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Three weeks later and Cas was driving his newly acquired blue sedan down the highway with his windows rolled down. It was close to five o'clock and the weather was perfectly serene. The sky was dusted with an orange and pink that reminded him of an assortment of candy only found in a certain part of Jamaica. The song 'Wild Roses' by Of Monsters and Men seemed to capture him in a nostalgic moment, one that reminded him of Dean.

Most songs reminded him of Dean. The long winding highway reminded him of Journey's song 'Faithfully' and although they had always been meeting each other halfway over the years, now it felt as if he had melted into Dean's existence. Funny enough though, it wasn't completely physical, but it was more like watching a teabag sink into boiling water and the golden color swirl around until the opaqueness was completely overwhelmed. Their love was the teabag in the analogy. The boiling water was the wars and the universe and the chaos.

Now, he briefly checked his phone and wondered why Sam had called so late for help on a hunt on a Sunday evening when Cas was almost prepared to drown in movies on TCM. He had on his favorite pjs; covered in a pattern of yellow bees when the younger Winchester had called. There was a bowl of popcorn resting on the sofa in the den. And now, he was dressed in a soft long-sleeved navy-blue shirt, a pair of black jeans and Dean's black leather jacket that he never really wore anymore.

Now he was headed to a small town called Hope in Texas and all he was asked to bring was himself. Why though? Why had a case involving a nest of werewolves become so difficult that the Winchesters felt the need to uproot him from his TCM marathon? On a Sunday night? And now, after nosing the sedan into the town that was dimly lit, he forgot what the name of the place was that they had asked him to meet them at.

"The Loft", Sam said into the phone after two rings, "come down Main, drive all the way until you see a funny looking bright yellow post office, and make a left. Then you'll see the bar. It's the only blue flat building with Baby parked out front."

Finding the car was easy enough. But as Cas walked into a place that briefly reminded him of a café and a bar giving birth to this establishment, he frowned. The inside walls were made of thick mahogany, and pictures hung displayed famous country singers including The Dixie Chicks and Lady Antebellum. The layout was shaped like a U, with booths around and an island serving as a bar in the middle and for a Sunday, just a few people were gathered for drinks.

But the most surprising element of the entire setting apart from a dashing looking Dean and a tired Sam, was the presence of three other faces. Claire sat with her chin propped up on her palm, Jody beamed at him with all the love and warmth and then there was...

"Jack?" Cas was so stunned, he almost thought he was hallucinating for a moment.

Stiffly unfolding himself from the table, the young man who he had loved, claimed as his son, and lost tragically, enveloped him into a hug that he never wanted to end. And for the first time in a long time, Cas felt as if he was really being dealt the best cards in the deck. Like everything was fitting together in his life and just from the look of utter love on Dean's face, he knew that the hunter felt the same. This wasn't just a big win; it was a phenomenal gift.

"Claire and I were working this case not too far from here," Jody was explaining, whilst Dean left to grab Cas something to drink, "and I'm talking, a pack of rabid werewolves like nothing you've seen before. Then after the boys showed up," she jerked her chin at Sam, "we found the entire pack, like fifteen of them dead –"

"I was thinking that it was weird as hell," Sam butted in.

"But then, we ran into this one here," Jody smiled at Jack, "who as Claire said and I quote 'could wave his hand like Harry Potter and wipe out a city if he wanted to'. And for most of it, he saved us some good drama."

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