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'Come on, Liv,' Liam says, placing his hand on the small of my back. 'We were just about to play a game of Truth or dare.' I nod and and let Liam lead me to the couch. I look around but I don't see Caleb anymore. He must still be outside.

'Where is Caleb?' Isaac asks.

'I believe he's outside,' I mumble. His best friend nods and gets up.

'I'm gonna get him,' he says. 'Wait a second.' Liam sits down at the only spot on the couch left and taps on his lap as a gesture for me to sit down.

'Are you sure?' I ask him. 'Can your legs handle that?'

'Yes, sit down.' Liam grabs my hand and pulls me onto his lap.

'Why would you think I can't handle it?' he whispers in my ear. 'You were on top when we had sex.' I feel my cheeks heat up and I clear my throat.

Minutes later Isaac returns with Caleb following behind him.

'We can begin,' Isaac says, sitting down next to Nora. Caleb takes a seat on the ground and quickly glances over at me and Liam. Suddenly I feel really guilty.

'I'm gonna sit on the ground,' I say to Liam, sliding off his lap. He looks confused, but he doesn't say anything.

'I'm in as well,' I hear someone say. I look up and see Amy.


I try to hide my annoyance and look away from her. Amy sits down next to Caleb and smiles at him, causing him to smile back.

'Okay, Liam truth or dare?' Nora begins the game.

'Truth,' Liam answers. Nora seems to think for a moment.

'Did you have feelings for Amy during your relationship with Olivia?' she asks him then.

'Yes,' Liam answers honestly. 'But only at the beginning.' That's no news. I'm glad it was just at the beginning.

After a few rounds it's Calebs turn.

'Dare,' is the option he chooses. Isaac smirks and takes a sip from his drink.

'Kiss Amy.' I bite my lip as Caleb turns his head towards Amy. I know I've seen them kiss earlier this evening, but it wasn't exactly my favorite sight. Why do they always have to come up with those stupid challenges?

When Calebs lips touch Amy's I stare at the ground. Suddenly I feel Liams hands on my shoulders, so I look behind me.

'Are you okay?' he mumbles. Worry is seen in his eyes. I nod and push a smile trough my lips. He bends over and gives a soft kiss on my forehead, making my stomach tingle.

'I love you,' he whispers.

'I love you too,' I tell him. He smiles and I turn around again. Caleb and Amy aren't kissing anymore. By Amy's flushed cheeks I can tell it was a pretty passionate make out session.

'Olivia, truth or dare,' Caleb suddenly says and I'm startled for a second, not expecting it at all. I thought he wouldn't talk to me, ever again.

'I...' I stammer. I don't know what to choose. What if he makes me do something awful if I do dare? Or what if he asks me a humiliating question?

'Truth,' I finally answer.

'Do you still have feelings for me?'

'I... I think so, yes,' I mumble. I can't forget about him in a week. What I felt, or even feel, for Caleb is real. It always has been. I feel Liams muscles tense and he slowly lets go of my shoulders. I know it isn't fun to hear it, but at least I'm honest about it.

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