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"Okay, goddammit!" Sam's outburst stunned the few guests who were already seated, "everyone, be quiet. Stay quiet. Where's Jack?"

The room became as silent as the grave as under the gazebo grew cooler from the breeze drifting into the open space. Somewhere at the back, Claire scuffled with someone, and then she pushed Jack forward, grinning.

"I'm...here", he said, standing up straight, dressed in a black tuxedo and bearing the rings captured in two velvet boxes on each palm with a wide smile.

"Good. Fine," Sam seemed so flustered, he did a double twirl around on the spot, and then darted through the flaps of blue and green curtains that were held together with gold sashes on the right side of the gazebo.

It was a job well done, in fact, one that had been spearheaded by Sam, Alex, Jody, Donna, and hesitantly Claire. The five of them had demanded that Cas and Dean stick to making choices on colors and flavors but everything else was put together by their expert hands.

From the beautiful arch guiding guests into the gazebo made of blue, green and gold balloons and woven together with gold ribbons. To the rows of chairs decorated in white with blue and green bows tied to the backs. Then there was the buffet consisting of peanut butter sandwiches and burgers. The fine Merlot. The cases of beer. And the main attraction, the Impala with a blue bow pinned on her nose and a green bow tied onto her trunk.

Everything was perfect thus far. The location was perfect right by a refreshing lake, surrounded by trees that swayed and leaves that rustled creating a nostalgic setting. And now, to try and calm his nerves, Sam inhaled deeply.

Just then, as he was drinking in the fresh air, Mala jogged towards him, dressed in a pretty white gown and a pair of black sneakers. On her face registered distress. And immediately, Sam removed himself from bracing on the post of the gazebo and he searched her brown eyes.

"Cas is ready," Mala said, out of breath. She clutched his shoulder and tried to regain her composure. "In fact, Cas is so ready, he's memorized his vows and everything. But your brother..."

Sam was worried now. The rumble of voices inside the gazebo climbed a little and then Jack shushed everyone. There was laughter that followed. "What's wrong with Dean now?"

"Well, he's locked himself in the guest room at the back of the Inn. Cas kept trying to get to him but he wouldn't open the door. Even I tried but he keeps asking for you."

"Shit," instantly, Sam took a hold of Mala's hand and both of them pelted towards the small building that was more of a cottage really than the likes of a small hotel.

By the time the two of them arrived by the door, Cas was pacing the patio, arms folded and a look of utter fear in his blue eyes. Although he looked dashing in his black tuxedo and blue shirt, his face spoke volumes.

He wasn't just terribly afraid. He was also panicking. And Cas never panicked. Not in the eleven years or more Sam had known him. When in doubt, Cas always found control and rode it. But now, he pleaded with Sam to aid the situation. To somehow force his way into the room where Dean was and to fix whatever it was that was going wrong.

"Has he said anything to you?" Sam asked softly, moving towards the door and knocking softly.

Cas gulped, shook his head and sighed. "The last time I saw Dean was yesterday before he went out into the town to enjoy his last night as a single man. Now I'm hoping that he doesn't have second thoughts because—"

"No way, Cas", Sam chuckled and patted his best friend's shoulder. "All he kept talking about even when he was high last night was you. Marrying you and everything else. Maybe it's just nerves."

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