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'You always keep doing this!' I scream at my boyfriend. I'm standing in his bedroom. Liam is standing across from me, with his arms folded.

'Keep doing what?' He laughs and shakes his head. 'Telling you you're wrong when you are?'

'You said you wouldn't talk to her again,' I tell him. 'You promised!'

'For the last time, I didn't talk to her,' Liam sighs. 'She came to me. And you know what? Why should I stop talking to her? She's my best friend!'

'Oh, I don't know, why should you stop talking to her?' I laugh bitterly. 'Well, maybe because she fucking likes you!' Liam shakes his head, not believing the words I say for a minute. Why does he always have to be so damn naive?

'We've been best friends for ages,' Liam explains to me. 'And you know that. How could you make me choose between her and you?'

'I can't believe you!' I feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I don't want to cry, not in front of him. So I turn around and walk out of his room.

'Where are you going?' Liam asks.

'Back to my own house,' I sneer. 'I can't do this anymore. You can come talk to me when you've came back to your senses.' With those words I leave.

Back in my car I sigh deeply and look at his house one more time, hoping he will be there, begging for my forgiveness. But he isn't. So I wipe the tears out of my eyes and start the car before I drive off.

Once I'm back at my own house I check my hair and make up in the mirror of my car to make sure I still look decent. I don't want any questions from my parents. I let my hand glide through my brown hair to untie some knots before I get out of the car and walk towards the front door.

As soon as I open the heavy black door I'm welcomed by screaming voices.

'You're such an asshole!' I hear my mother yell. 'You can never keep your pants on, can you?'

'We were on a break!' my father screams back. 'What did you expect me to do? Wait around until you want me back?' I sigh and take my shoes and jacket off. Why do they always have to fight? I'm so done with it.

'Maybe you should've fought for me!' my mother cries out. I can tell she's crying by now. I can't blame her; men ain't shit.

I try to be as quiet as possible when I walk upstairs to my room. I don't want to disturb them. It only makes things worse.

When I'm finally in my room I let myself fall onto the bed. I bite my lip when I notice the picture frame on my nightstand with a picture of Liam and me in it. Whenever we fight I always look at that picture and remember how much I love him.

I grab my bag and open it, only to find a little note. Smiling I unfold it.

I love you

I reckon he put it in my bag shortly after I arrived at his house. The notes have become our thing since we started dating. We've been dating since sophomore year, which was two years ago. We've had our ups and downs, but despite that, I can't imagine graduating with anyone else by my side.

My thoughts are interrupted by the ringing sound of my phone. I expect it's Liam, but when I see his mothers name I frown before I pick up the phone.


'Olivia!' she sighs. She sounds worried and afraid even. 'You have to come to the hospital right now.'

'Why?' I ask as I get up. 'What happened?'

'It's Liam,' she says. 'He's had an accident.' My heart stops beating for a moment and I almost drop my phone.

'What?' I stammer. 'Is he...' I can't finish that sentence.

'No, but his condition is critical,' she explains. 'Please come here.'

'I'm on my way,' I say before I hang up and rush downstairs.

'Olivia, is that you?' I hear my mother ask and seconds later she's in the hallway.

'I have to go,' I say to her as I put on my shoes and jacket. 'Liam is in the hospital.'

'In the hospital?' my mother asks confused. 'Why?'

'He's had an accident,' I explain. 'I'll see you later.' My mother nods and watches me as I run out of the house and jump into my car.

About 20 minutes later I finally arrive at the hospital. I park my car at the first empty spot I can find and run into the white building. Liams mother is already waiting for me.

'What happened?' I ask her.

'He was going after you after your fight,' Astrid explains as she leads me to the right room. 'He felt bad and wanted to make it up to you. He got hit by another car.' I shake my head as I fight the upcoming tears. It's my fault.

'He's currently in surgery,' Astrid explains when she sees me staring at the empty room. 'They should be finished soon.'

'It's all my fault,' I whisper when I sit down in one of the chairs. 'If I hadn't... I fucked up.' Tears start rolling down my cheeks.

'Honey, it's not your fault,' Astrid tries to comfort me as she sits down next to me and strokes my back. 'You couldn't have predicted what would happen. Liam shouldn't have gotten into his car when he was in that state. I tried to tell him to calm down, but he wouldn't listen. You know how stubborn he can get sometimes.'

'I just hope he'll be okay,' I mumble.

'He will be,' Astrid says. 'He's a strong guy.' I nod and grab my phone. I smile softly when I see my background which is a photo of Liam.

'Family of Liam?' I look up and see a doctor standing in front of us. Astrid and I both nod.

'We've just finished surgery,' he tells us. 'It went well, but we're keeping him in an artificial coma since he's still unstable. He's been transferred to another room, so if you'll follow me.' He starts to walk away and Astrid and I quickly follow him.

'You can go see him,' the doctor tells us once we're in front of his room. 'But I have to warn you, his wounds don't look pretty.' Before the doctor can say anything else Astrid barges into the room. I bite my lip and nod at the doctor before I follow Liams mother. My heart skips a beat when I see Liam lying in bed. There are tubes in his nostrils and another is attached to his hand for his intravenous drip.

His brown curls are messy and his eyes are closed. There's a bruise on his jaw and the side of his head. Astrid is already sitting in one of the chairs next to the bed, tears are rolling down her cheeks.

'My poor boy,' she whispers. Slowly I walk further towards the bed and when Astrid looks at me with the tears in her blue eyes, I feel my heart slowly breaking. I sit down on the other chair and carefully grab his hand, hoping he can feel it.

'I love you,' I tell him. 'I'm so sorry I didn't believe you.'

It's my fault that he's here. He went after me, because I was acting like a complete bitch. He felt bad even though he didn't do anything wrong. I fucked up, I really fucked up this time.

(Normally I don't write prologues this long, but oh well...

A new book! I'm really excited for it and I hope you guys are as well. I have tons of inspiration, so that won't be a problem, for now.

I hope you guys are safe and doing well during quarantine x)

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