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Slowly I open my eyes and look around me, slightly disorientated. It's dark outside and I'm wrapped in Caleb's arms. We're lying in his bed. We must've fallen asleep. I grab my phone and see that it's one in the morning. My mother has texted me, asking me where I am. I quickly send a text back, saying that I'm staying at a friends house for the night.

I turn around to face Caleb. His eyes are closed and his lips are slightly parted. A strand of his brown hair is in front of his eyes and I can't help but smile. He is really cute when he's sleeping. I softly caress the hair out of his face, being careful not to wake him.

Suddenly his grip on me tightens and he pulls me closer to him, quietly murmuring something I can't hear. He's probably doing that in his sleep. I can't help but let my fingers glide through his hair.

'Olivia...' he mumbles, opening his eyes. Only now I realize how close our faces are. There are just several inches distance between us.

'We fell asleep,' I say to him. He sighs as he takes a look at his phone to check the time.

'You can stay here for the night,' he offers and I smile.

'I sort of already told my mom I would be staying here,' I admit and Caleb laughs.

'She knows you're with me?' he asks. 'A guy?'

'Well, not exactly,' I say. 'I told her I'm staying with a friend.'

'So we're back to just being friends now,' Caleb mumbles. I know he's joking, so I decide to play along.

'Yeah, I realized you're not that handsome,' I say. Caleb chuckles and places his hand on my cheek.

'I could never be just friends with you,' he murmurs. 'Not after everything.'

'Me too,' I breathe, completely distracted because of his face being so close to mine. I just have to lean forward to feel his lips, just a few inches...

'You're thinking so much,' Caleb mumbles.

'I can't do it,' I whisper. 'Not yet.' I can't kiss Caleb when I've just broken up with Liam.

'It's okay,' Caleb assures me. 'We'll move at your pace.' I smile thankfully at him.

'You should get some sleep,' he says then. 'It's been a rough day.' I nod and snuggle up against him, enjoying his warm embrace.

'Thank you,' I say to him. 'For being there for me.'

'Always.' He places a soft kiss on my forehead, sending tingles down my spine. I smile again as I slowly drift off to sleep.



When I wake up again the sun is piercing through my curtains, hinting that it's almost time to get up. I look at the girl in my arms and can't help but smile. Her legs are intertwined with mine and she has my shirt clamped in her hand, like she's afraid I'll leave. I would never leave her. I couldn't.

I hate Liam for hurting her, for cheating on her. She deserves better, so much better.

I know I haven't given Olivia an easy time, especially that one night I almost kissed her. I've really tried to stay away from her, to hide my feelings, bury them deep inside me. But they just hit me even harder.

It takes every bit of strength to not kiss her, to not caress every inch of her body. The minute she lets me, I'll show her what real love is.

I thought I wouldn't be ready to be in another relationship, just a few weeks after Camila. But maybe I distanced myself a little from Camila every time she cheated, every time we fought. I still care about her, I probably always will, but it's nothing compared to my feelings for Olivia.

When Olivia slightly moves, her t-shirt crawls up a bit, so her skin is exposed. I bite my lip and sigh, turning away from her. I try not to think about it, not to imagine what her body looks like, but it's too late. My boxers start to feel tight, so I slowly let Olivia go, which causes her to whimper.

'Caleb?' she mumbles as she opens her eyes.

'I'm just going to take a shower,' I say to her. 'I'll be right back.' She nods and closes her eyes again as I make my way to the bathroom.

When I feel the cold water run against my skin I sigh deeply. I try to take my mind off Olivia, but every time I close my eyes, she's all I see. I can imagine her soft lips on mine, her hands traveling down my body, her moans as I make her feel good.


This isn't exactly helping my problem down there. I've never wanted anyone so much it psychically hurts. I'll just help myself.

After I've taken a shower I wrap a towel around my hips before I walk back into my room. Olivia is sitting straight up in bed now.

'Hey,' she greets me.

'Hey,' I mumble, my voice hoarse. Good one, Caleb... I walk over to my closet and open it, grabbing some clean clothes. Olivia's eyes are fixated on me, I can feel her gaze piercing in my back. When I turn around she bites her lip before looking away. I let my towel fall on the ground. Olivia isn't looking, but I wouldn't mind if she did. She would see it eventually anyway. I quickly put my clothes on and walk over to the bed. Olivia watches me as I hover over her. I can see it in her blue eyes, how badly she wants me to kiss her, how badly she wants to give in. But I don't do it. She'll need to make the first move.

'Did you sleep well?' I ask her and she nods, unable to speak as she stares into my eyes.

'I should go home,' Olivia breathes after a moment of silence.

'You didn't even have breakfast yet,' I say to her. I don't want her to go.

'I can't face your parents just yet,' she mumbles. 'It's a bit early for that, don't you think?'

'Maybe,' I murmur. I want her to meet my parents, but she's probably right. We haven't even kissed yet. I can't announce her as my future girlfriend to my parents. I know they'll love her. But we have to take it slow. Olivia is in charge right now.

(My new uploading schedule is thursday and sunday, so now you know that.

I hope you liked this chapter x)

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