"yes love"?

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It’s 12:30 and you and y/b/f decide to get ready so you can get there in time (the nail salon is about 40 minutes away)* “I call shower first!” she yells and jumps off the couch and runs into the bathroom, you only shake your head and laugh. You decide to go pick out your outfit and makeup and get it all laid out. You  tell Alexa to play “The hills” by the weekend. 

You wanted to wear something nice but also something casual, you look through your closet and find something perfect for the occasion.  you lay it on your bed and lay out some mascara and lipgloss beside it. “Ping” you hear you phone go off so you pick it up it’s a message from your manager Ally.  “I wonder who Harrison is” you say to yourself, you hear the water turn off so you head to the bathroom. *time skip*

*In the car on the way to your appointment* “have you ever heard of a guy named Harrison, he’s a model?” You ask her. “Hmm no I don’t think so, what does he look like?” “There’s a picture of him on my phone in my messages to ally if you want to look”. She grabs your phone and unlocks it with her fingerprint and goes to your messages “wow he’s cute, but why do you care who he is?”  She wiggles her eye brows at you. “Read the rest of the texts” you tell her. “Oh lucky you, wow he is really is cute” she laughs. 

“Well do you want to come with me tomorrow, ally called earlier and said the we could both bring someone?” You say as you arrive at the nail salon. “I would be honored” she says as she puts her hand to her heart. *time skip* You get out the appointment and decide to eat at Panda Express because it was right around the corner. you got acrylic nails and your hair trimmed and highlighted *slide 9*

As you pull out of the salon a car pulls right in front of you and you slam on the brakes y/b/f screams and you blow the horn. They turn into the restaurant and park, you turn in to and park across the parking lot. You look over and see that she’s contemplating on cussing them out and you say “there not worth it” and she nods but then you see the two guys that almost hit get out of the car

“There coming over here” you tell her and roll your eyes and so does she. As they reach the car you hadn’t looked up to see who it was and you hear “I’m so sorry that happened, my mate Tom saw a spider in the cup holder and screamed like a girl” in a British accent.

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