Chapter 2

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Hiya lovelies pictured above is the living room in which the royals usually have their breakfast and maybe something interesting will happen there today ;) 


The clock struck 8. Letting out a yawn, I stretched my arms and legs as I proceeded to get ready for our usual breakfast routine. My handmaiden, Gloria pushed open my curtains. I took in the view of the beautiful weather with cotton-candy skies and breath-taking views of the garden, which gave me the urge to travel to a foreign country. My day dreaming was cut short when Gloria reminded me to get ready quickly, because the King and Queen had an important announcement they wanted to make.

After my usual shower routine, I noticed a royal blue skirt paired with a matching blouse along with a pearl necklace and earrings. My favourite classic, black stilettos were left on the floor by my bed.  I made a quick mental note to thank Gloria in my head, as I pulled my hair into a low bun as I skipped downstairs. I was met with Nikolai's smiling face by the end of the staircase.

We entered the living room to notice an enormous breakfast had been laid out and sitting at both ends of the table were mother and father. They both liked to show they had equal power by sitting at the ends of the table, even though in my mind it proved nothing. And of course, Natalia was already seated there, throwing a smug look in my direction. I responded with a raised eyebrow.

Upon noticing me and Nikolai our parents walked towards us with smiles on their faces. Things were just getting weirder and weirder today.

 I looked over to Nikolai and quietly whispered."Why do they look like they're going to ship us off to some sort of boarding school? They look far too happy for my liking."

"I'm feeling quite anxious myself sister and I pray it's not a boarding school," Nikolai continued. "Wait! We're both 19 now so school's out of the question. It could be about college."

I replied by giving him a weird look. I shifted uncomfortably as I noticed our parents coming closer and closer.

"Nina, Nikolai! We have some important news!" Mother said, in her all too cheery voice."Oh yes, Blake dear, why don't you break the news to them?"

"Ah, but of course my darling," he said, looking lovingly at my mother. "Nina, Nikolai and Natalia. All of you are going to stay in our family palace in Greece for a month. Now don't get too excited you both," he said noticing the grins on mines and Nikolai's faces.

"Here's the catch: Nina we have decided it's time for you to find a suitable partner and thus have invited twenty decent men, which your sister helped us choose. They will all be staying with you in Greece. And we will be shortly announcing this on the news as 'The Royal Programme'. Don't worry Nikolai, I have also invited your lady friend Angel and Alexander. They will be joining you too!"

I was gobsmacked. Why did I have to find a suitor? I mean why not Natalia, since she was the oldest. For all I care, I bet she planned this along with my parents and didn't tell me. But alas, I was going to fight back too.

"Mother, father why me? I mean Natalia's older than me. Therefore, I firmly believe it should be her who gets to do this. Not me!" I screamed in disbelief about the fact that my parents were going to ship me away to Greece, without my consent.

"Because we have already found a suitor for her. She's going to be the next in line to the throne therefore, we took the honours of choosing for her. So I would count yourself lucky if I was you, as we are giving you the choice to choose. However, if you do not comply I'm sure we can arrange one for you too. " Mother said trying to make me feel better-which did not help.

Too annoyed to reply I just nodded my head in agreement. Besides me, Nikolai supported a stunned expression on his face as he stood in silence. The 

The loud echo of father clapping in approval indicated for us to sit at the table, to eat breakfast. I sat there with my thoughts lingering on marriage, my food untouched on the beautifully decorated plate. 

Well, I thought to myself, at least I'll have Alexander and Nikolai accompanying me.

That's when I remembered that Angel would be coming too and I felt kind of relieved. She was currently close with my brother but she was still one of my greatest friends. Call me mean, but I was glad that Natalia had a suitor already. I just know that if she didn't, she wouldn't think twice before pouncing onto the twenty guys brought specifically for me. I was too consumed by thoughts that I didn't hear what mother was saying.

"So now that's cleared you should start packing your bags and getting prepared for the holiday, you'll be leaving next week. Start packing," mother said too excitedly. With her older children in Greece, she'll be having more alone time with her husband and my precious little baby brother.

Wait a second, did I hear that right. Next week! I looked at my mother with a horrified face as she gave me a knowing smile which confirmed her words. That's what you get for always zooming out of conversations, I mentally scolded myself.

After I managed to eat one slice of toast, I felt as if I had had enough. I excused myself to my room where I sat with a disappointed frown, and on the verge of tears. However, sticking onto the little bit of hope I had in my heart I prayed that all those guys would be my type: tanned, with a nice personality, a friendly smile and kind-hearted. I especially prayed for no jerks as I had no interest in breaking my heart and being taken advantaged of.

Later on a knock on my door broke me off my thoughts. It was Alexander. I filled him in with the details about everything as he sat next to me on my bed, trying to console me. My mind was spinning with thoughts about everything that my parents had told me, which was making me feel more uneasy.

Alexander patted my back and embraced me in a hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he spoke.

"I know it's going to be hard but you've always got me by your side Nina, no matter what. And besides we'll have so much fun together! Don't let your sister and parents get in your heart too much." My best friend said in a sincere tone, giving me a small smile at the end, which I returned.

"I suppose I'll give it a go."I said with a determined tone.

Alexander clapped my hand in a high five as we began to talk about all the things we would do in Greece, and how amazing of an experience it would be. We talked and talked all evening.

Nikolai and Angel joined us too, a few minutes ago. And in that moment I felt content. Surrounded by the people I loved, thinking about the old times and the new memories we'd create together at Greece.


Here we have it the end of chapter 2. How did you all like this chapter ? And what are your thoughts on the King and Queen's announcement. Are you ready for the trip of a lifetime to Greece, where all the fun will begin.

Sorry about the first few chapters, I'll admit they are quite boring  and short but I promise it gets better as you read on. So bear with me please :)

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