Chapter 6

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"Caden, if you don't let me up, I swear I will call the cops on you." I growled about fifteen minutes in my torture.

"You have nothing on me." He said. My position had been adjusted so that I was laying on my belly, on the ground. That wasn't so bad. The bad part was the boys were using my back as foot rests. They leaned against the couch, sitting on the floor with me. Mason had two pillows pressed against his back so that he could reach his little feet out to rest them in the middle of my back.

Caden chose to leave his feet on top of my ass.

I could've easily gotten up if it hadn't been for Caden tying his belt around my thighs, holding the end in his hands. He used one of Mason's little belts to tie my wrists together, letting Mason hold onto the end of that one. If I tried to move, they yanked on the belts, which was tight enough to cause me much pain. They prevented me from escaping.

That boy seriously wanted me to lick him.

"Sexual harassment." I said after thinking for a moment "This is sexual harassment."

He smirked, "You're just upset that I have you under my control."

"This isn't fair!" I yelled, trying to bang my fists against the ground.

"Its entirely fair." Caden yawned, before looking at my brother "Mason you have twenty more minutes til bed-time."

I groaned again, laying my head on the carpet. Mother was definitely hearing about this. I focused on the television which was playing in the background. Spongebob was on, distracting Mason from virtually everything around him.

I had no idea what episode it was, not being a huge fan of Spongebob myself.

I counted down the minutes, wondering how Caden planned on getting Mason to bed if I wasn't allowed up. I gritted my teeth, wondering if he was going to force me to lick him or not. Just the thought made me feel my dinner start to crawl up my throat.

Twenty minutes later, I found out what was going to happen. Caden grabbed the remote next to him, flicking the television off. He sighed, looking down at Mason.

"You know the drill, little buddy." He said. Mason pouted, crossing his little arms.

"I'm not tired!" My brother whined.

Caden rolled his eyes, "Yes you are. Let's go to bed."

Mason whined a little more before finally stopping. He could tell Caden meant business. I frowned; Mason never stopped that easily for me. Usually, I was forced to drag him up the stairs if he acted that way.

I felt the feet leave my body as the boys stood up. I rolled over, waiting for Caden to release the belts that bound my body. He looked down at me before scooping Mason up in his arms, throwing him over his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" I snapped, squirming around like a worm.

"To take your brother to bed" Caden said, pausing at the stairs. He turned around, looking back at me with a devilish grin on his face "Unless you want to finish your end of the deal..."

I gave him the Death Glare. Caden chuckled to himself, turning around and walking up the stairs. I watched Mason wave to me as Caden carried him up to his bedroom. I hated that boy. He was purposely trying to give me a hard time. And why?

What had I done to him?

Nothing! I had done nothing to him!

I cussed under my breath, trying to get my body in the sitting position. The belt around my thighs contracted, causing pain. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore it while I maneuvered my body around. I finally managed to get into an upright position, my back leaning against the couch, legs stretched straight out. I closed my eyes, resting my hands on my lap.

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