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Lying in bed, with the rain hammering the bunker's shell, Dean stared up at the ceiling and tried to hold onto every breath Cas took.

In his arms, the other man was limp from sleeping deep, from drowning in a world of dreams where Dean's body refused to gift to him. Because having Cas in his arms was like falling into the deepest, and safest dream ever. And he didn't want to wake up. He didn't want to be a hunter anymore.

He didn't want to hunt monsters or demons. Most of all, he couldn't fight angels. He was holding an angel in his arms. Might be one that had his grace depleted but Cas used to be an angel. He used to be a warrior and he still was a warrior. Every damn day, Cas had fought so many battles. He had to keep his feelings to himself for so many years. Feelings he had been experiencing for the first time for a human; one of his father's creations. How screwed up they both were to find each other and fall in love.

How painful it was to wonder what dark paths Cas had trodden through when he realized he had been in love?

In the early hours of the morning, three o'clock staring back at him from the clock on the wall, he let out a shaky breath through his parted lips and he just...he held Cas closer to him. He felt his heart beating. How soft Cas felt. He couldn't believe how love had shown him so many layers to a simple word. So perfect. So beautiful. Love had changed him, had broken every freaking part of his existence and now, he was wavering on a feeling that was so intense, Dean couldn't sleep.

The way Cas had touched him. Held him in his arms whilst Dean's knees weakened and he couldn't find the energy to stand up anymore. Not after the other man had proven to him how his body had never ever before been able to open up fully to someone else touching him.

"Cas, please," he had begged when the other man had reached into his pants and found that one part of him that was embarrassingly hard and straining for release.

He had searched Dean's eyes, blue ones imploring for instructions on how to avoid making any mistakes. And when Cas pressed him up against the wall, their breaths intermingling and their heads growing dizzy, Dean choked out a sob.

"Just..." he struggled to breathe, "let me..." he fumbled with Cas' zipper and discovered that the other man was still hard, and straining inside the soft fabric of his briefs. "Are you sure?" he stupidly asked, dreading a denial. "Because..."

When Cas wrapped his fingers around Dean and began to slowly guide his hand along his dick though, it was enough to send the hunter's mind careening down a tunnel, building a crescendo. He was a fast learner. He really was. Cas mirrored exactly how Dean was tormenting him in his pants and the two of them quickly gained a rhythm that was so damn perfect, with his back grinding against the wall, the hunter couldn't remain silent.

His body was on fire, and so consumed with passion, that he cried out Cas' name hoarsely several times and wasn't ashamed of it. In fact, he wasn't even in control of his body anymore when the other man began to stroke him skillfully and he returned the favor. And both of them leaned in, tasting each other's breaths and daring a kiss that was deeper than the others they had shared. So deep, he moaned loudly into Cas' mouth when he felt himself nearing the edge.

He kept feeling how his nerves were exploding all over, how his thighs were washed over in a softer, warmer sensation just before he reached the brink of letting go and then...

Cas released him, pressing Dean hard against the wall as both of their cocks fitted perfectly alongside each other. And he began to grind their hips together, reaching in and sucking the soft, tender skin between Dean's neck and his shoulder. Trying to mark his territory. Trying to muffle his hoarse cries as he took control and loved it. He pinned Dean's arms above his head and bucked hisAs he felt how glorious their friction was. He had never experienced sex in that form or dreamed that his body could overflow with so much feelings.

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