"Well tom Holland is officially single, ill just date him"

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Hey!" She says coming inside with her hands full, she shuts the door with her foot'. "Hey, what's with all the stuff?" You ask and laugh to your self. "Umm I kinda went crazy in the coffee shop and bought us both two coffees and a box of donuts haha". She says as she sits it all down, you look at her and then you look at the island in the middle of the kitchen and you see two boxes'. "Only one box of donuts"? You ask "Well maybe some brownies and cinnamon rolls to". She laughs and brings over your cup and a thing of brownies and cinnamon rolls. "So guess what?" She says excited. "What?" You say in the same tone. "Well the reason I bought so much is because the barista was supper cute!" she says more exited then before. "Did you get his/ her number???" You say almost yelling' "well no I didn't" she says disappointed. "Well looks like we will be making another trip to get coffee today" you say and wink. And she only blushes. "And I think I'll need the extra caffeine anyway, we have a very busy day!" you take a sip of your coffee, you look at the side of the cup and smirk'."Are you sure you didn't get his/her number" and you point to a phone number on the side of the cup. "Yes!!" she says and puts her fist in the air triumphantly and grabs your cup to look at the number. "Hey I was drinking that!!" she hands it back to you. "Maybe my cute barista has a cute friend" she says and wiggles her eye brows and you only laugh at her, *you think back to watching E news, so you turn it back on. "well Tom Holland is a officially single, ill just date him" *you say sarcastically* you both laugh'. And for the next thirty minutes you both watch tv and talk about the cute barista.

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