09. Me?

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Haechan POV :

Before 15 mins...

I heard that jisung is staying in jeno's home for a while. I planned to pay him a visit.

As soon as i entered his home i was greeted by Mrs. Lee and she told me he was taking rest in jeno's room.

As I stood before the door I heard jisung say, "Thank you so much, I actually forgot I had a damn fever". And i knew exactly to whom he is thanking.

And the person whom i guessed spoke, "Okay, go to sleep you have a comeback in three weeks."jihyun.

I felt something that I have never felt.

And she opened the door. I literally panicked. I didn't know what to do.
" Oh hello, haechan oppa. Are you here to see jisung, i just now gave him his breakfast. You can go inside he must be awake." she said and walked away.

I went inside the room and jisung was daydreaming something. He noticed my presence and said, "Hey, hyung"
I smiled and replied, "Hey, how are you feeling?" "Okay-ish hyung. I will recover soon." he replied.

As we were speaking all the other dreamies arrived at jeno's home to see jisung.

We all gathered inside jeno's room. Even jihyun. "Jisung-ahhh we miss you" jaemin whined. "I will comeback soon hyung. Stop whining" jisung said giggling.

Renjun was thinking something seriously and all of a sudden he asked "Jihyun when does your school start?"
Jihyun looked confused but still replied, "Not before two months".

"Okay, that's perfect you could look after our jisungie until he recovers. You should be with him 24/7 and take care of him" renjun kind of ordered.

"Me uh?" jihyun looked hella confused. "Yeah, renjun's right jisung need someone to look after him. And we really need our maknae back. There is only three weeks left before our comeback. You should do this jihyun-ah for us, please" jeno said.

"yeah" they all agreed. I saw jihyun and gave a sad smile.

"Okay I will if you guys say so" jihyun accepted.

Happiee birthday to our eyesmile prince, JeNoJam💚

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