22. Plans

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Jisung POV:

It's been 1 week since that fake news. We never met jihyun after that. Today our manager said he had an announcement so we were all waiting for him.

"When will he come?" renjun asked boredly.

"I am here! Sorry for being late guys" our manager finally came after 20 minutes.

"It's okay hyung" jeno said flashing a smile.

"Okay listen I have a good news for you guys" he said happily.

"What is it?" jaemin asked curiously.

"You have 1 month holiday. That means you don't have any schedules for 1 month. You can go anywhere you want. Do rest well and come back. We may have a comeback after one month. And also haechan, 127 also have no schedules so are totally free" he announced happily.

We all yelled out of happiness who wouldn't want a leave for a month?

After a while we calmed down. "Where can we go~?" haechan yelled.

"Hey our family owns a little farm house on the country side of china. Wanna visit it? We could stay there for a while. What do you guys think?" chenle asked cheerfully.

"That's a great idea" renjun said while dancing up and down.

"Hey can we invite jihyun too?" I asked seeing jeno.

"Sure if she agrees" jeno said not wanting to spoil their happiness.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's call her" jaemin said excitedly.

Jeno called her and put the call on speaker.

"Hello NoJam" she said through the phone making everyone chuckle.

"Hey give your elder brother some respect. The dreamies are here with and I put the call on speaker" jeno said warning her.

"Oops. Hello everyone!" she greeted us.

"Hello jihyun-ssi" we said in unison.

"Why did you call me all of a sudden?"she asked confused.

"We don't have any schedules for 1 month and we are planning to visit chenle's farm house in china. Wanna join us?" renjun asked. I secretly wished she would accept.

"I would love to! But, what about my mother? I don't think she would allow me-"

"I will speak with our mom, you don't have to worry" jeno cut her off while speaking.

"You can also call haejin if you want. You will feel comfortable" haechan said while seeing all our faces for agreement. We all nodded our heads. The more the merrier.

"Really? Can I?" jihyun almost yelled in the call.

"Yeah you can" jaemin said.

"Okay guys! When are we leaving?" she asked.

"In one week" chenle said thrilled.

"Okay guys hang up the call already. I have to pack my clothes for the trip. I ma so busy. Bye bye" she said and hung up the call.

"She seems excited more than us" I said while smiling to which everyone agreed.


So, what do you guys think about the story? I am so curious to know your thoughts about the story!
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Have a good day/night!🌃
Stay safe! ❤️♥️

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