Chapter 24

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Caden and I didn’t speak the entire way to the fast food joint, the radio filling in for the silence. Caden nodded his head to the beat with songs that I wasn’t familiar with. I didn’t object, though I didn’t care for the music playing.

                I would’ve preferred silence, but I knew Caden was happier this way. For whatever reason, I didn’t want to start an argument between us. I didn’t have the energy anymore.

                Caden pulled into the parking lot, turning the car off. I got out quickly, waiting for him at the trunk. He locked the doors before leading the way into the restaurant. My arms were crossed from the cold, goose bumps hidden by my clothing.

                “What do you want?” He asked, standing a few feet back from the register.

                “I’m fine” I mumbled, staring at the ground.

                “Come on, Pumpkin, at least get something to drink” He pushed.

                I shrugged, not answering. Caden sighed, walking forward to order food. I left him to grab a few napkins and take a seat at a booth in the back. I rested my forearms on the table, hands clasped together. Fighting back the urge to cry, I replayed the scene in my head.

                Chase said it so calmly. It was like he didn’t care. Was he just being strong for me? Or did he truly not care that he was going to die so soon?

                It was immature of me to just run out like that. I needed to remember who was actually suffering. I had to stay strong for Chase. I was embarrassed at my reaction to the news.

                And Caden didn’t ask what was wrong. He hasn’t questioned me about anything that happened. Yet, he was more than willing to comfort me. I appreciated that.

                Caden set a tray down in front of me. I glanced up, watching as he took a seat across from me. Caden reached over and grabbed at the container of French fries between us. He picked up a cup, setting it before me.

                “Thank you” I mumbled, taking a sip.

                “Anytime” Caden said “You can have some fries too, if you’d like”

                I shook my head, content with the drink. He shrugged and took a sip out of his cup. It was silent. I didn’t know if Caden would ask about what Chase said, but I was sure he could figure it out. It didn’t take a genius to realize that my father had given me his death date.

                “If you want I could take you to your boyfriend’s” Caden said with malice in his voice.

                I smiled gently at the table “Mom would kill you if you did”

                “I figure he’s probably better with comforting you than I will be” Caden shrugged “And it doesn’t seem like your mom would be too good either”

                “Thank you, Caden” I whispered. I knew he didn’t really like Jason, so this was a lot for him to offer that “But I think I really just need to be alone tonight”

                “We didn’t have to come here if you didn’t want—”

                I cut him off, “Its fine, really”

                “You, uh, don’t have to go to Jackson’s party this Friday if you really don’t want to” Caden tagged on “I didn’t realize what you’re going through”

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