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I let Pavel drove me to the hospital where I work as he insist. He reason that I'm in night shift, and it's not safe for me. I don't understand why he's acting that kind to me and it's not like I'm not used to driving alone even at nights.

"I'll walk you inside the hospital." Pavel said, he grab my bag and white coat as he get off the car.

"You don't need too." I said as I step out my car, but he just ignored my words and grab my hand with his freehand as he walk.

With nothing else to do and try not to argue, I followed his steps and we went inside the hospital.

"You can go now." Trying to smile as I said.

"I'll drive your car back to the house." He said handing me my bag and coat, I asked "Why?"

"I'll fetch you, you'll be out by 2Am right?" I nod answering his question.

I'm about to turn around when he touches my jaw giving me a kiss, I didn't expect myself to kiss him back but I did as I felt the same urge to do just like this morning.

"Hey Walnut!" I heard Ben's voice shout as Pavel parted our kiss, about to turn around to my friend out of shyness, but Pavel who's still have his hands touching my cheeks pulled me closer and kissed me again but more passionately.

"I'll fetch you later okay." Pavel said in the most sweet voice, and give me a peck again. All I can do is hummed and nod, I watch him walk out the hospital and there's where I felt a heavy arm locked my neck.

It was Ben who crossed his arm around my neck as he jumped to me. Struggling to push his strong body away.

"Damn! I never thought I'll see some kind of scene like that." Ben teased finally letting me go. I shook my head in disbelief watching him grin so wide.

"So, someone looks like bit posessive eh?" Ben elbowed me.

"Don't know what you're saying." I said leaving him to walk on my way to my private room.


So it's him. Pavel thought as he turn his head to the guy who just called Dome a Walnut.

He should be shown who really owns Dome, he thought. And so he kissed Dome again, more deeper as he know how the latter will react.

And when he pulled away from their kiss he glared at the guy who just called Dome, now just standing looking back at Pavel with his one eyebrow raised.

Pavel didn't really left but instead decide to turn himself invisible to the mortals eyes. He walk back inside the hospital to see the guys arm wrapped around Domes shoulder, wanting to do something but controlled himself to do nothing but just instead he walk to them.

"Don't know what you're saying." He heard Dome said walking away leaving the guy.

Curious what they have talked about and what make Dome said that, but he decide to follow the guy who walked to the other way. Since that day Pavel happend to answer his call he have set the goal to find who that person could be and find his real relation to Dome. And so Pavel followed the guy everywhere he go, even inside the operating rooms.

Still not finding out anything about their real relationship to each other as Dome and the guy don't really meet each other, until.

It's finally the guys breaktime, and just what Pavels been doing he followed the guy. He entered inside a private room and to Pavels surprise he saw Dome sitting, he smile to the guy the way he don't smile at him, Dome's smile looks real happy and that make Pavel's feel frustrated.

Pavel watch the two doctors eat their food, and he notice that casually the guy will give Dome some of the meat on his food. It make him want to spit a spell on the guy but he can't, he must not or Dome might suspect him and he can't make the him mad at him.

"By the way, I was thinking we could have a lunch or dinner this friday. Besides it's both our off days." He heard the guy offered Dome.

Did he just invite my Dome to a date! Pavel though, unable to control himself he made the paper files on Domes table flew down. Gladly the two doctors just brush it off as a wind from the fan.

"I'll think about it." Dome answered.

"Come on, I've been waiting for that day to come."

Don't cast a spell, don't cast any spell. Pavel murmured to himself.

How bold of this guy pushed Dome to ask him out when he literally saw me and Dome kissing.

"I'll- I'll go ask my f-fiance later." Dome told the guy.

"Do he think I will let you go? No! I'll lock you inside the room if needed!" Pavel shouts, good thing he's invisible and he can't also be heard by them.


Pavel is trying to act calm, after what he just heard. The time has come where he need to fetch Dome, he make himself visible again, standing at the lobby waiting for Dome.

And just a few minutes Dome finally come, walking beside him is the guy smirking while looking at Pavel.

"Uh,Sorry to make you wait." Dome said to Pavel who he thought waited for another 20 minutes due to his late checkups for the new patients.

"It's fine, I didn't wait that long." Pavel said and gave Dome a quick kiss ignoring the other guy.

"Erm, Pav-" Said Dome. "This is Ben, my-uh.. friend."

"Hey, I heard much about you." Ben greeted offering to shake Pavels hand "Nice finally meeting you."

"Nice meeting you as well, I'm Pavel Dome's fiance."Pavel firmly shakes Bens hand.

"Uh, Ben is asking if we could go on a lunch or dinner together."

"Just you two?" Pavel asked as if he didn't heard the two awhile ago

"No-No!" Dome nervously said, and Pavel looked confused.

"A group date. Shall we?" Ben asked "It will be nice to have a good chat and get to know who's the guy who stole Dome to me." Ben raised his eyebrows, which make Dome kicked his friends toe.

"Aren't you free this friday?" Dome asked, "Sure, if that makes you happy." Pavel smiled sweetly at Dome and nods at Ben who did the same.

"See you then." Ben said before he excuse himself and walk away from the couple.


"Is he your family friend." Pavel asked me as soon as we got inside the car.

"Uh, no." I bite my lower lips thinking why he cared to ask, "He's just my only close friend as well as his lover."

"I didn't imagine you have at least one friend knowing how bad you are at making conversations with people." I rolled my eyes, he don't need to rub the fact that I have severe social anxiety.

"He also studied psychology so he's the only one who really understands me." I speak in a low voice, It's true. Having Ben as a friend who understands me is the best thing have happened to me.

"Why didn't you ask him before then when you need a date at the wedding."

"I know Ben well, he's going to tell me not to pressure myself in that and just go alone."

"And summoning a demon like me is the only way?" He asked, and I just sigh thinking if I just don't have this anxiety It could be easy for me to get a girlfriend or boyfriend of my own to slap on my families faces who's forcing me to get married already.

"Well- at least you instantly got yourself a handsome demon." Pavel smirked looking at me.

"Who's going to have my soul after five years. And I don't know what will actually happen to me when I become one of the hells slave."

"Well... Wait 'till you find out darling." Said Pavel, then drove the car at the dark alley. He mumbled something I don't understand and every thing went dark, the last thing I find out is we're already parked at the garage of his mansion.

Date with the Demon | PavelDomeWhere stories live. Discover now