room where everyone was gathered. Allison looked at Cal who looked awkward and nervous. She smiled genuinely at him and saw him relax slightly.

"Alright. Who is hungry?" Alfred Sr. asked.

"Meeeeeeeee!!!" Jace and Mason called back with an excited Josie following suit. Even Sam looked excited but it was due to the arrival of little people. Sam and Josie sat beside each other in old school high chairs that attached to the table and they basically passed food to each other instead of eatting it.

"How old is Sam?" Allison asked Cal knowing it was a good icebreaker.

"He's six months, well almost seven months" Cal replied proudly.

"He is really adorable." Allison said smiling.

"Thank you. So are your kids. You have a really nice family."

"Thank you Cal. Yeah, I've been so lucky." They were quiet then, just looking at their babies and thinking this was nice. Really nice.

"I'm glad that you called Garrett. We all need to heal and this is a really good start" Allison said. She surprised him by reaching over and squeezing his hand. He squeezed hers back and fought back the tears.

Alfred Sr. watched the exchange between Cal and Allison and although he didn't know details of what happened to Garrett he was pleased to have witnessed their moment. If being at his cabin for the weekend could help with their healing then he was happy to be a small part of it. He walked up to Natalie who was dishing out her plate and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hi hun. What's that for?" She looked up smiling.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hug the most amazing woman in the world. I love you." He leaned down to kiss her. Noah saw the exchange and smiled.

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