Chapter 11

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I felt something shaking me slightly as my awakening. I groaned, opening my eyes slightly. Mason stood there, worry clearly expressed on his face. I rubbed my eyes, shaking my head slightly, before giving him my full attention

“What’s up, little bro?” I asked, sleep thick in my voice.

“Why is Caden on our couch?” He asked, his eyes wide with fear.

I frowned, confused “What are you talking about?”

“Go-ey come see!” He said, tugging on my hand.

“Hold on” I yawned, swinging my legs off the bed. Mason tugged on my hand, leading
the way downstairs. I stumbled slightly, a little dizzy from last night.

I glanced at the clock on the way out. It was eight in the morning on a Saturday. This boy
better have a good reason.

Sure enough, there was a sleeping body on our couch. Mason stood in the doorway,
pointing at him.

I sighed, walking over to the couch. I stood in front, hips cocked, hands resting atop of

“Hey fatty” I said, careful not to curse as I had wanted to.

Caden remained sleeping.

I sighed, shaking his shoulder slightly. “Caden, wake up!”

He swatted at me, rolling his face into the back of the couch. I groaned, looking over at
Mason. He coward behind the wall, probably still convinced Caden had tried to eat me.

“Caden!” I yelled as one last attempt.

“Whaaaaat” He groaned, rolling over to face me. I raised an eyebrow, giving him a look.

“Excuse me?” I asked, with major attitude

“What do you want, Pumpkin?” He said, his eyes closed again.

“You need to get off my couch”


“Because its my couch”

He groaned, sitting up. “What time is it?”


“Why am I here?”

“I’d like to know that too” I said, crossing my arms “Why did you stay?”

“I can’t remember” He yawned, standing up. Caden was dangerously close to me, a few
inches separating us. I kept my posture up, looking at his collar bone. “You going to make
any breakfast for us?”

I rolled my eyes, walking over to the kitchen. Mason followed me quickly, trying to stay
away from Caden.

Caden followed us in, sitting down at a chair at the table. I set Mason into his chair,
grabbing three bowls out of the cabinet.

“What? You’re not going to cook some eggs and bacon for us?” Caden teased.

I flipped him the bird, careful Mason didn’t see. I set a cup of juice down for my brother,
which he quickly sucked down. Caden rolled his eyes at me, a small smirk across his lips.

I poured cereal into the bowls for Mason and I, turning around to see what Caden would
like only to run into his body. I hadn’t heard him move when he did, which caused me to
jump in surprise.

Caden laughed, leaning against the counter.

“What was that for?!” I hissed at him, crossing my arms.

He shrugged, a playful smile on. I sent him a glare before turning back to the bowls.
“What do you want for cereal?”

“Whatever you two are having works”

I poured some in his bowl, grabbing the milk. Caden took Mason’s bowl over to him
when it was ready, leaving me to take ours over.

I sat down in between my brother and my babysitter.

“So how did you sleep?” I asked, trying to make conversation as we ate.

Caden shrugged “Could’ve been better. Not too bad considering it was a couch”

“You should’ve just gone home”

“Nah, I don’t mind”

“I did”

He laughed, “We know you do.”

“Why are you here?” Mason asked, trying to get in the conversation “Where’s Mommy?”

“Mommy’s at a friend’s house, Mase. Caden didn’t want to leave until Mommy got here” I
explained, adding a quiet “unfortunately” under my breath. I could tell Caden heard by the
expression he made.

“Just doing my job” Caden added


“Be quiet, Pumpkin” He chuckled. He was definitely in a good mood this morning. I
guess Caden was a morning person where as I was definitely not.

I finished my cereal, setting the bowl in the sink. Caden took Mason’s and his own to the
sink also, all three of us going to the living room.

I sat on the couch, wrapping the blanket left on it over top my legs. Caden and Mason
took out the blocks, messing around with them.

“Cold?” Caden asked

I sent him a look “What do you think?”

“I could warm you up” He winked. I knew he was teasing me, but I couldn’t resist
shoving him with my foot. He laughed.

“You’re so annoying”

“I could say the same about you, Pumpkin”

I crossed my arms, ignoring his comment.

“So who’s this ‘boyfriend’ of yours?” He asked after a few seconds.

“You’ll see in two weeks”

“What’s his name?”

I hesitated. Did I really want to tell him about Jason now? What if he knew Jason… that
wouldn’t be good if he did “Jason”

“There was a pause” Caden smirked “I think you’re lying to me”

“I’m not lying!”

“Oh you sooo are”

“Why would I lie to you about having a boyfriend?”

“So you feel like you’re cool around me”

“What’s that supposed to me?” I snapped, offended. Did he just call me a loser? I don’t
know what he was smoking.

“I’m just saying…” He shrugged

“Yeah well its bullsh—poop”

“Nice save”

“Shut up!”

“If you didn’t cuss, you wouldn’t have to worry about this”

“Yeah well… I do so I have to”

“Yeah, whatever”

“You’re annoying” I muttered under my breath. Caden laughed, causing Mason to look at
him curiously. I rolled my eyes.

“I try my best, Pumpkin”


For the rest of the morning, Caden and Mason played random games. I kept myself to
the television, occasionally watching what was happening between the boys. Mason had
discovered hide-and-seek, which he was now absolutely in love with. We didn’t have many
hiding places in our small townhouse, but somehow, Mason kept finding them.

I kept my eye on the clock, hoping Mom would come home soon. It was very
unpredictable what time she’d be home. She could be home at nine in the morning or she
could be home at three in the afternoon. Judging by the fact that she could talk relatively well
last night, I was thinking around ten or eleven.

But as time passed, it started getting later in the day. I realized I hadn’t changed out of
my pajamas yet, which meant Mason hadn’t either.

I heard Caden start to count, Mason running in the room. I stood up, picking him up from
his hiding spot behind the television.

“No! Go-ey! Put me down!” He whined

“Come on, we gotta get you out of your PJs” I sighed, knowing this was going to be a

“Noo!” He cried out. I hauled him over my shoulder as we walked up the stairs. “Stop!
Put me down!”

“Mason, be quiet please”

“I wanna play with Caden! Stop Go-ey!” He started to cry

“You will if you behave!” I promised, setting him on his bed. I went over to his drawers,
pulling out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

It was a struggle to get his clothes on him, but I managed with the promise of the parker
later on. Mason finally was dressed. I didn’t bother brushing his hair, knowing he’d through
an even bigger fit anyways.

That boy hated getting his hair brushed.

I picked up his dirty clothes, tossing them out in the hallway. I’d get it later when I did
laundry. I could hear the boys playing downstairs, Mason’s high-pitched giggle echoing
through-out the house.

I walked over to my room, closing the door. I pulled out simple jeans and a pink top,
setting them on my bed as I could ready.

I slipped out of my PJ pants, pulling the jeans on. Pulling off my shirt, I caught a look at
myself in the mirror.

I frowned, “Damn, I think I just got fatter”

I turned my reflection to the side, noticing how my stomach was bulging out a little bit
more than it should. I sucked it in, feeling a little better about my appearance.

“Mason you in h—”

I whipped around, eyes wide. Caden stood in the doorway, his eyes equally just as
wide. I looked at him, down at me, and back at him. With a scream, I covered my chest.

“Get out!” I screamed

Caden wasn’t moving. I ran to the door, shoving it as hard as I could. He stumbled back
the door slamming into place.

I closed my eyes, a blush coming across my face.

I ran over to my bed, slipping on the pink top. There was a knock at the door. Since
Mason never knocked, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out it was Caden.

“Go away!” I shouted, my face heating up.

He’d seen me without my top on. Thank the Lord for bras.

“Awh, Pumpkin, let me in please” He begged, an amused tone in his voice.

“Caden, get lost!” I yelled.

“I’m coming in whether you like it or not” He warned “One… two….”


The door opened to a smirking Caden. His face saddened when he saw I had a shirt
on. Guess he’d been hoping I’d continue to strut around half naked after that incident.

“Caden! Get out!” I cried, trying to close the door on him. He jammed his foot in the way,
shoving against me. “Stop!”

“You know” He said with a laugh “You look pretty sexy in that bra”

I felt my face heat up even more. He shoved against the door, knocking me down.
Caden forced himself into my room, leaving the door open behind him.

He walked over, sitting on my bed like he owned the place. I sat down against the wall,
burying my face in my hands.

“Come on, Pumpkin, I’ve seen worse” He said, trying to comfort me.

“I’m not surprised you have”

“What are you trying to say?” He asked, pretending to be offended.

“You’re such a dick”

Caden got up, walking over to me. He sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my
shoulders. I made a face, trying to move away. Caden tightened his grip, keeping me there.

“Seriously, Pumpkin, you looked hot. Don’t be embarrassed” He said “I’m sure your
boyfriend loves that about you”

“Caden shut up!” I said, not looking at him.

He laughed “I’m just trying to help”

“Well you suck at it”

“Sorry about that”

I sighed “Its just your weekend, isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“I mean” I sighed, “You got to embarrass the shit out of me at school, you got to kiss me,
you got to sleep at my house, and you got to see me half naked”

He laughed “You’re right, it is my weekend!”

“Shut up!”

“You put the idea in my head…”

I laughed, standing up. Caden followed, heading towards the door. “So where’s my

“He’s hiding still”

“You’re a horrible babysitter”

“I’ll find him soon!”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m going to just… stay in my room.”

“Have fun. I’ll knock next time, I promise” He winked at me before dashing down the
stairs in search of my brother.

I sighed, biting my lip. I fell back on my bed, calling Jason.

He picked up after three rings.

“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to answer” I teased.

“Sorry, Joey” He panted “I didn’t hear my phone vibrate”

“You ok?”

“Yeah, I just had to sprint over to Nelson’s and back. I left my ipod there”

I laughed “You poor thing. Doesn’t he live two blocks away?”

“Like I said, I sprinted there and back”

I rolled my eyes “You poor thing.”

“So what’s up?”

“Not much. Mom never showed up last night so Caden stayed at our house. He slept on
the couch” I said

Jason hissed on the other line “Did he leave yet?”


“How long is he staying?”

You could tell Jason was pissed off. I held back a giggle. He was so cute when he was
annoyed. I could only wish I could see his face.

“He’s leaving in about an hour once Mom gets home, but coming back around eight”

“I’ll be over in five”

“Jason wait—”

“Joey, I’m not going to let some pedophile stay in your house while you and your little
brother go unprotected”

I laughed “Love you Jason”

“Love you too, Joey”

“See you in five?”

“See you in four”

We hung up. I grinned, making my way downstairs.

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