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It's already night and Dome was doing his last round to check his patients before going back home to his house when a nursed called him to go in the emergency room.

"We're told that the patient got hit and run by a car moh'Dome, and have lost a lot of blood already." The nursed said as she runs beside Dome who's running to the emergency room. 

When he arrived he saw a man laying on the hospital bed covered in blood, walking to check on the patient he asked the nurses about the patients injuries and what they have check and not checked already before finally starting to check the patient himself.


"Where's the relative of the patient?" Dome asked as he stepped out the emergency room.

And there he was faced by two young guys who have been waiting outside the emergency room.

"I'm the patients brother." One of the guys answered, "Mr—" Dome said asking for his name, "Joong." The guy answered, "Is my brother alright doctor?" He asked with a tone of hope.

"Your brother is alright, he only have few scratch and stitches, and his muscles are swollen for now, but he is fine. He didn't really lose a lot of blood like I was told to which is I'm glad." Dome explained, "He can be also sent home already after I have you all his records."

"C-can he stay here for a few days?" Joong asked, "Because there's no one who will really going to take care of my brother, I have to attend my job, and I think it will be better if he's being taken care here by the real doctor and nurse."

"Uh, yeah sure. Sure, of course. I will assign him to a room then." Dome said, leaving them a smile before he excused himself.


Dome's shift was already done but he decide to stay in the hospital for the more time, more specifically in the room of his last patient. Sitting on a chair beside the hospital bed, watching his wounded patient who's have been sleeping peacefully.

"Are you planning to re-create the story you've been telling everyone?" Dome speaks making his sleeping patient open his eyes and, sat up as if his body was not sore. Staring at Dome in complete confusion he asked. "Y-you remember?"

"Why would I forget about the only fallen angel who told me he fall in love with me, but still leave me at the end." Dome said standing up from his seat, which feels like a punch on the chest to Pavel. 

"Earth didn't remove your memory?" Pavel asked, and Dome shook his head.

"I–I'm—" Finding the right words to use to explain his reason, but was stopped when Dome pulled his face close to him, kissing him once, twice until it make Pavel realized that it was not Dome's reaction anymore. Dome's hands starts to wrapped around hid neck as he sit on the bed beside Pavel who starts to kiss Dome harder, deeper, with a fervent urgent need he have been controlling before. Now it's clear to him that indeed Dome was kissing him in his own will, in his own desire to do.

"I heard you gain back your angel wings." Smiling, Dome said as they separate from each others kisses, arms still resting around each others waist.

"Who told you?" Pavel asked confusedly.

"Earth of course." Dome announce, "He have been giving me bits of update about your recovery as an angel."

"That sneaky archangel." Pavel said, letting out a sigh and shakes his head thinking how his brother secretly ruin his plan of introducing himself as a human to Dome courting him in their hospital until he says yes, just like how he have been telling everyone before.

"Sorry for making you wait this long my love." Pavel said, giving Dome a soft kiss.

"I'm just glad you're back now." Dome whispers, leaning his forehead to Pavels, feeling his warmth that he missed.

"I promise I'll never leave you again my love, I'll be your personal guardian angel for forever, even you turned to be an angel as well someday."

"You better be," Dome pouted, "Because you didn't even let me tell you before that I love you, to the hell and back." he said, making Pavel smirked. "Well... I love you to the hell and heaven." Pavel said before kissing the soft lips he have missed for four years.

😈~END~ 😈

Hey guys, the end has come.

This story have been fun to write for me, and it makes me happy seeing you all have also enjoyed this story.
I would like to thank you all for reading, and voting this fantasy story of Pavel and Dome.


Also... Here's the BONUS cut part I didn't include/change in the story.
Just coz' it turns out to be a mess of comedic and out of the context
😁😂 —Enjoy.

(When Pavel Confessed to Dome)

"After this you will probably forget everything that happend from the start, or possibly have a different memory from the day you summon a demon named Naret. So I know there will be no point of saying what I'm about to say, but I'm saying it anyway because I'm a Demon and I have my own rules." Pavel chuckled.

"I still think that summoning a demon to ask him to be your date at a wedding is pretty stupid idea, seriously A DEMON? That's your only choice? Well but I'm glad you did, and I'm glad that I'm the one you called. Imagine if that's one ugly demon, poor you. And how bold of you to trick me into asking for another deal, this is your whole plan isn't? You asked for five more years to seduce me." He accused making Dome open his mouth to say something but was stopped by Pavel, "Oh I should have realized it earlier and stopped myself from falling for you."

"Falling for me?" Dome exclaimed surprised to what he just heard.

"Sush! No talking." Pavel said. "You're the first mortal who do that to me you know."

"I—didn't do anything."  Dome said.

"Yes you did! You're out there being all I don't know smiling with your dimples!" Pavel shouts, as he felt a heat crawl into his body by just thinking at Dome's smile.

💖~Thank you for reading~💖

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