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I was in my deep sleep when I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing. And still half a sleep, I stretch my arm to reach my phone on the lamp table beside the bed. Turning off my alarm as I lazily get up still rubbing my eyes with my knuckles.

Trying to recall the weird dream I have last night, but then just to realized that it was no dream at all as my vision of the whole room got cleared.

I turn to my side to check the Demon who brought me here but just to found I'm alone. Frowning in confusion, while asking no one if he ever went back last night.

"I should not be worrying about that." I told myself, knowing that I'll be late to my work if I didn't get off this bed as early as possible to have more time to look for the right door to exit.

I walk to the large two door across the other side of the room revealing 2 more doors in front and another 1 glass door from afar, I open the one on the left revealing a huge walk-in closet full of all black clothes. I close it assuming it's all Pavel's and I open the other one on the right which is another walk-in closet now containing some familiar clothes. Realizing it's mine, I went inside and look around, The room is filled with my things and some new ones I don't remember buying. Deciding to take a quick bath, I grab the new towel that I saw folded on the top of a drawer and walk to the glass door. Opening it reveals a luxurious looking bathroom, floors and walls are covered with gold, and everything in I assume are made with some type of expensive stone, as the huge bathtub is a shining like a gem. Now having a two thoughts of should I go in or not afraid that I might broke anything that I can't afford. But at the end, I still end up stepping inside.


After dressing up for my work, I did my first plan which is to find out where's the way out. Stepping out the bedroom, now a long path is in front of me. Both sides are open area so I look down to each one of it, on the left I saw huge couches assuming it's the living room, on the right I saw an empty space and from a bit afar there is a black glassed door. It's the main door I assume, the whole place is quiet making me have a conclusion that I'm alone. I walk to the path and saw a stair just right at the middle.

But curious to see what's on the other end I still walk straight to found more close doors that lead to I don't know where, but just near the end there's another stairs. Now thinking what stairs should I use for it to lead me to the exit. I choose the stair near the bedroom I just slept and walk down as I saw the possible main door down there.

But as I got down, I was welcomed by a long dining table, sun shining from outside through the glass walls. Looking around the bright spacious room, then I saw the huge couches.

"This is it." I thought to myself, knowing that just right at the opposite side of the huge couches is the huge black glass door that for sure leads out of this house.

I was about to take a step when I heard a voice. "Hi there." A voice of a man said making me stop. I turn around to where the voice came and saw the same guy I saw last night.

"Good Morning." He greeted again, raising the mug he is holding.

"G-good Moring." I greeted back in hesitation.

He then smiled at me and said. "Don't worry I don't eat people." Walking towards the dining table.

"If you're looking for Phoom, he left way early awhile ago."

"Phoom?" I asked.

"Pavel, your master?" He replied taking a sip of his drink.

"I'm Joong by the way, Pavel's younger brother." Finally introducing himself.

So I'm right, he is Pavel's brother.

"Don't worry, unlike that demon I'm... Not." He said, and smirk.

Confused to what he just mean.

"Well I- used to." He then followed up, making me more curious.

"Anyways, feel free as you want while he's gone. Have a breakfast the kitchen is just right there." He pointed at the other side of the wall.

"I-i actually...Have to go to my work-at the hospital." I said, now him giving me a confused look. "I'm a doctor." I try to explain.

And just right I'm about to explain more I heard Pavel's voice speaks.

"Why are you still here?" He said, making me turn around to see him standing behind me.

"It's summer, the above is hotter than before. You know I'm not that a fan of hot temperature." The guy Joong said before taking another sip of his drink.
Pavel just shook his head before finally looking at me.

"Come with me." He said, voice colder than the ice.

Not saying anything I followed him walking to the kitchen. And when we reached at the kitchen counter I was stunned when he gently cupped my cheeks giving my lips a soft peck.

"Have you had your breakfast?" He asked in the most sweet voice that maked me confused.

"Sit there, I'll make you something." He said without waiting me to reply to his question. I watched him prepare the coffee machine and grab a frying pan from one of the cabinets.

What's going on? Is he really going to cook something? And why is he suddenly acting like this? I asked myself.

Then I remember his actions last night and awhile ago in front of his brother. But then I also remember his actions last night before he left, and now his actions when we got to the kitchen- where his brother can't see us.

Is he just acting kind to lure me, but why it seems like he don't want his brother to see him acting like this.

"Uhm-I have to go to my work." I said when he placed a plate of toasted bread with egg on top, and a glass of coffee.

"Hmm... Eat first." He said and sat down beside me.

"Are you not going to eat too?" I asked looking at him who is just watching me.

"I already ate awhile ago." He smiles, then says "Your car is parked at the garage, I'll bring you there later." I awkwardly thank him before taking a sip of a hot sweet coffee. Thinking how weird this demon beside me is.

Date with the Demon | PavelDomeWhere stories live. Discover now