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When I arrive at the diner Isaac and Nora are already there. I clear my throat as I make my way towards them.

'Hey, isn't Olivia with you?' Isaac asks when he sees me. I shake my head and take a seat next to him.

'She said she'd meet us here,' I explain, checking the time on my watch. It's a few minutes past 6.30 now.

'I hope she comes,' Nora mumbles. 'She's been acting weird all day.'

'She will come,' Isaac says. 'She wouldn't leave Caleb here alone with us.'

At this point I'm not so sure about that...

I clear my throat again as I take the menu out of the holder. I read everything carefully, trying to kill the time until Olivia gets here. But when I'm done she's still not here.

'I'm gonna text her,' Nora murmurs, grabbing her phone from the table.

'Did something happen between you?' Isaac whispers and I shake my head.

'Not that I know of,' I answer. He nods and I decide to check my phone. Maybe she texted me. But when the screen lights up I see nothing, no calls and no texts.

'Okay, I'm calling her,' Nora sighs and just when she's about to press Olivia's name she walks into the diner. She looks around and when she sees us, she slowly walks over.

'Why are you so late?' Nora asks her.

'I had something to do,' she mumbles, sitting down next to her best friend.

'Were you so busy that you couldn't even respond to my texts?'

'I was driving,' Olivia sighs, not even looking at me once. She grabs the menu and skims trough it.

Once we've ordered our food I gave up hope on letting Olivia talk to me. I don't know what I did, but apparently it's bad. She won't even look at me. Last night she seemed so glad to have me and now she turned cold on me.

'I need to use the toilets,' Olivia mumbles and she quickly walks away.

'Okay, what's up between you two?' Nora asks me when Olivia is gone.

'I don't know,' I sigh. 'We were fine last night.'

'You must've done something to upset her,' Nora says.

'Nora, stop it,' Isaac says, shaking his head. 'It's not his fault Olivia is acting weird. He said he doesn't know what's going on.'

If only I knew what was wrong, I could fix it. I don't want her to be angry with me. I hate that she's so closed off.

'Hasn't she said anything to you?' I ask Nora after which she shakes her head.

'No, at first I thought it was about Liam since they talked yesterday, but now I'm not sure,' she explains. 'It seems like there's more to the story than we know.'

Maybe she's having second thoughts about me. Maybe she realizes she doesn't want to be with me.

'Caleb, don't worry about it,' Isaac says, trying to calm me down. 'I'm sure she still likes you.'

'It doesn't seem like it,' I murmur.

A few minutes later, Olivia comes back to the table and sits down. And not long after that, our food is served.

Olivia doesn't say much for the whole evening. She looks like she's constantly thinking. But she doesn't look at me once. I just want to look in her eyes and make sure she's okay, but I can't.

Does she even realize this is hurting me too? She said that I deserve better than Camila, but this is even worse. At least Camila told me I wasn't good enough. Olivia is just giving me the silent treatment.

'I'm going home,' Olivia mumbles once she's done with her food. 'I have some homework to do.' I glance over at Nora who's shrugging her shoulders. She has given up as well. I watch Olivia as she puts her jacket back on before she leaves the diner.

'What the hell was that?' Nora mumbles. Suddenly I see Olivia's phone, still laying on the table.

'She left her phone,' I say, getting up. 'I'm gonna bring it to her.' I put her phone in my pocket and hurry outside.

'Olivia!' I yell when she almost gets into her car. She looks up to me and I quickly run towards her.

'What?' she asks me. I should talk to her, right now.

'What's happening?' I ask her. 'Is something wrong?'

'Everything is fine,' Olivia mumbles. 'I don't have time for this.' She wants to open her car, but I stop her by taking her hand. She immediately pulls her hand out of my grip.

'You've been acting weird today,' I tell her. 'Did I do something wrong?'

'I'm just tired,' she murmurs. 'Now can I go?'

'No, not until you tell me what's wrong.' I lean against her car and fold my arms. 'Has it something to do with me? Am I not good enough for you? Because if that's the case, I can handle it. I've been told that many times before, I can manage it once more.'

'Not everything is about you!' Olivia yells suddenly. 'How often do I have to say that I'm just tired? Jeez, I can't even have a bad day. What did you expect? That I'm the "oh so happy Olivia" everyday? Because surprise, that ain't me!'

'Talk to me then!' I groan as I rake my hand through my hair. 'Damnit Olivia! I thought you knew that I'm here for you. Whatever you need, I'll do anything for you.'

'If you'll do anything for me, you leave me alone,' Olivia mumbles.

'Not until you tell me what's wrong,' I say again.

'Fine, you wanna know?' she hisses while tears are forming in her blue eyes. 'I'm fucking tired of everything! I'm tired of Liam, I'm tired of Amy, my parents, and I'm tired of you! Everything is thrown at me like it's nothing. I can't just decide in one day if I want a future with Liam or with you. I can't get over the divorce of my parents in just a week! Everyone wants something from me and I'm fucking tired of it!' I'm at loss for words for a minute as I take everything in what she just said to me. She's tired of me. It feels like I've been stabbed in the heart by her words.

'I didn't know I was such a burden to you,' I mumble, grabbing her phone. 'I won't bother you again.'

'Caleb...' she tries, but I shake my head as I hand her her phone.

'You left this at the diner,' I say before I start to walk away. She doesn't come after me. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't care about me, she never did. She only needed me to be her distraction.

After everything that we've been through, after every moment we shared, I thought we had something special. I thought she had genuine feelings for me. I was prepared to give her everything, my whole heart was hers. And she threw it on the ground and stepped on it.

(Drama incoming...

So there currently is a heat wave in the Netherlands, so I won't write as much since it's just too hot to sit inside without airco. But I still have a few chapter written ahead so you won't notice anything.

Also, I will go to my first year of university next month, so from then, I won't be able to write as much. So I still have to figure out how I'm gonna do it with my uploading schedule, but I'll figure that out along the way.

I hope you liked this chapter x)

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