"your beautiful"

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It's 11:30 as you pull into the house where you would be having the photo shoot. Y/b/f was with you, "there already here!" she says 'you could hear the excitement in her voice when she spots Harrison' and surely enough you saw Tom and Harrison get out of a car. It's Harrison's because it's not the car they were driving yesterday when it was Tom driving you thought as you park next to them. "Hello!!" Harrison yells, "hey" y/b/f says just as loud. You all exchanged "hellos" and went inside.

"Hair and makeup now both of you" stats Ally and points down a hall way "first door on the right for y/n and second one for Harrison" and you both head that way. *time skip* You're wearing light eye makeup and red lips with a beautiful black dress with long sleeves and a slit in the bottom side. When you walk out of the dressing room you see y/b/f and Harrison laughing. Then you spot Tom talking to your aunt that you assumed just arrived, and when they hear the door close shut they all turn and look at you.

Toms eyes go from the top of your head to the bottom of your shoes and they look like they were about to pop out of his scull. You make eye contact with him and his and your cheeks turn as red as your lipstick. You walk over to him and your aunt, Tom is still staring at you. "Umm yo- you look beautiful" Tom stutters " thank you" your cheeks are now more red than your lips if that's possible.

"I agree" your aunt say with a grin "I mean wow!" he says him not taking his eyes off you. "Well you both look beautiful to, well Tom you don't look beautiful, I mean not in a bad way, umm" you say and look at your aunt with panicked eyes. "she means you look handsome Tom" she says with a smirk and eyes that say 'we have to talk later' when she looks at you. "Do you know each other?" You asked confused on why they seem so comfortable around each other already.

"Yeah of course she's my photo editor" he says confused "do you know each other?" he says and looks more confused then you, "yeah of course she's my aunt." "You never told me you were Tom Holland's photo editor!!" You say and look at her like you needed answers but before you continue with the conversation "okay every one ready?!!" Says the photographer so you head toward the backdrop. *about ten minutes into the photo shoot* "okay so we're gonna try a little more hands on?"

You and Harrison both shake your head in agreement. You glance over at Tom and he stiffens up at the phrase "more hands on" with eyes glued to you. *pose you were supposed to be in is Harrison has his hand above your head and the other on you jaw and your hands on his waist* "Stop, just stop, your supposed look like your falling for each other". *after a few more shots and you both still looking awkward* "ok take a five and come back and I hope to see some chemistry" and he walks away.

You and Harrison just kinda look at each other awkwardly then you hear "hey Harrison, come here" and it was your aunt and she was standing next to Tom, and Harrison goes. "I mean he has a point, you know?" Says y/b/f walking up behind you "yeah he definitely does, it's just kinda awkward, you know?" She nods her head "and plus how could I have chemistry with him when he's your man?" You say and nudge her in the arm and smirk, you both laugh and she says "he's not my man, at least not yet" and winks at you "did you know my aunt was Toms photo editor?" You ask her and she was about to say something when you hear.

"Ok people are you ready to get the shoot back on?" You hear, So you walk over to the white backdrop you stand there for about 40 seconds alone "umm we're is Harrison" says the photographer in a kinda of panicked and annoyed voice "here!" he jogs into the room, in his clothes he came in with on "why aren't you dresse-" then Tom runs in wearing Harrison's suit. "What is going on?" you say confused.

"You said you wanted chemistry, well I've got you chemistry." Your aunt says smiling to her self. "Tom and y/n have plenty of chemistry, and Harrison here agrees with me one hundred percent" *when she says this Harrison glances over at y/b/f and they make a eye contact and hold it for about 4 seconds and both blush a little*. "Ok that's fine as long as I get some of something out of them" says the photographer "you will get some I promise William" your aunt stats. Tom walks up to you "are you okay with this" he asks "yeah oh course" you assure him. "ok same position" says William

Tom places his hand behind your head on the wall and his other on your jaw and your breathing hitches. As he's look down at you, you place your hands on his waist and you look up forgetting there even taking pictures of the two of you. After about 20 seconds you move your hands to around his neck and he moves his to your waist, your both staring into each other's eyes and now you have no idea why or how but your happy that your in this position with Tom.

"Great now Tom move your hands to ether side of her head" says William and it brings you back to why your here. Tom moves his hands like he's caging you between him and the wall. You hear the camera click like crazy, then he leaned in and put his elbow to his forearm on the wall. Now he's almost three inches from face. After about 20 seconds in that position and you not being able to breath you hear "Ok that's enough, that was great!".

Harrison and y/b/f walk up to you and Tom, they were whispering about something. "That was great mate" Harrison says but Toms eyes are still on you "um guys" says y/b/f and you that's when you noticed Tom never moved his hands and that the shoot was over. ReplyForward

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