just some time together

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*2 weeks after you're first date*

You and Tom went on two more dates before he asked you to be his girlfriend. *flashback* when you sat down you were thinking about how you lived the past few days with Tom. Now you and Tom were at the beach watching the sunset after getting frozen yogurt. "What areYou thinking about?" He asked you as he sat down beside you in the sand. "Hmm, just how special everything has been and how much I've enjoyed this past week"You told him and smiled to yourself.

"Well since you brought it up, then I'll just ask you now" he said and you turned to face him him with a puzzled look. "Well I was just wondering, if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asked and blushed. You didn't even have to think twice you just said yes and tackled him to the ground in Hugs. *present day* Tom and Harrison had just arrived to pick you and y/b/f up from your house to go out to eat. *in the car ride there* Tom was in the back seat beside of you.

"So there's something I need to talk to you about" he told you. "Yeah, what is it?" You said grinning still so happy with everything. "Well the premier for Spider man is next week" and you shook your head in agreement because he had already asked you to go with him (which you were thrilled and nervous for!)

"Well after that I don't have any press tours for a month and usually me and my family try and go on vacation during that time, but this year the twins are busy and Mum and dad wanted to go somewhere bye themselves, and-" "well I was just wondering if you and y/b/f/n wanted to go on vacation with me and Harrison?" He asked very nervously. "Well I would love to go!" Said y/b/f from the passenger seat. You shook your at her with a smile and told Tom "I would love to go with you!" With a grin on your lips and blush on your cheeks.

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