Chapter 7

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Thankfully, I awoke the next morning to the sound of my mother's frustration. That meant Caden wasn't here to annoy me. I sat up in bed, feeling a rush come upon me.

After a few moments, I got out of bed and made my way downstairs. Mom and Mason were in the kitchen. Mason was eating a plate of donut holes Mom had bought from Dunkin Donuts. I reached over and picked out a chocolate one, plopping it in my mouth.

My mom at the other end of the table, papers surrounding her. Her forehead was pressed against the palm of her hand which held a pencil. Her other hand typed on a calculator furiously.

She was doing taxes.

I sighed, knowing that today would be a rather boring day.

Mom looked up at me, happy to have a distraction from the taxes "Good morning Joanna"

"Joey" I corrected

"Joanna" She emphasized. "You're dad wants you this afternoon."

"Which dad?"

"My ex husband"

Mom had an interesting background. When she was a year or two older than my age, she got pregnant with me. While mom didn't know who the father was, gramma pretty much forced my mom into a marriage with her ex husband Cody. They got married, not knowing who was my real father. Finally, mom got a test done.

Ironically enough, Cody's best friend Chase turned out to have knocked my mom up. Chase was my biological dad. Cody was the father figure in my life. I rarely saw either of them.

Cody was now with a girlfriend of one year and Chase... well I couldn't remember the last time I'd hung out with him that either of us had spoken about our personal lives.

"When's Cody coming?" I asked

"He should be here in about an hour and a half." I groaned, sitting down in a chair beside Mason. He flicked a donut hole at me. It bounced off my cheek, falling onto the table top. I picked it up, setting it back on his plate "Don't through food Mason"

"Joanna, I suggest you go and get ready. I don't want him to have to wait here" Mom said. She had some serious hatred towards her ex husband "Especially if he has that tramp with her. What's her name? Jamie? Jasmine?"

"Hannah, Mom. Her name is Hannah"


I sighed, standing up "Want me to take care of Mason?"

"You're a life saver"

I took that as a yes. I picked Mason up from his seat, setting him on my hip. I walked up the stairs, heading towards his room. While Chase was my father, Cody was Mason's. Mom and Cody had gotten drunk one night while I was at a babysitter and the next thing you know, Mom's pregnant with Mason. They tried to make it work for a while, but they managed about five months after Mason was born. I guess opposites don't attract.

I sat Mason on his bed while I fetched his clothes "Guess where we're going today, Mase"

"Daddy's?" He asked

I nodded, trying to sound enthustastic. "Yup!"

"Is Hannah gonna be there?" He asked. Mason absolutely loved Hannah. I always worried for when Cody and Hannah broke up. Mason would be heartbroken. To him, Hannah was his other sister that he rarely got to see.

I was ok with that.

You see, Hannah had a son that I hung out with. His name was Jason. He was a Junior in highschool, but unfortunately, not mine. Jason was my best friend outside of school. That was the only reason I actually willingly went to Cody's anymore. If Jason wasn't there I was a total asshole to everyone.

I may have had a slight crush on Jason too...

Once Mason was changed I told him to play in his room while I got ready. Being the oh-so-obiedent child he is, Mason followed me into my room, messing around with my stuff while I did my hair.

An hour and a half later, the doorbell rang. I got up from the couch, answering the door. Cody stood there with Hannah at his side.

"HANNAH" Mason yelled running over and hugging her. She picked him up, laughing. Mom appeared a few moments later, her eyes on Hannah as if she were trying to burn her.

"Bye Mom" I said, giving her a quick kiss to leave as quickly as we could.

"Oh hello Carter!" Hannah said to my mother. Mom smiled a fake smile, putting on a fake (yet bitchy) personality.

"Hello Harriet" She smiled.

"Its Hannah"

"Yes whatever. Anyways... here are the kids"

I knew Mom was purposely doing that. Hannah was easily annoyed with my mother and when she pretended not to know Hannah's name, it pissed Hannah off even more. Sometimes, though, I wondered if she even knew Hannah's name in all seriousness.

"Come on Mason" Hannah said, taking his hand. I heard a snap! and noticed the pencil in my mother's hand had broken in two. I glanced at Cody. He noticed that too.

We left for the car, huddling in. I sat in the back with Mason while Hannah and Cody asked about my life.

By the time we got to their house, I was about ready to smash my head into the window of the car. As we got out, I turned around asking Hannah, "Jason here today?"

"Yes" She smiled "I made sure he'd be here for you"

I grinned, instantly feeling happier.

"Joey!" I heard a deep voice call.

Perfect timing I thought, looking back at my best friend. Jason ran over to me, tackling me in a hug. He picked me up, swinging me around, laughing. I laughed with him, dizzy once he finally set me down.

"You douchebag!" I laughed, stumbling slightly.

"LANGUAGE" Cody yelled to me.

I rolled my eyes behind his back. Jason snickered "I missed you!"

"I missed you too!"

"You need to come over more often" He said sternly. "I can't stand their love by myself"

"Every time I'm over, you're not here. So I don't wanna hear it" I said, showing him the hand. He chuckled, running his fingers through my hand. He pulled me along inside the house.

Jason is more or less a friend with benefits. We don't fuck, but we act just like a couple would. Except we're not dating.


"Mom, Cody, Joey and I are going on a walk, OK?" Jason called.

"Don't go far!" Hannah called.

Jason rolled his eyes before pulling me back outside. We walked hand-in-hand to our usual spot. There was a small park near Cody's house which Jason and I had hung out with ever since we met.

He sat down at our tree, still holding my hands, pulling me down next to him. As I sat down, I caught sight of what he carved into the tree.


We both knew it was a 'best friend' symbol, but it made my heart flutter every time I saw it. I sat down so that my left side was touching him. He nudged my knee with his. I nudged his back.

"How's life been?" Jason asked


"Same here" He sighed. "I don't think our parents are gonna be together much longer"

I frowned "Why do you say that?"

"They're fighting alot more"

I groaned "You know this means I'll probably never see you again, right?"

"No, I'll make sure we hang out every day" He grinned

"You better" I said, leaning into his side. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, rubbing my upper arm with his thumb. What did I say? We act like a couple but unfortunately not.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"What do you mean what's wrong?"

"You've got that pissed off vibe"

I laughed "I'm just mad because my mom hired some dumbass senior at my school to babysit Mason and me"

Jason busted out laughing. "Did she really?"

I frowned, nodding "I can't believe her"

"What the hell did you do to make her do that?"

"I don't know! Its not like we had a fight recently or anything!"

"So how is she?" Jason said once he finally calmed down

"Who? Mom?" I asked, confused.

"No, the babysitter"

"The babysitter's a dude, Jase" I giggled.

His eye brows rose "The babysitter is a dude. You're kidding?"

"Nope. He's a douchebag too"

Jason's body became stiff "I don't like that"

"What? I asked, squirming around, trying to loosen him up.

"I dont like that its a he who is your babysitter. Have you talked to your mom about this?"

I rolled my eyes "As if she'd listen. She says its for Mason but the guy has total control over me too"

Jason cussed under his breath "I want to meet him"

"I don't want you to"

"Joey, I'm meeting him"

"Jaaaassooonn" I whined.

"Joooeeeyyyy" He whined back.

I gave him the puppy-dog eyes.

He gave me the puppy-dog eyes.

"Please?" He begged. I shook my head. Jason grinned devilishly before I felt his fingers at my sides. I squirmed, half laughing, half shrieking.

"Get off! Jason! Off!" I squealed

"Can I meet him?" Jason grinned

"Get the fuck off me and we'll see" I snapped, trying to push him away.

He laughed, backing away. "Good enough for me"

"You're such a douchebag" I giggled, resting my head on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair

"Yes but I'm your douchebag" He said "So when am I meeting your babysitter?"

"I said we'll see"

"How about you get him to take you and Mason somewhere next time and I'll meet you there"

"He won't do that"

"Why not?"

"He wouldn't listen to me"

"Why don't you tell him to double date?"

I frowned at him "What do you mean?"

"You and me; him and a girl. We'll meet up somewhere so I can meet him"

I shook my head "Dude no. Why would I want to do that?"

"Come on, please?" Jason whined.


"Its that or I show up unexpectedly at your house and demand to meet him. And you know your mother would just love that" He smirked. My mother didn't like him. Mostly because he was Hannah's kid. A little because Jason wasn't her type of guy she liked me hanging out with.

"Don't you dare" I growled

"How about this" Jason said, leaning in to whisper in my ear "We go one the double date with your babysitter and his girlfriend or whatever, and then we'll come to my house and smoke a bowl together, alright?"

I grinned. "You'll pay for it? All of it?"

He sighed "Promise"

"Fine. I'll do the stupid double date. What if he doesn't have a girlfriend?"

"Make him find one. Tell him you have someone important he has to meet"

I snorted "And who would that 'important' person be?"

Jason looked offended "Me, duh"

I giggled "No seriously. Who would that be?"

"You're such a bitch" He laughed.

I smirked, "I know"

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