Chapter 8

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Through-out the next week, I kept my eyes out for any sign of Caden. I knew that since he knew we went to the same school, something terrible was going to happen.

I could only pray I wouldn’t pass him in the halls.

Thankfully, most of my classes were in the sophomore wing, which meant I only ventured out to the rest of the school for three period.



And Child Development. Child Development only occurred once a week, Friday.

That was the day I was worrying the most about.


I managed to avoid him all four days. I crossed my fingers, hoping that my luck held out for just one more day.

I was jumpy the entire day. I didn’t explain to anyone why either. I bullshitted some excuse about a huge test in Child Development. That was a class I walked to alone. No one to protect me.

As the period dawned nearer, I became a nervous wreck. I sat in English, the class before, practically shaking in my seat.

I was so sure I was going to run into him.

I wasn’t afraid to see him, I was afraid of what people would think if they saw me with him. Call me stupid, but I was very sensitive about what my status was in

school. If any rumors started because I was with Caden for a few minutes, I knew I would be screwed.

“Joey, you ok?” Kasey asked as the bell rang.

“What?” I asked, not catching what she said at first. “Oh yeah. No just the uh.. test next period. Nerves”

“I’ve never seen you this nervous for a test before” She said, eyeing me suspiciously “It must be pretty bad”

I nodded “You wouldn’t believe it”

“Alright, well, good luck. I’m sure you’ll do fine. You were breezing through the class before” She said, trying to give me encouragement. “I leave you here”

I gave a weak smile, waving “Okay. See you after school”

Kasey smiled at me before turning and walking in the opposite direction. I took in a deep breath before making my way down to Child Development.

I wouldn’t be so worried about this if I didn’t have to cut straight through the senior wing to get there. There was no other way. Trust me, I’d checked.

I kept my head down, not looking at anyone as I walked by. I kept my pace quick, hoping maybe I wouldn’t be visible.

I turned out the hallway of the sophomores, down the stairs and to a right.

Straight into hell.

The seniors towered over me. Even though I was at a pretty good height, I still felt short compared to the six foot boys walking around. I could hear the laughter and

joking surrounding me as people procrastinated getting to class.

Seniors were always late to class. Lazy-asses.

“Hey look who it is!”

I froze in my tracks for a second, ice setting in. I gritted my teeth, forcing my feet to move faster.

“Yo! Joanna! Wait up!” Caden called.

“It’s Joey!” I hissed under my breath as I nearly sprinted away.

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