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'How long will dad be at the hotel?' I ask my mother when she sits down.

'One more day,' she says. 'After that he will come home and pack up his last stuff.'

'Where will he go then?'

'To John's,' my mother tells me. 'For a few weeks until he's found something for himself.' I nod understandingly and take a bite of my lasagna.

'Olivia, how are you holding up?' my mother asks me then. 'You and Liam broke up, didn't you? Or did you get back together?'

'We broke up,' I mumble. 'I can't be with him anymore.'

'Because of the cheating?'

'Not entirely,' I say. 'There is this other guy I've liked for a while now.'

'Oh, really?' My mother raises her eyebrows. 'Do I know him?'

'No,' I say, shaking my head. 'But you will soon, if everything goes right.' She smiles and places her hand on top of mine.

'As long as he makes you happy, I'm happy,' she says. 'I know I haven't been there for you lately with everything going on between your father and I... But I'm here for you now, so if you ever want to talk, you can come to me.' I smile thankfully at her.

'Thank you, mom.'

'How is Liam?' she asks then. 'He got out of the hospital, right?'

'Yeah, he's alright,' I tell her. 'He doesn't have any complications. He just needs to rest a lot right now.'

'Yeah, I can imagine. A coma isn't nothing.'

After dinner I decide to head to bed. I'm done with today. I still feel bad about Liam. I didn't want to hurt him. I've loved him for two years and I still care about him. I don't know what I would do if I was in his shoes.

'Olivia?' I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and see Caleb.

'Your mom let me in,' he explains when he sees my confused face.

'Hey, what are you doing here?' I ask him, feeling my whole body tingle at just the sight of him.

'I came to see you,' he says. 'I haven't spoken to you all day. How did your chat with Liam go?' He lies down next to me on the bed and kisses my cheek.

'I don't know,' I sigh. 'He said he isn't ready to let go of me.' Caleb nods and wraps his arms around me.

'Caleb, I need to ask you something,' I mumble as I remember what Liam told me about him and Amy.

'Sure, anything,' he says, looking me right in the eyes.

'Did you sleep with Amy?'

'How do you know that?' Caleb asks me confused. So it is true...

'Liam told me,' I tell him. 'Amy is his best friend.'

'What?' Caleb looks even more confused now. 'I... Shit Liv, I didn't know that. Levi told me it would be good to take my mind off things. If I knew she's Liams best friend, I would've never done that...' He seems genuine. I never mentioned Amy's name to Caleb, so it's fair.

'It's fine,' I assure him. 'Just... Don't do it again, okay?'

'I would never,' Caleb says, pulling me closer against him. 'For what it's worth: I didn't even enjoy it.' I chuckle and take his hand, intertwining our fingers.

'Will you stay the night?' I ask Caleb. I don't want to be alone right now. I won't fall asleep if I keep thinking about Liam. When I'm around Caleb, I forget everything. And that's exactly what I need now.

'I don't think that's a good idea,' Caleb mumbles. 'We have school tomorrow and I don't think your mom will like me if I stay here.' I sigh and nod. He's right.

'But I can stay here until you fall asleep,' he whispers, pulling me closer to him. I smile and turn around in his arms so I can look at him. His brown eyes look familiar. I could get lost in them for days. Caleb and I have become so close over the past few weeks. I would hate to lose him.

'I love your eyes,' I mumble, without realizing it. Caleb smiles and kisses my forehead.

'Get some sleep,' he murmurs against my skin, sending tingles down my spine. I close my eyes and clamp his t-shirt in my hand, hoping he just stays here with me.


I rake my fingers through Olivia's brown hair as she tries to fall asleep. I don't know how to feel about the whole situation with Liam. I don't know what he's really like. Will he pursue Olivia or will he back off now he knows she's in love with someone else. I don't want this to be a competition for Olivia's hand. I just want to see Olivia happy and if she realizes she is happy with Liam, I'll let her go.

I look down to Olivia and notice she has let go of my t-shirt. She's breathing steadily, hinting that she's asleep. I stay still for a few more minutes before I carefully get out of bed. I place the covers on top of her and give her one last kiss. Then I silently make my way downstairs.

'I'm going home,' I say to Judith, Olivia's mother. She gets up from the couch and walks over to me.

'Is Olivia okay?' she asks me. 'She seemed pretty upset during dinner.'

'She's fine,' I assure her. 'Otherwise I wouldn't leave now.' Judith gives me a content smile.

'You should have dinner with us sometime,' she says. 'I would love to get to know you. You seem like a good guy for my daughter.'

'I will,' I promise her. 'I have to go now.' Judith nods and watches me as I leave the house.

Once I'm in my car I start the engine and drive off. My mind drifts off to Olivia. The other night when we were talking she said she wouldn't leave me. Maybe she won't leave me because of stuff I've done in my past, but maybe she will for Liam. I know she's still thinking about him. I know she still has feelings for him in some kind of way. It sucks to be in this position. I can't do anything to make Olivia stay with me. It doesn't matter how much I like her, how much I need her, it isn't right. I know she likes me too, she proved it to me more than once, but love for someone else doesn't go away that easily. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

(So I'm thinking about writing on another platform called Inkitt. I love writing but Wattpad isn't what it used to be anymore. I already made a profile there, but I'm not sure yet if I'm ready or if I want to move there since I have to start over again.

So as I mentioned before, wattpad isn't what it used to be. You have to pay for a lot and the lists they're presenting aren't it anymore. You don't see the books that are really popular on wattpad and also the genres don't add up.

So I haven't decided yet what I want to do and if anyone has some experience with Inkitt, please let me know what you think of it. For now I'll just keep writing on wattpad and I will finish this book here x)

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