14. Departure

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Jihyun POV :

We treated ourselves with various snacks. It was basically, me and jisung trying different types of candies.

We spent thirty minutes roaming here and there. As we were so full, nobody wanted to try out rides anymore.

"Let's go home shall we?" jeno asked.

Everyone agreed and within ten minutes we were in my home.

"Hyung I think I will be able to join you guys from tomorrow. My fever is cured" jisung announced.

"Are you really sure, jisung" jaemin asked.

He nodded. "Thank you, jeno hyung for helping me" he said to my brother.

"You should thank jihyun instead. She took care of you not me" jeno said smiling.

Jisung turned to my side and said, "Thank you so much, jihyun. You really took care of me these days I owe you a lot. And also I think I got a new friend".

I just smiled and said "It's nothing jisung. I will help you to pack your clothes"

He nodded and we both headed to jeno's room. I helped him to pack his clothes.

As we were finished I said, "Jisung, that's it or do you-"

I was cut off by his arms which was wrapped around me.

"Thank you, jihyun" he whispered with his deep voice.

First I was taken back. I was damn shocked. But I still returned the hug by wrapping my hands around his neck and said, "Welcome, jisungie"

We separated only to jaemin and chenle peeking inside the room.

"Hyung, I said it was a bad idea" chenle whined.

"Sorry jisung and jihyun we just came to check you guys out as you were taking more time. Sorry if we have disturbed something" jaemin said.

"It's okay jaemin oppa" I said chuckling at their cuteness.

All gathered around the room. 'I am gonna miss jisung' I thought while seeing him.

"Jihyun, if you are free tomorrow you can visit us tomorrow" renjun said.

"Can I?" I asked for their permission.

"Of course you can! You are my sister idiot" jeno said smiling.

"Okay I will" I said.

They were ready to go to their dorm. Jeno is also staying there till their comeback.

I waved to them and I watched them as they disappeared from my neighbourhood.


I am so whipped for jisung 💓

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