23. The Place

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Jihyun POV :

As planned after one week we gathered up at the airport.

(Jihyun's outfit)

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(Jihyun's outfit)

(Jisung's outfit)

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(Jisung's outfit)

We met each other's eyes and we couldn't help but to smile. We looked good together.

"You guys are already wearing couple clothes" jaemin said chuckling.

"Hyung it is pure coincidence. We never planned this" jisung said to which I agreed.

"When will haejin come?" haechan asked me. I told her about our trip and she was as excited as I was and gladly agreed to join us.

"Someone's mentioning my name" haejin said while entering.

"Okay are we all set? Can we enter our flight?" renjun asked. We all nodded and got our luggages.

As we entered our flight my seat was near jisung. Coincidence? I think not. The guys must have planned this.

We settled ourselves and as the plane took off I held Jisung's hand very tightly. Even though I have travelled by flight many times. I still have a fear when the plane gets started.

"Are you all right?" he asked seeing me.

I slowly nodded. After that for 5 minutes silence grew between us.

I couldn't resist the silence and blurted out "I still can't believe it"
"Believe what?"
"The fact that I am with my idols on the same plane and even sitting near one of them"

"Well jeno is your brother you have to get used to it" he said while looking at me. I simply nodded. "And someone may have a tiny crush on you" he mumbled thinking I didn't hear it. But I clearly heard it. And I wished that someone must be jisung.

After that we fell asleep in our seats. After sometime chenle woke me up.
"Yah 2ji wake up"

I woke up rubbing my eyes. "But chenle what do you mean by, 2ji?"

"Oops! Did I say it loud? It is a couple name that jaemin hyung gave to you guys" he said.

"But we are not a couple" I said looking at chenle.

"Yet. Now come on we have to go" he said while pulling us both.

As we lazily got up we pulled our luggages and went to the chenle's car.

As we arrived at the place our jaws dropped. The place was huge and looked expensive. Chenle was literally flexing.

"Guys close your mouths please" chenle laughed awkwardly.

As we entered the mansion it had a very beautiful garden in front of it. We were slowling walking in the grass inhaling the pure air that was hitting our faces slowly.

"Guys, come on pose now" jaemin announced taking his camera out of his bag.

"You started it already uh?" jeno asked rolling his eyes.

"Hey take a picture of me and haejin" I said while pulling haejin by my side.

He nodded gladly and started clicking the pictures. And everyone eventually joined us.

"Now jihyun and jisung, stand there" jaemin announced making me confused.

He pointed at the bush which was cut beautifully in a heart shape.

We awkwardly stood in front of it while meeting each other's eyes.

"2ji is sailing"
"They are in love"
"Yayyy my shipeuuu"
We heard many shouts and just ignored it. And started posing professionally.

This trip is gonna be fun!


Vote and comment! 👣

I am literally having fun in writing this trip!

Have a good day! ⚜️

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