Chapter Fourteen

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Photo of  star projector at H.R. Macmillan Space Center

Recommended song: Fault in our stars by Troye Sivan

February 7, 2020

Alfie's POV

How did he know? He wondered. Noah and Liam must have told him he decided, yet he asked anyway.  Garrett just smiled before answering.

"You have a map of the constellations framed and hanging in your living room, your screen saver is the galaxy and you have a telescope set up in your dining room." Alfie was impressed. "I took a chance that you would enjoy this."

"Noah and Liam didn't give you a hint?"

"Nope" Garrett smiled, pleased with himself.

"I love this place! What a great idea" Alfie reached up and hugged him. "Have you been here before?" Alfie asked.

"I think so. In grade 3 for a field trip". He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I would love to give you the full Alfred Bowen tour" Alfie laughed, "keep in mind that I am a teacher." Alfie was excited to show Garrett around the space center.

"Ooh. Will there be a test at the end?" Garrett teased.

"Probably." Alfie answered honestly then smiled. "You will get used to it".

Those words stuck to Garrett. He was thrilled that Alfie was seeing them with  a future,  that there was more. He wanted that with Alfie so bad. He slipped his hand in Alfie's smaller hand. "Lead the way Mr. Bowen."

Alfie was in his glory, showing Garrett one of his passions and sharing it with him was the best feeling. Garrett was completely engaged and asked questions and he was ridiculously smart which impressed Alfie. Alfie was smitten, he had fallen hard for the giant bear of a man and doubted that he was being subtle.

"What got you interested in space?" Garrett asked while they were sitting on the bench looking at the

"When I was six, my mom died and I felt so lost without her. I just kept staring at the stars and imagined that one of the stars was her looking down at me. It grew from there."

"I'm sorry about your mom" Garrett said sympathetically.

"It's ok. She had cancer, she sure did fight it though. It was just my dad and myself for a long time and then he met Natalie and she's awesome and I got Liam and Noah now." He smiled at Garrett and leaned into him.

"That's good. I'm glad your family is nice. Liam and Noah have been so good to me." He said fondly. He kissed the top of Alfie's head. "Come on, there's more to see, right?" He grasped Alfie's hand and they continued on their tour.


Garrett's POV

They continued looking at the exhibits and made their way to the observation theatre. They sat, hands intertwined, and marvelled at the beautiful galaxy that stretched above their heads. Every so often Alfie would nuzzle up close to him and kiss his neck or cheek and Garrett would squeeze him in closer.

"I'm so comfortable with you Alfie" Garrett confessed quietly.

"I am too. You just fit, ya know?" Alfie turned to look at him.

"Yeah I know" Garrett said leaning in to kiss him.

"Are you getting hungry?" Garrett asked after a few minutes.

"I am famished".

"Good. I planned to feed you as well." Garrett laughed.

They caught the sky train to the harbor and walked along the pathways that led them around the waterfront. Marinas, restaurants, fishing boats selling that days catches, tourist shops, and buskers dotted the Vancouver harbor.

He took Alfie's small hand and they walked down the dock until they reached the small red tugboat. It was outfitted to be a simple fish and chip take out place and Garrett couldn't emphasise the word simple enough.

A couple of portable coolers served as the refrigeration, two small fryers and the food was wrapped in newspaper. As basic as it was, the food was amazing and the owner was entertaining.

He was an old fisherman from Newfoundland and although he had resided in British Columbia for the past fifty years his accent was still thick and often difficult to understand. Garrett loved the place though and he knew Alfie would get a kick out of it.

"Hey Red" Alfie greeted the old fisherman. Garrett looked at him dumbfounded. Alfie turned to him and shrugged.

"Alfie. How are you? Good to see you" Red greeted him in his thick newfie accent. Garrett had been a regular customer of the little red tugboat for years and they didn't even know each other's names. Alfie seemed to know everyone. Garrett knew there would be story behind meeting Red and he couldn't wait to hear it.

Garrett only caught bits and pieces of their conversation but Alfie seemed to understand every word. They got their newspaper bundle of fish and chips, loaded it up with malt vinegar and ketchup and waved bye to Red.

Alfie turned to him and answered the unanswered question. "When he moved to Vancouver back in the sixties my grandpa found him homeless on the streets and took him under his wing. Grandpa got him a place to live, he pointed to the red tug boat and got him a job. Twenty years ago he started his little fish and chip place."

He was speechless. It took a few minutes to process. "So, your grandpa didn't know him?" He asked bewildered.

"Nope" Alfie said popping a few fries in his mouth.

"And he found him a place to live and a job?"

"Yep" he turned to Garrett.

Garrett shook his head. "I don't understand."

Alfie simply looked at him and smiled. "Why not?"

"Why would he help someone he doesn't know?" Garrett asked confused.

"Because it is the right thing to do. Grandpa saw a person that needed help, grandpa could help him do why not?"

For Garrett it was completely unrelatable. The years he spent at the abusive hands of his parents, there was nobody to help him. At the hands of his bullies that terrorized him and ultimately set him on fire, nobody helped him. The years of Allison and him struggling to even have enough to eat, where was help? He didn't want to be bitter but he couldn't help it.

He swallowed his feelings as he often did and picked at the rest of his fries, no longer feeling hungry. He felt sick. Tears were threatening to fall and he bit his lip to stop them.

"Bear" Alfie whispered and he felt the warmth that only Alfie could provide. "You can talk to me." He said calmly.

Garrett sobbed. "Why didn't anyone help me? I was just a kid. People knew what was going on Alfie. Lots of people. Neighbors, teachers, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Nobody helped us." He broke down completely and finally let grief and sadness wash over him because he knew he was finally safe. Safe with Alfie.

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