13. A Ride

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Jihyun POV :

"Guys... It's boring" renjun said. He was right. After half an hour of chenle's stupid dare we basically did nothing.

"Hey they opened a new amusement park near my home, wanna visit it?" jaemin asked.

"Yeahh!! We can go there!!" I almost yelled. I always liked the idea of amusement park.

"Okay if jihyun says we can go" haechan said supporting me. All agreed.

"Gimme five minutes I will change my clothes" I announced and went to my room.

Jisung POV:

'It's just a amusement park jisung-ah. It's not that scary. You can do it.' I told to myself.

Well, I was always afraid of basically every rides at the park.

After five minutes, jihyun came out of her room. She just wore a plain shirt and ripped jeans yet she managed to look so attractive.

In ten minutes of drive we arrived at the park. Jihyun looked so excited.

We first planned to go on a roller-coaster. Jihyun suddenly held my hand and asked, "Jisung, can we go together? "

Being the scaredy cat I was I badly wanted to say 'no'. But it's jihyun who is asking me I couldn't say no.

"Okay" I managed to say and flashed a smile.

Everyone else also got paired up.
Renjun - chenle
Jeno - jaemin
Me - jihyun
Poor haechan hyung he had to go alone. (A/N:My poor babie)

We sat in our seats and the ride was about to begin.

Here I was shaking and panicking for a mere ride. 'You can do it jisung' I thought and cheered myself.

Jihyun noticed it and asked concernly, "Jisung are you okay?"

"I am totally okay" Who am I lying I could even throw up now.

"Are you afraid of the ride or what?" she again asked.

"N-nope" I said. I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

"Jisungie it's okay everyone has some fear. You know you can trust me. You could hold my hand. And I hope you can enjoy the ride with me" she said me.

'Is she an angel' I thought for a moment.

I smiled and gladly held her hand.
'It's gonna be a long ass ride' I thought to myself.

The ride started. At first I must admit, I was afraid. But jihyun held my hand so tightly. And my whole attention was on her and I totally forgot that I was riding a roller-coaster.

The ride ended and being so dumb I didn't notice. Because, I was busy starting at jihyun. She had a tiny mole in her nose which made her twice beautiful.

Sometimes, I can't believe that jeno's sister is this beautiful.

I was cut off by my thoughts when jihyun shaked me and said still holding my hand, "Jisungieee, the ride has ended we have to leave."

I came to earth and we left the area. "Jisung-ah did you enjoy the ride?" chenle asked me smirking.

"I enjoyed every second of it" I said proudly.

"Is it really our jisung? Who was a scaredy cat? Jeno someone had did something to our jisung" jaemin said.

"And I bet that someone is jihyun" renjun said glaring at jihyun.

We just chuckled.

"Guys I am so sorry to interrupt. But I am damn hungry. Let's go somewhere to eat" haechan said kind of looking annoyed.

Which make me wondered why has haechan hyung being so different nowadays?

Soo, how is the storing going on??
I think the ship 2ji is so cute? 💚

And also thank you for the 200+ reads. It really means so much to me!! I am average(?) at writing. But I really enjoy writing this story!!

If you like my story please vote and comment. Luv u all!! And keep streaming ridin!!

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