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"Dome!" Pavel shouts as he saw his love one drenched in blood. He picked up Dome to his embrace shaking him as if it can make him wake up.

"Dome! My love wake up! Please wake up." Pavel keep shouting, feeling agitated to see a huge amount of blood flowing from Dome, not knowing what to do; He looked at Tae who seems in shocked as well that it was Dome who got shot.

"I-I-D-didn't-" Tae stuttered in fear, he just killed the person he treated like his real cousin, He thought.


Seeing Dome in such state make Pavel felt his range growing higher and higher and higher.

Making him grab Tae's neck with just one bare hand, lift him up to the air throwing on the other side of the container where all his people are.

All of them witnessed Pavel's pretty brown eyes starts to turn all black, his teeth grew longer and sharper as he become more larger trice his real hight and size ripping all his clothes. Ears growing like a sharp horns, followed by two black spiky horns slowly forming on both of his shoulders as well on his head with hair turning into ash-gray.

They can't believe if what they're seeing is real or just an hallucination, effect of the drug they've been taking. The human they're trying to kill turned into a monstrous beast that they never thought they will see. A monster that has black rough skin arms filled with spikes, behind him grew a huge dark red wings that is now blocking their whole way, dark hollow eyes glaring at them as if choosing who it's going to kill first.

They watch the monster carefully picked Dome with both of it's large hands, leaning it onto his chest as it turned around and walk out the container placing Dome on the floor. They all have let out a sigh of relief thinking the monster have spare them some mercy buy their relief turn into horror as they watch it turned its gaze back to them just right after putting Dome outside.

"I warned you before." The monster speaks in a very deep devilish voice as it entered back the intermodal container.

"I told you never messed with me but you still did." It continued, making the guys who abduct Dome step back as the monster they're seeing is walking more closer to them.

"You stole what's the most important to me and now I will steal what's the most important to you all." it said with a anger, "I told you right? I'll see you in hell." they watched the monstrous demon smirked, and with that the whole intermodal container lit up on fire.


Glaring at the pile of black ashes in front of him, Pavel never thought that he will be breaking the top one rule of their father just to revenge the lost of his love one.

This time he's now sure he will not just be powerless but he will be locked at the very bottom of hell covered in ice or more than that.

Turning around to check on Dome, but to his surprised he saw the three angels who's close to Dome circling his lifeless body.

"Bring him to the hospital now, I'll manage the other messed you've made." It was Earth who speak, not even looking at Pavel.

And with that Pavel carried Dome, bringing him to the hospital where he work.

Pavel was in big surprised when he saw Ben standing just right in front of their hospital with a gurney beside him as if he have been waiting them to arrive. Pavel was about to asked Ben but the latter speaks first answering his unvoiced question.

"Earth asked me to be here, don't worry I'm aware of what you and the rest are. " Ben said, seeing Pavel's surprised reaction. "Put Dome on the bed now so I could check him." Ben ordered, which Pavel did, trusting Dome to his bestfriend.

They bring Dome inside the hospital straight to the emergency room where Ben have prohibited Pavel to go in leaving him outside the room standing all alone for he feels like eternity.

"Father asked me to call you." He heard his brother said, appearing just right beside him in his angel form.

"I'll wait for Dome to got out of the emergency room." He respond with no energy.

"Nine will take care of him." Joong stated, and with that Pavel walked out of the hospital.


Seeing the huge elder bearded man sitting on his golden throne watching him entered the huge arch.

"You probably already know why I called you here." It says as Pavel stands up in front of his feet.

"I know father." Pavel answered looking down to his own feel not even daring to look up to the old man like he always used to do.

"I never thought you'll be doing this thing to the extent." He said in disappointment to his son. "You killed a dozen of mortal humans using your power."

"They deserve it." Pavel mumbled.

"Then you must know what you also deserve for doing that." His father said.

"I know." Finally looking up to his father, "I'll accept every punishment you'll give me." Pavel stated, "But please grant my only request." He said kneeling down in front of his fathers throne, making the older man be in great shock to see what his son just did. For the first time in his sons whole living, this is the only time Phoom kneeled down to his feet.

"Please make Dome live longer. I'm begging you father. I'm willing to accept all just please make Dome live." Pavel begged, bowing his head down to the floor.

"I never seen you begged like this." His father commented to his sons action.

" I love him father." He answered looking up to his father with his sincere eyes. "I will accept all the punishment you're going give-" He plea shedding his tears. "Even if it takes to me getting burned into nothing I will– I will accept it just please let the only mortal I ever love live his life—I'm begging you father."

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