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It's already twelve midnight, and my shift finally ended. I was removing my white coat when I heard knocking on the door of my private room.

"You can come in." I said, folding my coat.
The door slide open revealing one of our doctors who is also my only friend waved his right hand.

"Oh, hey Ben." I greeted, and asked "Is there anything you need?"

"Hey!" He greeted back "Nothing, I was just walking on the hall and there's this one well build guy looking for you." I can feel the curiosity in his tone. "So.. I come to tell you."

"looking for me?" I asked and he nod.

"Yeah, I forgot to ask his name I was in hurry. I think I never seen him before." Ben said and shrugs.

Could it be Pavel? Why would he be looking for me now? And how did he know where I work.

"Oh, Okay. Thanks for informing me. I'm about to leave now." I said, and he just nod before leaving.

I immediately grab my bag and hooked it on my shoulder, walking out fast as I hang my white coat on my bag.

"Oh, Doc. Dome, someone's looking for you he's on the lobby." One of the nurse said as I walked pass by her.

"Thanks, I'm about to leave now." I said turning my head to her as I still continue to walk.

And when I reached at the lobby, there indeed I saw him. Wearing a black tux as usual, standing straight with his arms crossed on his chest while looking around, and when he finally saw me approaching he just watch me walk to him.

"Wha-" I was about to ask him but I was stopped with his pair of warm lips crashing on mine, one hand touching my cheek and the other one holding my nape. I felt him trying to deepen the kiss but I manage to pull myself away, worried at the people looking at us and what could have happen if I let him.

"Let's go now." Pavel said, sounding annoyed as he grab my wrist.

Not sure if I made him mad or he'd been grumpy before being here, I let him drag me out the hospital.

"I-I have my car." I said when I notice he's trying to bring me to a dark alley on the side. But just like always, he ignored my words and snapped his fingers when we reached at the dark alley.

With just a blink of an eye we're transported inside a bed room, but not my bedroom.

The bedroom that we're in is huge, bigger than my apartment I would say. We are standing just at the balcony giving us the view of the whole clean white room, where there's a couch set right in front of us and a huge TV screen in front of the huge bed, and another huge door on the side that I don't know where it leads.

"Where are we?" I asked not really show what I'm feeling.

"At my house." Pavel answered and grab my hand " I think we should go to the kitchen first."

"W-what? Your house? Wait." I said, still confused to where I really am. Am I still on land like- or is this what is hell like? But he said its freezing there.

"I bought this house when I used to live here with humans before."

"Do you live here alone?"

"Not anymore... You'll be staying here with me." He said then snapped his fingers transferring us to what I assume is the kitchen as I saw a huge four-door fridge.

"What!" My voice turned loud as I can't process what he just said.

"You can't expect me to live in that small apartment of yours." Pavel said, walking around the counter table.

"I didn't ask you to live with me there." I mumbled.

"I already told the owner that you'll move out."

"WHAT?" I asked in furious.

"All your important things are already in here." He stated as he open a can of soda and drink it.

"WHAT!" I asked again.

"Oh yeah, and I already returned your apartment keys to the owner."

"Huh? H-how- It's in my bag." I said and he just raised his eyebrow.

"And I already gave away your old car."

"What the heck are you doing!" I shout, already furious I pushed him and walk away not really knowing where to go as this house is a huge mansion I step out to the nearest open door but it just lead me to a glass elevator and beside it there's a stair to go up.

Choosing to ride the elevator I went inside and press a random button, It stopped to a very dark room and I went in. To just notice a huge cinema screen and a few red couches in front of me, the dark room is very huge, on the right side there are two vending machines and on the left there is a small counter bar and a popcorn machine.

Deciding to just stay in here I sat on one of the couches. I know I can't leave this place or escape him in anyway, but for now I just want to have time to be alone as the things happening to me since that day are getting hard for my brain to process.

Maybe if he could have just asked me before doing all those shits today I would not be this furious, I have no choice. but to live with him.. so sure I would say okay if he asked me, but selling my car... That car, it may look like it was the cheapest car but that car was important to me.

Trying to calm myself to think how can I get my car back, but then all of a sudden I was interrupted by a voice of someone "Who are you?" The voice said making me look up at the person standing near me.

Confused just like me that there is someone else here aside from Pavel, the tall young looking guy remains standing, not removing his gaze to me as if waiting to answer.

I was about to answer him when Pavel suddenly appeared behind him.

"Leave us alone." Pavel said.

"Who's this guy?" The guy asked looking at pavel and back to me.

"He is my new toy, now leave." Pavel said and the guy shook his head.

"This is why father always punished you." The guy said and walk away leaving me and Pavel alone. I want to know who's that guy is and why he said that to Pavel, and if he lives here, but Pavel just said he used to live alone here.

Deciding not to ask anything as I become curious, I just looked down trying hard to not make an eye contact with this Demon who claimed me as his toy. Not wanting to have any conversations with him yet, after to what he just have done.

"Let's go, I'll bring you to our room." He said. I want to ignore him but I'm worried as well to what he can do so I stand up. He reached my hand and the next thing he said have made me confused, "I'm sorry for not telling you beforehand." Is he for real apologizing or it's just an act.

"I'll go get your car back." He said and before I can even look up at him we are transferred to the huge all white room that we arrived at a while ago.

"I'll be back later, eat your dinner and clean up before going to bed." He said and disappeared.

And there on the round table in front of the couch I saw a bunch of food prepared. Not knowing what to really feel, I was just in anger a few moments ago and now I'm questioning everything. To why he is acting kind, is he really like this or this is some sort of act like those kidnappers do to their victims, I remember I read something like that before.

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